Detection & Measure modulesΒΆ

The rc_cube offers software modules for different detection and measuring applications:

  • Measure (rc_measure)
    provides measure functionalities, such as depth measurements.
  • LoadCarrier (rc_load_carrier)
    allows detecting load carriers and their filling levels.
  • TagDetect (rc_april_tag_detect and rc_qr_code_detect)
    allows the detection of AprilTags and QR codes, as well as the estimation of their poses.
  • ItemPick and BoxPick (rc_itempick and rc_boxpick)
    provide an out-of-the-box perception solution for robotic pick-and-place applications of unknown objects or boxes.
  • SilhouetteMatch (rc_silhouettematch)
    provides an object detection solution for objects placed on a plane or stacked planar objects.
  • CADMatch (rc_cadmatch)
    provides an object detection solution for 3D objects.

These modules are pipeline specific, which means that they run inside each camera pipeline. Changes to their settings or parameters only affect the corresponding pipeline and have no influence on the other camera pipelines running on the rc_cube.

These modules are optional and can be activated by purchasing a separate license.