The rc_dynamics interface¶
The rc_dynamics interface offers continuous, real-time data-stream access to rc_visard’s several dynamic state estimates as continuous, real-time data streams. It allows state estimates of all offered types to be configured to be streamed to any host in the network. The Data-stream protocol used is agnostic w.r.t. operating system and programming language.
Starting/stopping dynamic-state estimation¶
The rc_visard’s dynamic-state estimates are only available if the respective module, i.e., the sensor dynamics module, is turned on. This can be done either in the Web GUI - a respective switch is offered on the Dynamics page - or via the REST-API by using the module’s service calls. A sample curl request to start dynamic-state estimation would look like:
curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{}' 'http://<host>/api/v1/nodes/rc_dynamics/services/start'
To save computational resources, it is recommended to stop dynamic-state estimation when not needed any longer.
Configuring data streams¶
Available data streams, i.e., dynamic-state estimates, can be listed and
configured by the rc_visard’s
REST-API, e.g., a list of all available data
streams can be requested with GET /datastreams
. For a detailed
description of the following data streams, please refer to
Available state estimates.
Name | Protocol | Protobuf | Description |
dynamics |
UDP | Dynamics | Dynamics of sensor (pose, velocity, acceleration) from INS or SLAM (best effort depending on availability) at realtime frequency (IMU rate) |
dynamics_ins |
UDP | Dynamics | Dynamics of sensor (pose, velocity, acceleration) from stereo INS at realtime frequency (IMU rate) |
imu |
UDP | Imu | Raw IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) values at realtime frequency (IMU rate) |
pose |
UDP | Frame | Pose of left camera from INS or SLAM (best effort depending on availability) at maximum camera frequency (fps) |
pose_ins |
UDP | Frame | Pose of left camera from stereo INS at maximum camera frequency (fps) |
pose_rt |
UDP | Frame | Pose of left camera from INS or SLAM (best effort depending on availability) at realtime frequency (IMU rate) |
pose_rt_ins |
UDP | Frame | Pose of left camera from stereo INS at realtime frequency (IMU rate) |
The general procedure for working with the rc_dynamics interface is the following:
- Request a data stream via REST-API.
The following sample
command issues aPUT /datastreams/{stream}
request to initiate a stream of typepose_rt
from the rc_visard to client host10.0.1.14
at port30000
:curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d 'destination=' 'http://<host>/api/v1/datastreams/pose_rt'
- Receive and deserialize data.
With a successful request, the stream is initiated and data of the specified stream type is continuously sent to the client host. According to the Data-stream protocol, the client needs to receive, deserialize and process the data.
- Stop a requested data stream via REST-API.
The following sample
command issues aDELETE /datastreams/{stream}
request to delete, i.e., stop, the previously requested stream of typepose_rt
with destination10.0.1.14:30000
:curl -X DELETE --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://<host>/api/v1/datastreams/pose_rt?destination='
To remove all destinations for a stream, simply omit the destination parameter.
Data streams can not be deleted automatically, i.e., the rc_visard keeps streaming data even if the client-side is disconnected or has stopped consuming the sent datagrams. A maximum of 10 destinations per stream are allowed. It is therefore strongly recommended to stop data streams via the REST-API when they are or no longer used.
Data-stream protocol¶
Once a data stream is established, data is continuously sent to the
specified client host and port (destination
) via the following protocol:
- Network protocol:
- The only currently supported network protocol is UDP, i.e., data is sent as UDP datagrams.
- Data serialization:
The data being sent is serialized via Google protocol buffers. The following message type definitions are used.
The camera-pose streams and real-time camera-pose streams are serialized using the
message type:message Frame { optional PoseStamped pose = 1; optional string parent = 2; // Name of the parent frame optional string name = 3; // Name of the frame optional string producer = 4; // Name of the producer of this data }
field can take the valuesins
, andrt_slam
, indicating whether the data was computed by SLAM or Stereo INS, and is real-time (rt) or not.
The real-time dynamics stream is serialized using the
message type:message Dynamics { optional Time timestamp = 1; // Time when the data was captured optional Pose pose = 2; optional string pose_frame = 3; // Name of the frame that the pose is given in optional Vector3d linear_velocity = 4; // Linear velocity in m/s optional string linear_velocity_frame = 5; // Name of the frame that the linear_velocity is given in optional Vector3d angular_velocity = 6; // Angular velocity in rad/s optional string angular_velocity_frame = 7; // Name of the frame that the angular_velocity is given in optional Vector3d linear_acceleration = 8; // Gravity compensated linear acceleration in m/s² optional string linear_acceleration_frame = 9; // Name of the frame that the acceleration is given in repeated double covariance = 10 [packed=true]; // Row-major representation of the 15x15 covariance matrix optional Frame cam2imu_transform = 11; // pose of the left camera wrt. the IMU frame optional bool possible_jump = 12; // True if there possibly was a jump in the pose estimation optional string producer = 13; // Name of the producer of this data }
field can take the valuesrt_ins
, indicating whether the data was computed by SLAM or Stereo INS.
The IMU stream is serialized using the
message type:message Imu { optional Time timestamp = 1; // Time when the data was captured optional Vector3d linear_acceleration = 2; // Linear acceleration in m/s² measured by the IMU optional Vector3d angular_velocity = 3; // Angular velocity in rad/s measured by the IMU }
The nested types
, andVector3D
are defined as follows:message PoseStamped { optional Time timestamp = 1; // Time when the data was captured optional Pose pose = 2; }
message Pose { optional Vector3d position = 1; // Position in meters optional Quaternion orientation = 2; // Orientation as unit quaternion repeated double covariance = 3 [packed=true]; // Row-major representation of the 6x6 covariance matrix (x, y, z, rotation about X axis, rotation about Y axis, rotation about Z axis) }
message Time { /// \brief Seconds optional int64 sec = 1; /// \brief Nanoseconds optional int32 nsec = 2; }
message Quaternion { optional double x = 2; optional double y = 3; optional double z = 4; optional double w = 5; }
message Vector3d { optional double x = 1; optional double y = 2; optional double z = 3; }
The open-source rc_dynamics_api
package provides a simple, convenient
C++ wrapper to request and parse rc_dynamics streams.