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Changes and Fixed Issues in Framegrabber SDK 5.11.4#

This section provides information about changes and fixed issues for the Basler Framegrabber SDK version 5.11.4.

GenTL Producer#

  • The GenTl producer now supports camera XML discovery in Camera Link via GenCP or CLP in the FgSDk and in GenTL. In GenTL, you can activate this feature by setting the discovery mode to either Mixed or Camera.

    The ClpSharedLibraryPath is a feature in the GenTL interface module that specifies the location of the CLP library DLL. If the ClpSharedLibraryPath isn't set to an existing CLP DLL, GenCP becomes the default protocol. Loading the library takes effect after opening the GenTL interface, and the LoadedClpSharedLibraryPath node indicates whether the library was successfully loaded. This allows you to configure camera settings seamlessly based on the available protocols. (Ticket ID: 268175)

  • Added support for BiColor formats in GenTL. The formats are automatically converted to BGR packed or unpacked formats depending on the value of the OutputPackedFormats feature in the device XML. (Ticket ID: 315154)

Changes in Logging Behavior#

  • To be compatible with the pylon Event Logger, now the environment variable PYLON_LOG_CONFIG is evaluated when looking for a logging configuration. The search order is now:

    1. Environment variable BASLER_FGSDK_LOGGING_CONFIG
    2. Environment variable PYLON_LOG_CONFIG
    3. File inside the SDK's bin directory.

      If logging has already been configured by pylon, no re-configuration is performed by the Framegrabber SDK. (Ticket ID: 320756)
  • Applet events are now logged to the category FgSdk.fglib.Events.<eventname>, when they are received. The log includes a timestamp with microseconds resolution. Error events are now enabled by default in the GenTL producer (CameraStreamStatus, Overflow, TriggerExceededPeriodLimits, FrameTriggerMissed). (Ticket ID: 320807,323583)

  • The registering and unregistering of event handlers is logged to the log category FgSdk.fglib.EventControl. (Ticket ID 330155)

  • More details can now be logged for a running acquisition. Since some messages (like incoming frames) would be produced with the same frequency as the frame rate, you can now turn these messages on or off with the new log categories basler.fglib.acq and basler.gentl.acq. The messages are visible for the log level NOTICE or higher. When using the Framegrabber SDK directly, use basler.fglib.acq, when using it via the GenTL producer, use basler.GenTL.Acq. (Ticket ID: 316516)

  • Added log messages when errors are detected on an established CXP link and when a link is considered disconnected. (Ticket ID: 320739,320740)

  • The 1st level logging category is renamed from basler to FgSdk, so that it harmonizes better with the logging of the pylon SDK. (Ticket ID: 323587)

Framegrabber API#

  • The buffer-queueing API is available in the C# and Python Wrappers. (Ticket ID: 315155)


  • The examples in Linux and Windows now include a root CMake. (Ticket ID: 311719)

Fixed Issues#

  • Before fixing this issue, the acquisition in GPUDirect reported errors which were irrelevant for the user and made checking for real errors impossible. This has been fixed and error handling has been added to the GPUDirect examples. (Ticket ID: 322499)
  • Before fixing this issue, the acquisition in GPUDirect was stopped when no images arrived for 5 seconds or longer. This has been fixed. Now, you can specify the timeout by calling GDStartAcquisitionEx or in a fgsdk.config file. (Ticket ID: 319200)
  • Before fixing this issue, when using Camera Link serial in the Python SDK wrapper, the Python interpreter crashed. This has been fixed, and a simple example has been added. (Ticket ID: 292560)
  • Before fixing this issue, the Windows installer changed the PATH environment variable to REG_SZ, which breaks the variable expansion. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 319997)
  • Applets are now loadable on Ubuntu 24.04, which had been prevented by a dependency to (Ticket ID: 316368)
  • Before fixing this issue, nullptr in the output buffer for string types wasn't allowed, which resulted in incorrect string sizes. This has been fixed. Now, nullptr in the output buffer for string types is allowed, and the string size is correctly written to the additional value. (Ticket ID: 318444)
  • References to the deprecated variables SISODIR5, SISODIR5_32 and SISODIR5_64 in the windows installer have been removed. (Ticket ID: 316211)
  • The missing tool licenseTool has been addded to the Linux bin folder. (Ticket ID: 311719)
  • Before fixing this issue, a GenICam header was missing. As a result, the GenICam example project couldn't be compiled. This has been fixed. (Ticket ID: 311719)