Known Issues Framegrabber SDK 5.11.4#
All Components#
Summary | Using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C and imaworx CXP-12 Quad Frame Grabbers with PCIe Lower than Gen 3x8 May Reduce the Camera's Acquisition Frame Rate and Cause Image Loss |
Description | The Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad frame grabbers require a host interface with PCIe Gen 3x8 (Direct Memory Access) or better. Using slower host interfaces may reduce the camera's acquisition frame rate and cause image loss. |
Affected OS | Linux and Windows |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | If Images Are Lost on a Frame Grabber or Interface Card the Lost Images Are Indicated by the Next Delivered Buffer |
Description | If images are lost on a frame grabber or interface card due to a buffer overflow, e.g., when the user application doesn't (re)queue buffers fast enough to deliver the images, the lost images are indicated by the next delivered buffer. The lost images are marked as INCOMPLETE , their file size is 0 , and the custom error code BUFFER_INFO_BASLER_XAPI_ERROR_CODE is set to 42 . Additionally, one lost frame is added to the stream info. Note that only one lost frame is added regardless of how many frames were lost due to the overflow. |
Affected OS | Linux and Windows |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | Changing the Applet with an Interface Card Leads to Incorrect Device List |
Description | During an applet change, the cameras attached to an interface card are still displayed in the devices list even though they are not accessible anymore. An attempt to open a camera in this state leads to an error message. |
Affected OS | Linux and Windows |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | The Camera Might Not Be Detected after Booting the Computer |
Description | In rare cases, the camera isn't detected after booting the computer. |
Affected OS | Linux and Windows |
Workaround | To detect the camera, power-cycle the camera. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | Allocating Buffers Used for Grabbing Must Be Done Using Heap Memory |
Description | When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 8-byte increments. This is automatically the case, if you use heap memory. |
Affected OS | Linux and Windows |
Workaround | Use heap memory. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | Incompatabilities When Installing pylon and Framegrabber SDK Simultaneously on Your PC |
Description | If pylon and the Framegrabber SDK are both installed on your computer, Basler recommends to de-select the CXP option in the pylon installation. To avoid issues resulting from competing CXP-producers, either pylon or Framegrabber SDK should be responsible to operate the Basler frame grabbers and/or interface cards. |
Affected OS | Linux and Windows |
Workaround | If pylon and the Framegrabber SDK are both installed on your computer, de-select the CXP option in the pylon installation. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | The Frames per Second (fps) Limit Is between 50000 fps and 90000 |
Description | The frames per second (fps) limit is between 50000 fps and 90000, depending on the number of buffers and image size:
Affected OS | Linux and Windows |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | Storing and Loading MCF-Files Results in Double Values Rounded to a Whole Number |
Description | When loading a configuration from an MCF-file, double values with comma delimiter might be rounded to the nearest whole number. This is caused by the current locale setting of the Linux operating system. Rounding doesn't occur if the locale defines a dot as delimiter. |
Affected OS | Linux |
Workaround | Set an appropriate locale, e.g., LC_NUMERIC="C" ./<applicationName> , before you start microDisplay X or microDiagnostics. |
Ticket ID | 265213 |
Summary | Camera Doesn't Deliver Correct Images |
Description | If a camera with multiple links doesn't comply with the CXP standard regarding the distribution of the image data over the links, the camera won't transmit images correctly. This issue was observed with a JAI SP-12000C-CXP4 camera. |
Affected OS | Windows and Linux |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | 211645 |
Summary | Linux Drivers Can't Be Signed with a Trusted Basler Certificate |
Description | Using secure boot (UEFI mode) with Linux requires a driver that is signed with a trusted certificate. Since the driver is provided as source code, there is no way to sign it with a trusted Basler certificate. |
Affected OS | Linux |
Workaround | To work with the driver, secure boot can be disabled. Alternatively, you can sign the driver as described in this Ubuntu blog entry. |
Ticket ID | – |
Framegrabber API#
Summary | Displaying Images with High Frame Rates May Lead to Input Lag |
Description | When using the display_lib Framegrabber API library (only available on Windows), displaying images with high frame rates (about 10.000 frames per second) may lead to input lag (e.g., keyboard and mouse lag) on the host computer. |
Affected OS | Windows |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | There Are More Drivers Installed Than CLSer Ports in the System |
Description | Sometimes when using Install COM driver(s) for all Ports, more drivers are installed than there are CLSer ports in the system. |
Affected OS | Windows |
Workaround | Select the additional port(s) and remove them using the command Remove selected COM driver. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | With Basler Runtime 5.9.0 or Earlier, the Board Type Isn't Recognized |
Description | With Basler Runtime 5.9.0 or earlier, the board type isn't recognized and ports are only displayed using the CLSer identifier. |
Affected OS | Windows |
Workaround | Update your Basler Runtime/Framegrabber SDK version to 5.10 or higher. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | Port Settings in the Device Manager Don't Reflect Actual Settings |
Description | Port settings in the device manager don't reflect actual settings and changes aren't considered. |
Affected OS | Windows |
Workaround | Use the Windows COM Port API to change port settings. |
Ticket ID | – |
GenTL Producer#
Summary | The GenTL BUFFER_INFO_FRAME_ID Contains a Counter for All Frames Instead of the CXP Image Header Source Tag |
Description | The GenTL BUFFER_INFO_FRAME_ID , which can be queried via DSGetBufferInfo , doesn't contain the source tag from the CXP image header. Instead, it contains a counter for all frames that have been delivered to the computer. |
Affected OS | Windows and Linux |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | Restart Required after Changing the DeviceUserID of a Camera |
Description | When the DeviceUserID of a camera is changed, a restart of the GenTL Producer is required for the change to be reflected. This affects both ways to use the GenTL Producer: via the GenTL API and using a GUI to interact with the camera via GenTL i.e., the pylon Viewer. |
Affected OS | Windows and Linux |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | Limited Gentl Support for Producers with Gentl Version 1.4 and Below |
Description | Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. |
Affected OS | Windows and Linux |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | Image Sizes Are Limited to 2 GB |
Description | Due to a limitation in the buffer size of the GenTL Producer, image sizes are limited to 2 GB. |
Affected OS | Windows and Linux |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | Camera Parameters Changed after Image Acquisition Start Aren't Reflected in the Frame Grabber |
Description | When camera parameters are changed during image acquisition, the change isn't reflected in the frame grabber. This is because the GenTL Producer retrieves the relevant parameters (width, height, image format, etc.) before starting the acquisition and synchronizes these with the frame grabber. |
Affected OS | Windows and Linux |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | 195482 and 225591 |
Summary | The GenTL Device ID Changes When the Applet Is Changed |
Description | According to the GenTL standard, the device ID should remain constant between two sessions. However, the GenTL device ID changes when the applet is changed. Therefore, the device ID can only be reused if the applet has the same name as the applet with which the device ID was generated. |
Affected OS | Windows and Linux |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | – |
Summary | Camera Detection Sometimes Doesn't Work in microDisplayX for VisualApplets Designs That Contain Two Camera Operators |
Description | Camera detection doesn't work in microDisplayX for VisualApplets designs that contain two camera operators of which at least one operator has two channels and the resource indices are assigned in direct ascending order. For example, two camera operators with two channels each, operator A uses ports 0 and 1 and operator B uses ports 2 and 3. |
Affected OS | Windows and Linux |
Workaround | Don't assign the resource indices in direct ascending order. For example, assign the channels of operator A to ports 0 and 2, and the channels of operator B to ports 1 and 3. |
Ticket ID | 314206 |
Summary | microDisplay X Crashes When Loading HAP Files with Complex Designs |
Description | Some very complex VisualApplet designs may lead to crashes during or immediately after loading the applet in microDisplayX. No such crashes have been observed in SDK programs. |
Affected OS | Windows and Linux |
Workaround | Load the applet in microDisplayX again. Loading the applet in microDisplayX usually works after the second or third attempt. |
Ticket ID | 314234 |
Summary | On a Clean Linux Installation, microDisplayX Doesn't Start |
Description | On a clean Linux installation, microDisplayX doesn't start. The reason for this issue is that on a clean Linux installation, the xcb QT platform plugin is missing. |
Affected OS | Linux |
Workaround | Install the missing plugin with the sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0 command. |
Ticket ID | 259941 |
Summary | On Linux, microDisplayX Might Crash When It Is Being Closed |
Description | On Linux, microDisplayX might crash when it is being closed. This has no further consequences and can be ignored. |
Affected OS | Linux |
Workaround | No workaround is available. |
Ticket ID | 211811 |
python Wrapper#
Summary | No python Wrapper Examples for the imaFlex Platforms Are Available |
Description | No python Wrapper examples for the imaFlex platforms are delivered with the Framegrabber SDK. |
Affected OS | Windows and Linux |
Workaround | Use examples for other platforms and adapt them. |
Ticket ID | – |