The gpioTool command-line tool allows you to configure the physical properties of the trigger signals received or sent by a frame grabber or trigger board.
You can configure the input lines to receive single-ended or differential signals.
You can configure the input lines to operate in pull-up or pull-down mode.
You can specify whether output signals should be inverted.
The gpioTool is included in the Framegrabber SDK and in the pylon Software Suite.
To start the tool:
Open a command line.
If you're using the Framegrabber SDK, change to the bin directory of your Framegrabber SDK installation: cd /D %BASLER_FG_SDK_DIR%\bin.
If you're using pylon, change to the bin directory of your pylon installation:
-b [board_index] Specify which board (frame grabber or trigger board) in your system you want to address. This parameter is mandatory for all options except -h. The value range of [board_index] is the index numbers of all boards installed in your system. If you only have one board in your system, set [board_index] to 0.
-b [board_index] -g Show the current GPIO bank settings of the board specified.
-b [board_index] -v Show the current GPIO bank settings with verbose output.
-b [board_index] -s [bank]:[settings] Configure the GPIO bank on the board specified. [bank] specifies the index number of the GPIO bank. [settings] configures the settings. See below.
For the [settings] part in -b [board_index] -s [bank]:[settings], the following settings are available:
Configures the input lines to receive single-ended signals.
Configures the input lines to receive differential signals.
Configures the input lines to operate in pull-up mode.a
Configures the input lines to operate in pull-down mode.b
Disables inversion for the output lines.
Enables inversion for the output lines.
For most applications, use this mode. The board activates a 10 kΩ pull-up resistor to receive signals from NPN transistors (open collector, open drain). ↩
The board activates a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor to receive signals from PNP transistors (open emitter, open source). ↩
You must enter the settings in the following format: [signal],[pull-up-down],[inversion]. Example: ds,pu,ni
ds,pu,ni: Configure the front GPIO to receive differential signals (ds), to work in pull-up mode (pu), and to send the outgoing signals not inverted (ni).