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Data Chunks#

The Data Chunks camera feature allows you to generate supplementary image data and append that data to every image that you acquire.

Using the Feature#

How It Works#

Data chunks allow you to add supplementary information to individual image acquisitions. The desired supplementary information is generated and appended as data chunks to the image data.

Image data is also considered a "chunk". This "image data chunk" can't be disabled and is always the first chunk transmitted by the camera. If one or more data chunks are enabled, these chunks are transmitted as chunk 2, 3, and so on.

The figure below shows a set of chunks with the leading image data chunk and appended data chunks. The example assumes that the CRC checksum chunk feature is enabled.

Example Chunk Set

After data chunks have been transmitted to the computer, they must be retrieved to obtain their information. The exact procedure depends on your camera model and the programming language used for your application. For more information about retrieving data chunks, see the pylon API Documentation.

Additional Metadata#

Besides the data chunks, the camera adds additional metadata to individual images, e.g., the image height, image width, the image ROI offset, and the pixel format used. This information can be retrieved by accessing the grab result data via the pylon API.


If all of the following conditions are met, the grab result data doesn't contain any useful information (image height, image width, etc. will be set to -1):

  • You are using a Basler ace Classic GigE camera.
  • You are using the pylon C API, the pylon C. NET API, or the pylon C++ low level API.
  • The ChunkModeActive parameter is set to true.

In this case, you must retrieve the additional metadata using the pylon chunk parser. For more information, see the code samples in the pylon API Documentation.

Enabling and Retrieving Data Chunks#

  1. Set the ChunkModeActive parameter to true.
  2. Set the ChunkSelector parameter to the kind of chunk that you want to enable (if available):
  3. Enable the selected chunk by setting the ChunkEnable parameter to true.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every desired chunk.
  5. Implement chunk retrieval in your application.
    For information about implementing chunk retrieval, see the pylon API Documentation.


Data chunks can also be viewed in the pylon Viewer.

Available Data Chunks#

Auto Brightness Status Chunk#

If this chunk is available and enabled, the camera appends the status of the target brightness adjustments to every image.

Target brightness adjustments are performed whenever the Exposure Auto or the Gain Auto auto function or both are enabled.

  • On ace 2, boost, and dart M/R cameras, the BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus parameter is available. It indicates the auto brightness status using the following enumeration:

    • Disabled: Target brightness adjustments are disabled, i.e., Gain Auto and Exposure Auto are set to Off.
    • TargetNotReached: Target brightness adjustments are enabled, but the target brightness value has not been reached.
    • TargetReached: Target brightness adjustments are enabled, and the target brightness value has been reached.
  • On other cameras, the status is indicated using the following values:

    • 0: Equals the Disabled status, see above.
    • 1: Equals the TargetNotReached status, see above.
    • 2: Equals the TargetReached status, see above.

Counter Value Chunk#

If this chunk is available and enabled, the camera appends the current value of the camera's counter to every image.

  • On ace 2, boost, and dart M/R cameras, the ChunkCounterSelector parameter is available. It allows you to choose which counter to retrieve data from. To do so, set the parameter to Counter1 or Counter2.
  • On other cameras, the camera always retrieves the current value of Counter 1, which counts the number of acquired images.

Exposure Time Chunk#

If this chunk is enabled, the camera appends the exposure time used for image acquisition to every image.

The data chunk includes the ExposureTime and the ChunkExposureTimeSelector parameter values.

The ChunkExposureTimeSelector parameter selects the exposure time to be included in the exposure time chunk.


When using the Trigger Width exposure mode on ace Classic/U/L cameras, the Exposure Time chunk feature is not available.

Focus Indicator Chunk#

If this chunk is available and enabled, the camera appends a value indicating the level of focus in every acquired image.

The value can range from 0.0 to 4095.0. A higher value indicates a higher level of focus. Calculations are based on a 5x5 sharpness detection algorithm.

A typical use case of the focus indicator chunk would be to monitor changes in the chunk value while the lens is being focused. For example, if the value after continuously increasing starts to decrease, this may indicate that a good level of focus has been reached.

Changes in the scene, e.g., increased brightness, will affect the chunk value. Therefore, while monitoring the chunk value, make sure that the target scene doesn't change.

Focus Indicator ROIs#

By default, the camera uses almost the full image ROI to calculate the level of focus.

You can change this and specify up to two parts of the sensor array that should be used to calculate the level of focus. Doing so is similar to setting up an auto function ROI. Two focus indicator ROIs are available.

To configure the focus indicator ROIs:

  1. Set the BslFocusIndicatorROISelector parameter to the desired focus indicator ROI, e.g., ROI1.
  2. Set the BslFocusIndicatorROIEnable parameter to true to enable the focus indicator ROI selected.
    By default, ROI 1 is enabled and ROI 2 is disabled.
  3. Enter values for the following parameters to specify the position of the focus indicator ROI selected:
    • AutoFunctionROIOffsetX (see note below)
    • AutoFunctionROIOffsetY
  4. Enter values for the following parameters to specify the size of the focus indicator ROI selected:
    • AutoFunctionROIWidth
    • AutoFunctionROIHeight


  • The names of the above parameters start with AutoFunctionROI. This is because the focus indicator implementation is based on the Auto Function ROI feature. Nevertheless, you can use them to configure the focus indicator ROIs.
  • The minimum size of a focus indicator ROI is 9 x 5 pixels on mono cameras and 12 x 6 pixels on color cameras. If the ROI has less width or height or both, the focus indicator chunk will always be 0.0.
  • There must be at least 8 pixel space between the left and right side of the focus indicator ROI and the image ROI. Otherwise, the focus indicator ROI won't be fully effective.
    Example: Assume you set the OffsetX parameter of the image ROI to 4, and the AutoFunctionROIOffsetX parameter of the focus indicator ROI to 5. There's not enough space for the focus indicator ROI to be fully effective:

    Focus Indicator ROI With Partial Effect

    To solve this, set the AutoFunctionROIOffsetX parameter to at least 12:

    Focus Indicator ROI With Partial Effect

Frame Counter Chunk#

If this chunk is available and enabled, the camera appends the number of acquired images to every image.

To do so, the camera retrieves the current value of the Counter 2 counter. On cameras with the Frame Counter chunk, Counter 2 counts the number of acquired images.

To manually reset the counter, reset Counter 2.


Numbers in the counting sequence may be skipped when the acquisition mode is changed from Continuous to Single Frame. Numbers may also be skipped when overtriggering occurs.

Frame ID Chunk#

If this chunk is available and enabled, the camera appends the frame ID indicating the number of the image that has been exposed.

The frame ID starts at 0 and keeps incrementing by 1 for each exposed image until the camera is powered off. The maximum value is 2^48.

Gain Chunk (= GainAll Chunk)#

If this chunk is available and enabled, the camera appends the gain used for image acquisition to every image.

The data chunk includes the Gain parameter value.

Line Status All Chunk#

If this chunk is enabled, the camera appends the status of all I/O lines at the moment when image acquisition was triggered to every image.

The data chunk includes the LineStatusAll parameter value.

Payload CRC 16 Chunk#

If this chunk is enabled, the camera appends a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) checksum to every image.

The checksum is calculated using the X-modem method and includes the image data and all appended chunks, if any, except the CRC chunk itself.

The CRC checksum chunk is always the last chunk appended to image data.

Sequencer Set Active Chunk (= Sequence Set Index Chunk)#

If this chunk is available and enabled, the camera appends the sequencer set used for image acquisition to every image.

The data chunk includes the SequencerSetActive or SequenceSetIndex parameter value (depending on your camera model).


Enabling this chunk is only useful if the camera's Sequencer feature is used for image acquisition.

Timestamp Chunk#

If this chunk is enabled, the camera appends an internal timestamp (in ticks) of a certain event to every image.

  • On ace 2, boost, and dart M/R cameras, the parameter including the timestamp is named BslChunkTimestampValue.
    Also, the BslChunkTimestampSelector parameter is available, which allows you to choose the type of event that the timestamp should refer to:

    • FrameStart: The BslChunkTimestampValue parameter indicates when acquisition of the current image started.
    • ExposureStart: The BslChunkTimestampValue parameter indicates when exposure of the current image started. On rolling shutter cameras, the parameter indicates when exposure of the first row started.
    • ExposureEnd: The BslChunkTimestampValue parameter indicates when exposure of the current image ended. On rolling shutter cameras, this parameter serves no function and is preset to 0.
  • On other cameras, the parameter including the timestamp is named ChunkTimestamp. It always indicates when acquisition of the current image started.


On ace 2, boost, dart M, and dart R cameras, the legacy ChunkTimestamp parameter is also available. However, Basler recommends using the BslChunkTimestampValue parameter instead.

Trigger Input Counter Chunk#

If this chunk is available and enabled, the camera appends the number of hardware frame start trigger signals received to every image.

To do so, the camera retrieves the current value of the Counter 1 counter. On cameras with the Trigger Input Counter chunk, Counter 1 counts the number of hardware trigger signals received.


The trigger input counter only counts hardware trigger signals. If the camera is configured for software triggering or free run, the counter value will not increase.


Show all camera models

Camera Model Available Data Chunks
a2A640-240gmSWIR Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A640-240umSWIR Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1280-80gmSWIR Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1280-125umSWIR Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1920-51gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1920-51gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1920-51gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1920-51gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1920-160ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1920-160ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1920-160umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1920-160umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1920-165g5cBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A1920-165g5mBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2048-35gmSWIR Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2048-110umSWIR Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2440-98g5cBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2440-98g5mBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-23gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-23gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-23gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-23gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-75ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-75ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-75umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-75umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-105g5cBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-105g5mBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2448-120cc Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A2448-120cm Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A2448-210cc Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A2448-210cm Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A2560-20gmSWIR Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2560-70umSWIR Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2590-22gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2590-22gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2590-22gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2590-22gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2590-60ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2590-60ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2590-60umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2590-60umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2600-20gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2600-20gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2600-20gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2600-20gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2600-64ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2600-64ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2600-64umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2600-64umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-14gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-14gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-14gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-14gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-14gmUV Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-48ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-48ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-48umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-48umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-48umUV Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-67g5cBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-67g5mBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-67g5mUV Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A2840-86cc Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A2840-86cm Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A3840-13gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A3840-13gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A3840-13gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A3840-13gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A3840-45ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A3840-45ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A3840-45umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A3840-45umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-9gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-9gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-9gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-9gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-30ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-30ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-30umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-30umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-44g5cBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-44g5mBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4096-67cc Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A4096-67cm Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A4200-12gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4200-12gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4200-12gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4200-12gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4200-40ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4200-40ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4200-40umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4200-40umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-5gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-5gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-5gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-5gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-18ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-18ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-18umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-18umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-27g5cBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-27g5mBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4504-42cc Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A4504-42cm Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A4508-6gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4508-6gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4508-6gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4508-6gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4508-20ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4508-20ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4508-20umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A4508-20umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-7gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-7gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-7gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-7gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-23ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-23ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-23umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-23umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-34g5cBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-34g5mBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5320-52cc Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A5320-52cm Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A5328-4gcBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5328-4gcPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5328-4gmBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5328-4gmPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5328-15ucBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5328-15ucPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5328-15umBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5328-15umPRO Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5328-22g5cBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5328-22g5mBAS Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
a2A5328-35cc Data Chunks feature not supported
a2A5328-35cm Data Chunks feature not supported
acA640-121gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA640-300gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA640-300gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA640-750uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA640-750um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA720-290gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA720-290gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA720-520uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA720-520um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA800-200gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA800-200gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA800-510uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA800-510um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1280-60gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1280-60gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1300-60gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1300-60gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1300-60gmNIR CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1300-75gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1300-75gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1300-200uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1300-200um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1440-73gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1440-73gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1440-220uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1440-220um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1600-20gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1600-20uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1600-60gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1600-60gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1920-25gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1920-25gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1920-25uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1920-25um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1920-40gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1920-40gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1920-40uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1920-40ucMED Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1920-40um Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
acA1920-40umMED Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1920-48gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1920-48gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1920-50gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1920-50gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA1920-150uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1920-150um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1920-155uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1920-155ucMED Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1920-155um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA1920-155umMED Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2000-50gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2000-50gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2000-165uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2000-165um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2040-25gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2040-25gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2040-25gmNIR CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2040-35gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2040-35gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2040-55uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2040-55um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2040-90uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2040-90um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2040-90umNIR Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2040-120uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2040-120um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2440-20gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2440-20gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2440-35uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2440-35ucMED Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2440-35um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2440-35umMED Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2440-75uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2440-75ucMED Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2440-75um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2440-75umMED Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2500-14gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2500-14gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2500-14uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2500-14um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2500-20gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2500-20gcMED CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2500-20gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2500-20gmMED CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA2500-60uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA2500-60um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA3088-16gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA3088-16gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA3088-57uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA3088-57ucMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Focus Indicator Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA3088-57um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA3088-57umMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Focus Indicator Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA3800-10gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA3800-10gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA3800-14uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA3800-14um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4024-8gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA4024-8gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA4024-29uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4024-29um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4096-11gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA4096-11gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA4096-30uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4096-30ucMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4096-30um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4096-30umMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4096-40uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4096-40ucMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4096-40um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4096-40umMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4112-8gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA4112-8gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA4112-20uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4112-20ucMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4112-20um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4112-20umMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4112-30uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4112-30ucMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4112-30um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA4112-30umMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA5472-5gc CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA5472-5gm CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame Counter Chunk
Gain All Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequence Set Index Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
Trigger Input Counter
acA5472-17uc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA5472-17ucMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Focus Indicator Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA5472-17um Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
acA5472-17umMED Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Focus Indicator Chunk
Gain Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Sequencer Set Active Chunk
Timestamp Chunk
boA1936-400cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA1936-400cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA2448-250cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA2448-250cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA2832-190cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA2832-190cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA4096-93cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA4096-93cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA4096-180cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA4096-180cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA4112-68cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA4112-68cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA4500-45cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA4500-45cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA4504-100cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA4504-100cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA5120-150cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA5120-150cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA5120-230cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA5120-230cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA5320-150cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA5320-150cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA5328-100cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA5328-100cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA6500-36cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA6500-36cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA8100-16cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA8100-16cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA9344-30cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA9344-30cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA9344-70cc Data Chunks feature not supported
boA9344-70cm Data Chunks feature not supported
boA13440-17cm Data Chunks feature not supported
daA720-520uc Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
daA720-520um Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
daA1280-54uc Data Chunks feature not supported
daA1280-54um Data Chunks feature not supported
daA1440-220uc Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
daA1440-220um Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
daA1600-60uc Data Chunks feature not supported
daA1600-60um Data Chunks feature not supported
daA1920-15um Data Chunks feature not supported
daA1920-30uc Data Chunks feature not supported
daA1920-30um Data Chunks feature not supported
daA1920-160uc Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
daA1920-160um Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
daA2448-70uc Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
daA2448-70um Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
daA2500-14uc Data Chunks feature not supported
daA2500-14um Data Chunks feature not supported
daA3840-45uc Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
daA3840-45um Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
dmA720-290gc Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
dmA720-290gm Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
dmA1440-73gc Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
dmA1440-73gm Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
dmA1920-51gc Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
dmA1920-51gm Auto Brightness Status Chunk
Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
puA1280-54uc Data Chunks feature not supported
puA1280-54um Data Chunks feature not supported
puA1600-60uc Data Chunks feature not supported
puA1600-60um Data Chunks feature not supported
puA1920-30uc Data Chunks feature not supported
puA1920-30um Data Chunks feature not supported
puA2500-14uc Data Chunks feature not supported
puA2500-14um Data Chunks feature not supported
r2L2048-29gc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
r2L2048-58gm Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
r2L2048-62cc Data Chunks feature not supported
r2L2048-62g5c Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
r2L2048-172cm Data Chunks feature not supported
r2L2048-172g5m Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
r2L4096-14gc Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
r2L4096-29gm Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
r2L4096-42cc Data Chunks feature not supported
r2L4096-42g5c Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
r2L4096-84cm Data Chunks feature not supported
r2L4096-84g5m Counter Value Chunk
CRC Checksum Chunk
Exposure Time Chunk
Frame ID Chunk
Gain Chunk
Line Status All Chunk
Timestamp Value Chunk
r2L8192-200cm Data Chunks feature not supported
r2L16384-120cm Data Chunks feature not supported

Sample Code#

// Enable data chunks
// Select a chunk, e.g., the Exposure Time chunk
// Enable the selected chunk
// Now, you must implement chunk retrieval in your application.
// For C++, C, and .NET sample implementations, see the "Grab_ChunkImage" and
// "Chunks" code samples in the pylon API Documentation
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Enable data chunks
CBooleanParameter(nodemap, "ChunkModeActive").SetValue(true);
// Select a chunk, e.g., the Exposure Time chunk
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "ChunkSelector").SetValue("ExposureTime");
// Enable the selected chunk
CBooleanParameter(nodemap, "ChunkEnable").SetValue(true);
// Now, you must implement chunk retrieval in your application.
// For C++, C, and .NET sample implementations, see the "Grab_ChunkImage" and
// "Chunks" code samples in the pylon API Documentation
// Enable data chunks
// Select a chunk, e.g., the Exposure Time chunk
// Enable the selected chunk
// Now, you must implement chunk retrieval in your application.
// For C++, C, and .NET sample implementations, see the "Grab_ChunkImage" and
// "Chunks" code samples in the pylon API Documentation
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK;  /* Return value of pylon methods */
/* Enable data chunks */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetBooleanFeature(hdev, "ChunkModeActive", 1);
/* Select a chunk, e.g., the Exposure Time chunk */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "ChunkSelector", "ExposureTime");
/* Enable the selected chunk */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetBooleanFeature(hdev, "ChunkEnable", 1);
/* Now, you must implement chunk retrieval in your application. */
/* For C++, C, and .NET sample implementations, see the "Grab_ChunkImage" and */
/* "Chunks" code samples in the pylon API Documentation */
# Enable data chunks
camera.ChunkModeActive.Value = True
# Select a chunk, e.g., the Exposure Time chunk
camera.ChunkSelector.Value = "ExposureTime"
# Enable the selected chunk
camera.ChunkEnable.Value = True
# Now, you must implement chunk retrieval in your application.
# For C++, C, and .NET sample implementations, see the "Grab_ChunkImage" and
# "Chunks" code samples in the pylon API Documentation

You can also use the pylon Viewer to easily set the parameters.