Accuracy and Precision (Temporal Noise)#
This is where they deliver best results. Technically speaking, the camera is capable of measuring distances up to 10 m. Accuracy and precision are the key characteristics for judging the quality of the measurement results.
- Accuracy
Accuracy is the mean difference between the measured distance and the true distance. It is a description of systematic errors. To achieve a result as accurate as possible, blaze cameras are calibrated at the factory and tested to guarantee a reliable accuracy. - Precision
Precision is the standard deviation of accuracy. It is also called temporal noise or repeatability.
The following diagrams illustrate the relation between the two aspects:
Accuracy Testing of blaze Cameras#
Accuracy and precision of blaze cameras are measured under the following uniform conditions:
- Camera at default settings
- Stable operating temperature (20 minutes camera warm-up time)
- Flat, white target with 90 % reflectivity
- No ambient light
- 22 °C room temperature
- 40 x 40 pixels in the center of the sensor
- Averaged over 25 images
Test Results#
Accuracy (Systematic Error)#
The following diagrams show the measurement accuracy to be ±5 mm. For visualization purposes, the test results have been placed around the 0 error line.