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Multiple ROI#

The Multiple ROI camera feature allows you to define multiple regions on the sensor array that will be transmitted as a single image.

Only the pixel data from those regions will be transmitted. This increases the camera's frame rate.

The Multiple ROI feature is similar to the Stacked ROI feature, which is only available on Basler ace cameras.

Using the Feature#

How It Works#

The Multiple ROI feature allows you to define regions on the sensor array. The maximum number of regions depends on your camera model.

When an image is acquired, only the pixel information from within the regions is read out of the sensor and transmitted as a single image.

Instead of defining the size and position of the regions individually, you define rows and columns on the sensor array. Then, each intersection of a column and a row creates a region.

In the example below, two rows and two columns have been defined. This creates four regions:

Multiple ROI Example

The pixel information from within Region 11, Region 21, Region 12, and Region 22 is transmitted as a single image.

Configuring the Rows and Columns#


On some camera models, you can only configure rows and not columns when you're creating regions. In this case, each region covers the entire sensor width and can be considered to have a single column.

To configure the rows and columns:

  1. Make sure the camera is idle, i.e., not capturing images.
  2. Make sure the Reverse X and Reverse Y feature is disabled.
    You can re-enable image mirroring after configuring the rows and columns.
  3. Configure the columns:
    1. If you want to define a single column:
      1. Set the BslMultipleROIColumnsEnable parameter to false.
      2. Set the OffsetX parameter to the desired horizontal offset of the column. This value is applied to all regions.
      3. Set the Width parameter to the desired width of the column. This value is applied to all regions.
    2. If you want to define multiple columns:
      1. Set the BslMultipleROIColumnsEnable parameter to true.
      2. Set the BslMultipleROIColumnSelector parameter to the desired column, e.g., Column1.
      3. Set the BslMultipleROIColumnOffset parameter to the desired horizontal offset of the column, e.g., 100.
      4. Set the BslMultipleROIColumnSize parameter to the desired width of the column, e.g., 50.
      5. Repeat the above steps for every column you want to configure.
        Note: To avoid undesired side effects, always configure the columns in ascending order, i.e., start with column 1, then configure column 2, and so on.
  4. Configure the rows:
    1. If you want to define a single row:
      1. Set the BslMultipleROIRowsEnable parameter to false.
      2. Set the OffsetY parameter to the desired vertical offset of the row. This value is applied to all regions.
      3. Set the Height parameter to the desired height of the row. This value is applied to all regions.
    2. If you want to define multiple rows:
      1. Set the BslMultipleROIRowsEnable parameter to true.
      2. Set the BslMultipleROIRowSelector parameter to the desired row, e.g., Row1.
      3. Set the BslMultipleROIRowOffset parameter to the desired vertical offset of the row, e.g., 100.
      4. Set the BslMultipleROIRowSize parameter to the desired height of the row, e.g., 50.
      5. Repeat the above steps for every row you want to configure.
        Note: To avoid undesired side effects, always configure the rows in ascending order, i.e., start with row 1, then configure row 2, and so on.
  5. If needed, re-enable Reverse X and Reverse Y.
    This automatically adapts the positions of the columns and rows to the mirrored image.

Considerations When Using the Multiple ROI Feature#

  • There's a sensor-specific minimum width and height for all regions combined, i.e., for the images created by the Multiple ROI feature. During configuration, the camera automatically adjusts the parameter values and ranges to meet the minimum width and height. The last column is always used to reach the minimum total width. Because the increment of the BslMultipleROIColumnSize parameter is also taken into account, the resulting total width may be larger than the minimum.
    Example: The sensor of your camera has a minimum total width of 530 and allows you to configure up to two columns. If you set the width of column 1 to 200, the camera automatically sets the minimum width of column 2 to 330.
    Example 2: Assume you are using the same sensor as in the example above. Also assume the resolution of that sensor is 1920 x 1200. Now, if you'd set the vertical offset of column 0 to 900, there wouldn't be enough space to define a region that meets the minimum width requirement. Therefore, the camera automatically sets the maximum vertical offset for any column to 670 (1200 sensor width minus 530 minimum total region width).
  • Because of the above constraints, Basler strongly recommends configuring the columns and rows in ascending order, i.e., start with column 1, then configure column 2, and so on.
  • On color cameras, if the pixel format is set to a format that involves debayering (i.e., RGB or YCbCr pixel formats), consider that the camera can only calculate meaningful color information if the region has at least the size of the debayering region (e.g., 3x3 pixels).
  • If the BslMultipleROIColumnsEnable parameter is set to true, the following parameters become read-only:

    • OffsetX: The parameter is set to the horizontal offset of column 1.
    • Width: The parameter is set to the total width of all regions, i.e., the width of the images created by the Multiple ROI feature.
  • If the BslMultipleROIRowsEnable parameter is set to true, the following parameters become read-only:

    • OffsetY: The parameter is set to the vertical offset of row 1.
    • Height: The parameter is set to the total height of all regions, i.e., the height of the images created by the Multiple ROI feature.
  • Other camera features that affect the image size, e.g., Binning or Pixel Beyond, are applied after the Multiple ROI feature. So when configuring the rows and columns, you don't have to take the effects of those features into account.

  • The auto function ROI positions and sizes automatically adapt to the output of the Multiple ROI feature. For example, if the width of all regions combined is 500, the maximum value of the AutoFunctionAOIWidth parameter will be 500.


Camera Model Maximum Number of Regions (Rows x Columns)
a2A1280-125umSWIR 64 (8 x 8)
a2A1280-80gmSWIR 64 (8 x 8)
a2A1920-160ucBAS 4 (2 x 2)
a2A1920-160ucPRO 4 (2 x 2)
a2A1920-160umBAS 4 (2 x 2)
a2A1920-160umPRO 4 (2 x 2)
a2A1920-165g5cBAS 4 (2 x 2)
a2A1920-165g5mBAS 4 (2 x 2)
a2A1920-51gcBAS 4 (2 x 2)
a2A1920-51gcPRO 4 (2 x 2)
a2A1920-51gmBAS 4 (2 x 2)
a2A1920-51gmPRO 4 (2 x 2)
a2A2048-110umSWIR 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-114g5cBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-114g5mBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-114ucBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-114ucPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-114umBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-114umPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-35gmSWIR 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-37gcBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-37gcPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-37gmBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2048-37gmPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2440-98g5cBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2440-98g5mBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-105g5cBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-105g5mBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-120cc 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-120cm 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-210cc 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-210cm 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-23gcBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-23gcPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-23gmBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-23gmPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-75ucBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-75ucPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-75umBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2448-75umPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2560-20gmSWIR 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2560-70umSWIR 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2590-22gcBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A2590-22gcPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A2590-22gmBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A2590-22gmPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A2590-60ucBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A2590-60ucPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A2590-60umBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A2590-60umPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A2600-20gcBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A2600-20gcPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A2600-20gmBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A2600-20gmPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A2600-64ucBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A2600-64ucPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A2600-64umBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A2600-64umPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A2840-14gcBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-14gcPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-14gmBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-14gmPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-14gmUV 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-48ucBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-48ucPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-48umBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-48umPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-48umUV 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-67g5cBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-67g5mBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-67g5mUV 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-86cc 64 (8 x 8)
a2A2840-86cm 64 (8 x 8)
a2A3536-31ucBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3536-31ucPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3536-31umBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3536-31umPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3536-42g5cBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3536-42g5mBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3536-9gcBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3536-9gcPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3536-9gmBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3536-9gmPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3840-13gcBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3840-13gcPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3840-13gmBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3840-13gmPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3840-45ucBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3840-45ucPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3840-45umBAS Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A3840-45umPRO Multiple ROI feature not supported
a2A4096-30ucBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-30ucPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-30umBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-30umPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-44g5cBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-44g5mBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-67cc 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-67cm 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-9gcBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-9gcPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-9gmBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4096-9gmPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4200-12gcBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4200-12gcPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4200-12gmBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4200-12gmPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4200-40ucBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4200-40ucPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4200-40umBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4200-40umPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4504-18ucBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-18ucPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-18umBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-18umPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-27g5cBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-27g5mBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-42cc 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-42cm 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-5gcBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-5gcPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-5gmBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4504-5gmPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A4508-20ucBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4508-20ucPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4508-20umBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4508-20umPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4508-6gcBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4508-6gcPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4508-6gmBAS 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A4508-6gmPRO 16 (16 x 1)a
a2A5060-15ucBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5060-15umBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5060-21g5cBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5060-21g5mBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5060-35cc 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5060-35cm 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5060-4gcBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5060-4gmBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-23ucBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-23ucPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-23umBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-23umPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-34g5cBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-34g5mBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-52cc 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-52cm 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-7gcBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-7gcPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-7gmBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5320-7gmPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-15ucBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-15ucPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-15umBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-15umPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-22g5cBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-22g5mBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-35cc 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-35cm 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-4gcBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-4gcPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-4gmBAS 64 (8 x 8)
a2A5328-4gmPRO 64 (8 x 8)
a2A640-240gmSWIR 64 (8 x 8)
a2A640-240umSWIR 64 (8 x 8)
acA1280-60gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1280-60gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1300-200uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1300-200um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1300-60gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1300-60gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1300-60gmNIR Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1300-75gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1300-75gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1440-220uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1440-220um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1440-73gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1440-73gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1600-20gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1600-20uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1600-60gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1600-60gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-150uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-150um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-155uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-155ucMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-155um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-155umMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-25gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-25gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-25uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-25um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-40gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-40gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-40uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-40ucMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-40um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-40umMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-48gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-48gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-50gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA1920-50gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2000-165uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2000-165um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2000-50gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2000-50gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-120uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-120um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-25gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-25gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-25gmNIR Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-35gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-35gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-55uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-55um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-90uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-90um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2040-90umNIR Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2440-20gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2440-20gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2440-35uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2440-35ucMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2440-35um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2440-35umMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2440-75uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2440-75ucMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2440-75um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2440-75umMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2500-14gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2500-14gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2500-14uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2500-14um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2500-20gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2500-20gcMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2500-20gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2500-20gmMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2500-60uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA2500-60um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA3088-16gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA3088-16gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA3088-57uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA3088-57ucMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA3088-57um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA3088-57umMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA3800-10gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA3800-10gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA3800-14uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA3800-14um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4024-29uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4024-29um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4024-8gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4024-8gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4096-11gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4096-11gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4096-30uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4096-30ucMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4096-30um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4096-30umMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4096-40uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4096-40ucMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4096-40um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4096-40umMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4112-20uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4112-20ucMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4112-20um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4112-20umMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4112-30uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4112-30ucMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4112-30um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4112-30umMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4112-8gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA4112-8gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA5472-17uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA5472-17ucMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA5472-17um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA5472-17umMED Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA5472-5gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA5472-5gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA640-121gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA640-300gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA640-300gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA640-750uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA640-750um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA720-290gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA720-290gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA720-520uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA720-520um Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA800-200gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA800-200gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA800-510uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
acA800-510um Multiple ROI feature not supported
boA13440-17cm Multiple ROI feature not supported
boA1936-400cc 64 (8 x 8)
boA1936-400cm 64 (8 x 8)
boA2448-250cc 64 (8 x 8)
boA2448-250cm 64 (8 x 8)
boA2832-190cc 64 (8 x 8)
boA2832-190cm 64 (8 x 8)
boA4096-180cc 64 (8 x 8)
boA4096-180cm 64 (8 x 8)
boA4096-93cc 64 (8 x 8)
boA4096-93cm 64 (8 x 8)
boA4112-68cc 64 (8 x 8)
boA4112-68cm 64 (8 x 8)
boA4500-45cc 8 (8 x 1)a
boA4500-45cm 8 (8 x 1)a
boA4504-100cc 64 (8 x 8)
boA4504-100cm 64 (8 x 8)
boA5120-150cc Multiple ROI feature not supported
boA5120-150cm Multiple ROI feature not supported
boA5120-230cc Multiple ROI feature not supported
boA5120-230cm Multiple ROI feature not supported
boA5320-150cc 64 (8 x 8)
boA5320-150cm 64 (8 x 8)
boA5328-100cc 64 (8 x 8)
boA5328-100cm 64 (8 x 8)
boA6500-36cc 8 (8 x 1)a
boA6500-36cm 8 (8 x 1)a
boA8100-16cc 8 (8 x 1)a
boA8100-16cm 8 (8 x 1)a
boA9344-30cc Multiple ROI feature not supported
boA9344-30cm Multiple ROI feature not supported
boA9344-70cc Multiple ROI feature not supported
boA9344-70cm Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1280-54uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1280-54um Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1440-220uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1440-220um Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1600-60uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1600-60um Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1920-15um Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1920-160uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1920-160um Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1920-30uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA1920-30um Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA2448-70uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA2448-70um Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA2500-14uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA2500-14um Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA3840-45uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA3840-45um Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA720-520uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
daA720-520um Multiple ROI feature not supported
dmA1440-73gc 4 (2 x 2)
dmA1440-73gm 4 (2 x 2)
dmA1920-51gc 4 (2 x 2)
dmA1920-51gm 4 (2 x 2)
dmA2048-37gc 64 (8 x 8)
dmA2048-37gm 64 (8 x 8)
dmA2448-23gc 64 (8 x 8)
dmA2448-23gm 64 (8 x 8)
dmA2840-14gc 64 (8 x 8)
dmA2840-14gm 64 (8 x 8)
dmA3536-9gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
dmA3536-9gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
dmA4096-9gc 64 (8 x 8)
dmA4096-9gm 64 (8 x 8)
dmA720-290gc 4 (2 x 2)
dmA720-290gm 4 (2 x 2)
puA1280-54uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
puA1280-54um Multiple ROI feature not supported
puA1600-60uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
puA1600-60um Multiple ROI feature not supported
puA1920-30uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
puA1920-30um Multiple ROI feature not supported
puA2500-14uc Multiple ROI feature not supported
puA2500-14um Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L16384-120cm Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L2048-172cm Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L2048-172g5m Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L2048-29gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L2048-58gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L2048-62cc Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L2048-62g5c Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L4096-14gc Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L4096-29gm Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L4096-42cc Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L4096-42g5c Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L4096-84cm Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L4096-84g5m Multiple ROI feature not supported
r2L8192-200cm Multiple ROI feature not supported
Camera Model Maximum Number of Regions (Rows x Columns)

  1. Only rows can be defined.

Sample Code#

// ** In this example, we define two regions in horizontal direction
// that will be transmitted as a single image. **
// Enable the ability to configure multiple columns
// Select column 1
// The first region should have a horizontal offset of 100 and a width of 300 pixels
// Select column 2
// The second region should have a horizontal offset of 500 and a width of 400 pixels
// We only need one row, so disable the ability to configure multiple rows
// Both regions should have a vertical offset of 200 and a height of 500
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// ** In this example, we define two regions in horizontal direction
// that will be transmitted as a single image. **
// Enable the ability to configure multiple columns
CBooleanParameter(nodemap, "BslMultipleROIColumnsEnable").SetValue(true);
// Select column 1
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "BslMultipleROIColumnSelector").SetValue("Column1");
// The first region should have a horizontal offset of 100 and a width of 300 pixels
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "BslMultipleROIColumnOffset").SetValue(100);
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "BslMultipleROIColumnSize").SetValue(300);
// Select column 2
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "BslMultipleROIColumnSelector").SetValue("Column2");
// The second region should have a horizontal offset of 500 and a width of 400 pixels
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "BslMultipleROIColumnOffset").SetValue(500);
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "BslMultipleROIColumnSize").SetValue(400);
// We only need one row, so disable the ability to configure multiple rows
CBooleanParameter(nodemap, "BslMultipleROIRowsEnable").SetValue(false);
// Both regions should have a vertical offset of 200 and a height of 500
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "OffsetY").SetValue(200);
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "Height").SetValue(500);
// ** In this example, we define two regions in horizontal direction
// that will be transmitted as a single image. **
// Enable the ability to configure multiple columns
// Select column 1
// The first region should have a horizontal offset of 100 and a width of 300 pixels
// Select column 2
// The second region should have a horizontal offset of 500 and a width of 400 pixels
// We only need one row, so disable the ability to configure multiple rows
// Both regions should have a vertical offset of 200 and a height of 500
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK;  /* Return value of pylon methods */
/* ** In this example, we define two regions in horizontal direction */
/* that will be transmitted as a single image. ** */
/* Enable the ability to configure multiple columns */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetBooleanFeature(hdev, "BslMultipleROIColumnsEnable", 1);
/* Select column 1 */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "BslMultipleROIColumnSelector", "Column1");
/* The first region should have a horizontal offset of 100 and a width of 300 pixels */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "BslMultipleROIColumnOffset", 100);
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "BslMultipleROIColumnSize", 300);
/* Select column 2 */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "BslMultipleROIColumnSelector", "Column2");
/* The second region should have a horizontal offset of 500 and a width of 400 pixels */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "BslMultipleROIColumnOffset", 500);
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "BslMultipleROIColumnSize", 400);
/* We only need one row, so disable the ability to configure multiple rows */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetBooleanFeature(hdev, "BslMultipleROIRowsEnable", 0);
/* Both regions should have a vertical offset of 200 and a height of 500 */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "OffsetY", 200);
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "Height", 500);
# ** In this example, we define two regions in horizontal direction
# that will be transmitted as a single image. **
# Enable the ability to configure multiple columns
camera.BslMultipleROIColumnsEnable.Value = True
# Select column 1
camera.BslMultipleROIColumnSelector.Value = "Column1"
# The first region should have a horizontal offset of 100 and a width of 300 pixels
camera.BslMultipleROIColumnOffset.Value = 100
camera.BslMultipleROIColumnSize.Value = 300
# Select column 2
camera.BslMultipleROIColumnSelector.Value = "Column2"
# The second region should have a horizontal offset of 500 and a width of 400 pixels
camera.BslMultipleROIColumnOffset.Value = 500
camera.BslMultipleROIColumnSize.Value = 400
# We only need one row, so disable the ability to configure multiple rows
camera.BslMultipleROIRowsEnable.Value = False
# Both regions should have a vertical offset of 200 and a height of 500
camera.OffsetY.Value = 200
camera.Height.Value = 500

You can also use the pylon Viewer to easily set the parameters.

Select camera