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Feature Sequence (dart, pulse)#


Information in this topic does not apply to dart R and dart E cameras.

On Basler dart and pulse cameras, camera features that modify the pixel data are processed in a specific sequence.

Knowing the sequence is especially useful if you are configuring multiple features and want to avoid side effects.

# Feature
1 User Sets (startup values for all features are loaded from the startup set)
2 Pixel Format
3 Reverse X and Reverse Y
4 Binning
5 Image ROI
6 / 7a Black Level
7 / 6a Gain
8b Light Source Preset
9b Balance White
10 Gamma
11b Hue and Saturation
12 Brightness and Contrast
13b PGI Feature Set
- Defect Pixel Correction
Backlight Compensation
(not part of any particular sequence)

  1. On daA1280-54lm/lc, daA1280-54um/uc, and puA1280-54um/uc cameras, the black level settings are applied to the pixel data after the gain settings. On all other dart and pulse cameras, the black level settings are applied before the gain settings.

  2. Color cameras only.

Select camera