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3D Camera Cube Software Image 24.10.0 – Release Notes
New Features
- ItemPick (rc_itempick), BoxPick (rc_boxpick), SilhouetteMatch (rc_silhouettematch) and CADMatch (rc_cadmatch)
- New sorting strategy to sort grasps and matches according to their distances from a user-defined point (see e.g. CADMatch sorting strategies)
- Added UserSpace proxy configuration
- Add CA Certificate upload functionality
- Allow calibration of rc_visard devices via the rc_cube WebGUI
Improvements and Fixes
- UserSpace: Limit container logs size.
- Hand-Eye Calibration (rc_hand_eye_calibration):Improved robustness of grid detection
- CADMatch (rc_cadmatch)
- BoxPick+Match (rc_boxpick): Fixed untextured rectangles not being returned when minimum coverage is given
- SilhouetteMatch (rc_silhouettematch): Improved detection of objects when Object Plane Detection is used
- WebGUI
- Add button to download model or collision model ply from SilhouetteMatch or CADMatch template
- Show self-calibration warning for rc_visard pipelines on rc_cube
- Add option to filter database lists
- Add option to toggle gripper element visibility
- Allow CADMatch to use multiple pose priors in TryOut area
- Rename R, P, Y to Rx, Rz, Rz and Roll/Pitch/Yaw to Rotation
- Bring back logarithmic slider scaling for exposure times and min/max distances
- Fixed SilhouetteMatch CAD objects not showing in 3D result visualization
- Minor layout improvements and fixes