Color Adjustment#
You can adjust hue and saturation separately for each primary and secondary color in the RGB color space (red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, and magenta).
If you want to adjust the appearance of all colors in a single step, use the Hue and Saturation feature (if available).
Using the Feature#
Why Use Color Adjustment#
- Adjusting the hue shifts the colors of the image. This can be useful, e.g., to correct minor, undesirable, color shifts or to create false-color images.
- Adjusting the saturation changes the colorfulness (intensity) of the colors. Increasing the saturation can be useful to make colors easier to distinguish.
Setting the Color Adjustment Parameters#
- Set the
parameter totrue
(if available and if you're using a Bayer pixel format). - Set the
parameter totrue
(if available). - Set the
parameter to the desired color, e.g.,Red
. - Enter the desired value for the
parameter. When the parameter is set to 0, the hue is not changed. - Enter the desired value for the
parameter. When the parameter is set to 1, the saturation is not changed.
How It Works#
The parameters of the Color Adjustment feature refer to the RGB color cube.
For easier visualization, the color cube can be projected onto a plane, resulting in a color hexagon:
The primary colors (red, green, blue) and the secondary colors (yellow, cyan, magenta) are placed at the corners of this color hexagon.
You can adjust hue and saturation for each of these colors. This affects all areas in the image where the adjusted color predominates. For example, adjusting red affects the colors in the image with a predominantly red component.
The following diagram shows how changing hue and saturation of the color red affects the colors of your images:
The following effects become apparent:
If the value range of the ColorAdjustmentHue
parameter is -4.0 to 3.96875:
- Decreasing the hue changes all red colors (i.e., colors with a predominantly red component) towards yellow.
- Increasing the hue changes all red colors towards magenta.
If the value range of the ColorAdjustmentHue
parameter is -1.0 to 1.0:
- Increasing the hue changes all red colors (i.e., colors with a predominantly red component) towards yellow.
- Decreasing the hue changes all red colors towards magenta.
Decreasing the saturation decreases the colorfulness of all red colors. At minimum, all red colors will be replaced by gray.
Increasing the saturation increases the colorfulness of all red colors. At maximum, all red colors are replaced by 100 % red.
When you adjust a color, the nearest neighboring colors in the color hexagon will also be affected to some degree. For example, when you adjust red, yellow and magenta will also be affected.
Additional Parameters#
Depending on your camera model, the following additional parameters are available:
: Enables or disables the Color Adjustment feature.ColorAdjustmentReset
command: Allows you to reset the color adjustment parameters to their initial values. This is especially useful if your adjustments haven't had the desired effect and you want to return quickly to the original settings.ColorAdjustmentHueRaw
: Allows you to enter integer values ranging from -128 to 127 for the hue parameter. The integer range maps linearly to the floating point range with -128 being equivalent to -4.0, 32 being equivalent to 1.0, and 127 being equivalent to 3.96875.ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw
: Allows you to enter integer values ranging from 0 to 255 for the saturation parameter. The integer range maps linearly to the floating point range with 0 being equivalent to 0.0, 128 being equivalent to 1.0, and 255 being equivalent to 1.99219.
Camera Model | Additional Parameters |
a2A640-240gmSWIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A640-240umSWIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A1280-80gmSWIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A1280-125umSWIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A1920-51gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A1920-51gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A1920-51gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A1920-51gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A1920-160ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A1920-160ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A1920-160umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A1920-160umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A1920-165g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A1920-165g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2048-35gmSWIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2048-37gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2048-37gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2048-37gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2048-37gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2048-110umSWIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2048-114g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2048-114g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2048-114ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2048-114ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2048-114umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2048-114umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2440-98g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2440-98g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2448-23gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2448-23gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2448-23gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2448-23gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2448-75ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2448-75ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2448-75umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2448-75umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2448-105g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2448-105g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2448-120cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2448-120cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2448-210cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2448-210cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2560-20gmSWIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2560-70umSWIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2590-22gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2590-22gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2590-22gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2590-22gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2590-60ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2590-60ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2590-60umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2590-60umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2600-20gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2600-20gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2600-20gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2600-20gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2600-64ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2600-64ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2600-64umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2600-64umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2840-14gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2840-14gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2840-14gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2840-14gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2840-14gmUV | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2840-48ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2840-48ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2840-48umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2840-48umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2840-48umUV | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2840-67g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2840-67g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2840-67g5mUV | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A2840-86cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A2840-86cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A3536-9gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A3536-9gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A3536-9gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A3536-9gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A3536-31ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A3536-31ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A3536-31umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A3536-31umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A3536-42g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A3536-42g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A3840-13gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A3840-13gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A3840-13gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A3840-13gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A3840-45ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A3840-45ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A3840-45umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A3840-45umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4096-9gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4096-9gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4096-9gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4096-9gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4096-30ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4096-30ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4096-30umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4096-30umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4096-44g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4096-44g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4096-67cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4096-67cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4200-12gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4200-12gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4200-12gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4200-12gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4200-40ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4200-40ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4200-40umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4200-40umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4504-5gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4504-5gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4504-5gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4504-5gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4504-18ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4504-18ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4504-18umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4504-18umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4504-27g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4504-27g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4504-42cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4504-42cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4508-6gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4508-6gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4508-6gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4508-6gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4508-20ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4508-20ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A4508-20umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A4508-20umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5060-4gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5060-4gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5060-15ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5060-15umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5060-21g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5060-21g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5320-7gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5320-7gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5320-7gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5320-7gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5320-23ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5320-23ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5320-23umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5320-23umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5320-34g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5320-34g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5320-52cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5320-52cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5328-4gcBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5328-4gcPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5328-4gmBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5328-4gmPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5328-15ucBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5328-15ucPRO | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5328-15umBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5328-15umPRO | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5328-22g5cBAS | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5328-22g5mBAS | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
a2A5328-35cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
a2A5328-35cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA640-121gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA640-300gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA640-300gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA640-750uc | None |
acA640-750um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA720-290gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA720-290gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA720-520uc | None |
acA720-520um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA800-200gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA800-200gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA800-510uc | None |
acA800-510um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1280-60gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA1280-60gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1300-60gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA1300-60gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1300-60gmNIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1300-75gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA1300-75gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1300-200uc | None |
acA1300-200um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1440-73gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA1440-73gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1440-220uc | None |
acA1440-220um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1600-20gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA1600-20uc | None |
acA1600-60gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA1600-60gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1920-25gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA1920-25gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1920-25uc | None |
acA1920-25um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1920-40gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA1920-40gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1920-40uc | None |
acA1920-40ucMED | None |
acA1920-40um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1920-40umMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1920-48gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA1920-48gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1920-50gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA1920-50gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1920-150uc | None |
acA1920-150um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1920-155uc | None |
acA1920-155ucMED | None |
acA1920-155um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA1920-155umMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2000-50gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA2000-50gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2000-165uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2000-165um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2040-25gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA2040-25gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2040-25gmNIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2040-35gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA2040-35gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2040-55uc | None |
acA2040-55um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2040-90uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2040-90um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2040-90umNIR | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2040-120uc | None |
acA2040-120um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2440-20gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA2440-20gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2440-35uc | None |
acA2440-35ucMED | None |
acA2440-35um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2440-35umMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2440-75uc | None |
acA2440-75ucMED | None |
acA2440-75um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2440-75umMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2500-14gc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2500-14gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2500-14uc | None |
acA2500-14um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2500-20gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA2500-20gcMED | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA2500-20gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2500-20gmMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA2500-60uc | None |
acA2500-60um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA3088-16gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA3088-16gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA3088-57uc | None |
acA3088-57ucMED | None |
acA3088-57um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA3088-57umMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA3800-10gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA3800-10gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA3800-14uc | None |
acA3800-14um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4024-8gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA4024-8gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4024-29uc | None |
acA4024-29um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4096-11gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA4096-11gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4096-30uc | None |
acA4096-30ucMED | None |
acA4096-30um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4096-30umMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4096-40uc | None |
acA4096-40ucMED | None |
acA4096-40um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4096-40umMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4112-8gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA4112-8gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4112-20uc | None |
acA4112-20ucMED | None |
acA4112-20um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4112-20umMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4112-30uc | None |
acA4112-30ucMED | None |
acA4112-30um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA4112-30umMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA5472-5gc | ColorAdjustmentEnable[^a] ColorAdjustmentReset ColorAdjustmentHueRaw ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw |
acA5472-5gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA5472-17uc | None |
acA5472-17ucMED | None |
acA5472-17um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
acA5472-17umMED | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA1936-400cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA1936-400cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA2448-250cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA2448-250cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA2832-190cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA2832-190cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA4096-93cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA4096-93cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA4096-180cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA4096-180cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA4112-68cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA4112-68cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA4500-45cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA4500-45cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA4504-100cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA4504-100cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA5120-150cc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA5120-150cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA5120-230cc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA5120-230cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA5320-150cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA5320-150cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA5328-100cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA5328-100cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA6500-36cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA6500-36cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA8100-16cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
boA8100-16cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA9344-30cc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA9344-30cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA9344-70cc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA9344-70cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
boA13440-17cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA720-520uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA720-520um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1280-54uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1280-54um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1440-220uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1440-220um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1600-60uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1600-60um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1920-15um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1920-30uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1920-30um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1920-160uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA1920-160um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA2448-70uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA2448-70um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA2500-14uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA2500-14um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA3840-45uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
daA3840-45um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
dmA720-290gc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
dmA720-290gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
dmA1440-73gc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
dmA1440-73gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
dmA1920-51gc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
dmA1920-51gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
dmA2448-23gc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
dmA2448-23gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
dmA2840-14gc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
dmA2840-14gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
dmA3536-9gc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
dmA3536-9gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
dmA4096-9gc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
dmA4096-9gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
puA1280-54uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
puA1280-54um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
puA1600-60uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
puA1600-60um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
puA1920-30uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
puA1920-30um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
puA2500-14uc | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
puA2500-14um | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
r2L2048-29gc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
r2L2048-58gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
r2L2048-62cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
r2L2048-62g5c | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
r2L2048-172cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
r2L2048-172g5m | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
r2L4096-14gc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
r2L4096-29gm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
r2L4096-42cc | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
r2L4096-42g5c | BslColorAdjustmentEnable |
r2L4096-84cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
r2L4096-84g5m | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
r2L8192-200cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
r2L16384-120cm | Color Adjustment feature not supported |
Sample Code#
ace Classic/U/L GigE Cameras#
// Enable the Color Adjustment feature
// Select red as the color to adjust
// Enter a floating point value for the red hue
// Enter a floating point value for the red saturation
// Select cyan as the color to adjust
// Enter an integer value for the cyan hue
// Enter an integer value for the cyan saturation
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Enable the Color Adjustment feature
CBooleanParameter(nodemap, "ColorAdjustmentEnable").SetValue(true);
// Select red as the color to adjust
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "ColorAdjustmentSelector").SetValue("Red");
// Enter a floating point value for the red hue
CFloatParameter(nodemap, "ColorAdjustmentHue").SetValue(-1.125);
// Enter a floating point value for the red saturation
CFloatParameter(nodemap, "ColorAdjustmentSaturation").SetValue(1.375);
// Select cyan as the color to adjust
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "ColorAdjustmentSelector").SetValue("Cyan");
// Enter an integer value for the cyan hue
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "ColorAdjustmentHueRaw").SetValue(-36);
// Enter an integer value for the cyan saturation
CIntegerParameter(nodemap, "ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw").SetValue(176);
// Enable the Color Adjustment feature
// Select red as the color to adjust
// Enter a floating point value for the red hue
// Enter a floating point value for the red saturation
// Select cyan as the color to adjust
// Enter an integer value for the cyan hue
// Enter an integer value for the cyan saturation
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK; /* Return value of pylon methods */
/* Enable the Color Adjustment feature */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetBooleanFeature(hdev, "ColorAdjustmentEnable", 1);
/* Select red as the color to adjust */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "ColorAdjustmentSelector", "Red");
/* Enter a floating point value for the red hue */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetFloatFeature(hdev, "ColorAdjustmentHue", -1.125);
/* Enter a floating point value for the red saturation */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetFloatFeature(hdev, "ColorAdjustmentSaturation", 1.375);
/* Select cyan as the color to adjust */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "ColorAdjustmentSelector", "Cyan");
/* Enter an integer value for the cyan hue */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "ColorAdjustmentHueRaw", -36);
/* Enter an integer value for the cyan saturation */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetIntegerFeature(hdev, "ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw", 176);
# Enable the Color Adjustment feature
camera.ColorAdjustmentEnable.Value = True
# Select red as the color to adjust
camera.ColorAdjustmentSelector.Value = "Red"
# Enter a floating point value for the red hue
camera.ColorAdjustmentHue.Value = -1.125
# Enter a floating point value for the red saturation
camera.ColorAdjustmentSaturation.Value = 1.375
# Select cyan as the color to adjust
camera.ColorAdjustmentSelector.Value = "Cyan"
# Enter an integer value for the cyan hue
camera.ColorAdjustmentHueRaw.Value = -36
# Enter an integer value for the cyan saturation
camera.ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw.Value = 176
ace 2, boost, and dart R Cameras#
// Select red as the color to adjust
// Enter an integer value for the red hue
// Enter an integer value for the red saturation
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Select red as the color to adjust
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "BslColorAdjustmentSelector").SetValue("Red");
// Enter an integer value for the red hue
CFloatParameter(nodemap, "BslColorAdjustmentHue").SetValue(-1.125);
// Enter an integer value for the red saturation
CFloatParameter(nodemap, "BslColorAdjustmentSaturation").SetValue(1.375);
// Select red as the color to adjust
// Enter an integer value for the red hue
// Enter an integer value for the red saturation
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK; /* Return value of pylon methods */
/* Select red as the color to adjust */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "BslColorAdjustmentSelector", "Red");
/* Enter an integer value for the red hue */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetFloatFeature(hdev, "BslColorAdjustmentHue", -1.125);
/* Enter an integer value for the red saturation */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetFloatFeature(hdev, "BslColorAdjustmentSaturation", 1.375);
Other Cameras#
INodeMap& nodemap = camera.GetNodeMap();
// Select red as the color to adjust
CEnumParameter(nodemap, "ColorAdjustmentSelector").SetValue("Red");
// Enter an integer value for the red hue
CFloatParameter(nodemap, "ColorAdjustmentHue").SetValue(-1.125);
// Enter an integer value for the red saturation
CFloatParameter(nodemap, "ColorAdjustmentSaturation").SetValue(1.375);
// Select red as the color to adjust
// Enter an integer value for the red hue
// Enter an integer value for the red saturation
/* Macro to check for errors */
#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)
GENAPIC_RESULT errRes = GENAPI_E_OK; /* Return value of pylon methods */
/* Select red as the color to adjust */
errRes = PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev, "ColorAdjustmentSelector", "Red");
/* Enter an integer value for the red hue */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetFloatFeature(hdev, "ColorAdjustmentHue", -1.125);
/* Enter an integer value for the red saturation */
errRes = PylonDeviceSetFloatFeature(hdev, "ColorAdjustmentSaturation", 1.375);
You can also use the pylon Viewer to easily set the parameters.