The sensor bit depth defines the bit depth of the data output by the image sensor. All further image processing performed by the camera is based on this data.
When setting the sensor bit depth, the following guidelines apply:
For optimum image quality, set the sensor bit depth to a high value. A higher sensor bit depth can improve image quality because the camera's internal image calculations are based on a higher bit depth.
For optimum performance, set the sensor bit depth to a low value. A lower sensor bit depth can improve performance because the sensor readout time is shorter.
The sensor bit depth mode allows you to define whether the sensor bit depth can be set independently of the pixel format used. You can set the BslSensorBitDepthMode parameter to one of the following values:
Auto: The sensor bit depth is automatically adjusted depending on the pixel format used. This is the default setting. For example, if you set the pixel format to Bayer 12, the sensor bit depth is automatically set to 12 bit.
Manual: The sensor bit depth can be set independently of the pixel format used. For example, you can configure the camera to output 8-bit image data based on 12-bit sensor data (pixel format = Mono 8, sensor bit depth = 12 bit).
On a2A1920, a2A4504, a2A5320, a2A5328, boA4096, boA4112, boA4504, boA5320, boA5328, and dart M cameras, if you set the BslSensorBitDepthMode parameter to Auto and select an 8-bit pixel format (e.g., Mono 8), the sensor bit depth is set to 10 bit. This improves image quality without sacrificing performance.
On boA4096, boA4112, boA4504, boA5320, and boA5328 cameras, setting the sensor bit depth to 8 bit has the following effects:
Full well capacity reduced by a factor of 1/4
Reduced dynamic range
Higher frame rate
On boA13440-17cm cameras, the sensor bit depth is limited depending on the pixel format used. The bit depth of the data output by the sensor must always be equal or higher than the format of the image data transmitted. For example, if you configure the camera to output 12-bit image data, the sensor data can only be set to 12 or 14 bit (pixel format = Mono 12, sensor bit depth = 12 bit or 14 bit).
// Set the pixel format to Mono 8camera.PixelFormat.SetValue(PixelFormat_Mono8);// Set the sensor bit depth mode to Manualcamera.BslSensorBitDepthMode.SetValue(BslSensorBitDepthMode_Manual);// Set the sensor bit depth to 8 bitcamera.BslSensorBitDepth.SetValue(BslSensorBitDepth_Bpp8);
INodeMap&nodemap=camera.GetNodeMap();// Set the pixel format to Mono 8CEnumParameter(nodemap,"PixelFormat").SetValue("Mono8");// Set the sensor bit depth mode to ManualCEnumParameter(nodemap,"BslSensorBitDepthMode").SetValue("Manual");// Set the sensor bit depth to 8 bitCEnumParameter(nodemap,"BslSensorBitDepth").SetValue("Bpp8");
// Set the pixel format to Mono 8camera.Parameters[PLCamera.PixelFormat].SetValue(PLCamera.PixelFormat.Mono8);// Set the sensor bit depth mode to Manualcamera.Parameters[PLCamera.BslSensorBitDepthMode].SetValue(PLCamera.BslSensorBitDepthMode.Manual);// Set the sensor bit depth to 8 bitcamera.Parameters[PLCamera.BslSensorBitDepth].SetValue(PLCamera.BslSensorBitDepth.Bpp8);
/* Macro to check for errors */#define CHECK(errc) if (GENAPI_E_OK != errc) printErrorAndExit(errc)GENAPIC_RESULTerrRes=GENAPI_E_OK;/* Return value of pylon methods *//* Set the pixel format to Mono 8 */errRes=PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev,"PixelFormat","Mono8");CHECK(errRes);/* Set the sensor bit depth mode to Manual */errRes=PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev,"BslSensorBitDepthMode","Manual");CHECK(errRes);/* Set the sensor bit depth to 8 bit */errRes=PylonDeviceFeatureFromString(hdev,"BslSensorBitDepth","Bpp8");CHECK(errRes);
# Set the pixel format to Mono 8camera.PixelFormat.Value="Mono8"# Set the sensor bit depth mode to Manualcamera.BslSensorBitDepthMode.Value="Manual"# Set the sensor bit depth to 8 bitcamera.BslSensorBitDepth.Value="Bpp8"