#include <pylon/_BaslerUniversalCameraParams.h>
Inherited by Basler_UniversalCameraParams::CUniversalCameraParams_Params
Public Attributes#
Name | |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | AcquisitionAbort Aborts the acquisition of images - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AcquisitionFrameCount Number of frames to acquire for each Acquisition Start trigger - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AcquisitionFrameRateEnable Enables setting the camera's acquisition frame rate to a specified value - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AcquisitionIdle A check determines whether the camera is currently idle - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< AcquisitionModeEnums > & | AcquisitionMode Sets the image acquisition mode - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | AcquisitionStart Starts the acquisition of images - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AcquisitionStatus Indicates whether the camera is waiting for trigger signals - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< AcquisitionStatusSelectorEnums > & | AcquisitionStatusSelector Sets the signal whose status you want to check - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | AcquisitionStop Stops the acquisition of images - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ExposureAutoEnums > & | ExposureAuto Sets the operation mode of the Exposure Auto auto function - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ExposureModeEnums > & | ExposureMode Sets the exposure mode - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ExposureOverlapTimeModeEnums > & | ExposureOverlapTimeMode Sets the exposure overlap time mode - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ExposureTimeAbs Exposure time of the camera in microseconds - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ExposureTimeBaseAbs Timebase (in microseconds) that the camera uses when the exposure time is specified using the Exposure Time (Raw) parameter - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ExposureTimeModeEnums > & | ExposureTimeMode Sets the exposure time mode - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ExposureTimeRaw Exposure time of the camera (raw value) - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ResultingFrameRateAbs Maximum frame acquisition rate with current camera settings - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SensorReadoutModeEnums > & | SensorReadoutMode Sets the sensor readout mode - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ShutterModeEnums > & | ShutterMode Sets the shutter mode of the camera - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | SyncFreeRunTimerEnable Enables the synchronous free run mode - Applies to: GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SyncFreeRunTimerStartTimeHigh High 32 bits of the synchronous free run trigger start time - Applies to: GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SyncFreeRunTimerStartTimeLow Low 32 bits of the synchronous free run trigger start time - Applies to: GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | SyncFreeRunTimerUpdate Updates synchronous free run settings - Applies to: GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TriggerActivationEnums > & | TriggerActivation Sets the type of signal transition that will activate the selected trigger - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TriggerModeEnums > & | TriggerMode Sets the mode for the currently selected trigger - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TriggerSelectorEnums > & | TriggerSelector Sets the trigger type to be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | TriggerSoftware Generates a software trigger signal - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TriggerSourceEnums > & | TriggerSource Sets the source signal for the selected trigger - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AcquisitionBurstFrameCount Number of frames to acquire for each Frame Burst Start trigger - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AcquisitionFrameRate Acquisition frame rate of the camera in frames per second - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AcquisitionLineRate Acquisition line rate of the camera in kHz - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AcquisitionLineRateEnable Enables setting the camera's acquisition line rate to a specified value - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< AcquisitionStopModeEnums > & | AcquisitionStopMode Controls how the AcquisitionStop command ends an ongoing frame - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslAcquisitionAlternateFilterEnums > & | BslAcquisitionAlternateFilter Filter images if LineSource is ExposureAlternateActive - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslAcquisitionBurstModeEnums > & | BslAcquisitionBurstMode Sets the burst mode - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslAcquisitionMultiPartModeEnums > & | BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode Control which components are sent in a MultiPart buffer - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslAcquisitionStopModeEnums > & | BslAcquisitionStopMode Sets whether Acquisition Stop commands abort exposure - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslEffectiveExposureTime Current exposure time of the camera in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslExposureStartDelay Exposure start delay with current settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslExposureTimeModeEnums > & | BslExposureTimeMode Sets the exposure time mode - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslFlashWindowDelay Indicates the delay between the start of exposure and the start of the flash window in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslFlashWindowDuration Indicates the width of the flash window in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslImmediateTriggerModeEnums > & | BslImmediateTriggerMode Enables the Immediate Trigger mode - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate Maximum number of frames that can be acquired per second with current camera settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslResultingAcquisitionLineRate Maximum number of lines in kHz that can be acquired with current camera settings - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslResultingFrameBurstRate Maximum number of bursts per second with current camera settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslResultingTransferFrameRate Maximum number of frames that can be transferred per second with current camera settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslResultingTransferLineRate Maximum number of lines that can be transferred per second with current camera settings - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslSensorAcquisitionModeEnums > & | BslSensorAcquisitionMode Sets the sensor acquisition mode - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslSensorBitDepthEnums > & | BslSensorBitDepth Sets the bit depth of the image sensor's data output - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslSensorBitDepthModeEnums > & | BslSensorBitDepthMode Sets the sensor bit depth mode - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslSensorOff Switches the sensor power off - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslSensorOn Switches the sensor power on - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslSensorStandby Puts the sensor in standby mode - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslSensorStateEnums > & | BslSensorState Returns the current power state of the sensor - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslTransferBitDepthEnums > & | BslTransferBitDepth Sets the bit depth used for internal image processing - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslTransferBitDepthModeEnums > & | BslTransferBitDepthMode Sets the transfer bit depth mode - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ExposureOverlapTimeMax Maximum overlap of the sensor exposure with sensor readout in Trigger Width exposure mode (in microseconds) - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ExposureTime Exposure time of the camera in microseconds - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ExposureTimeSelectorEnums > & | ExposureTimeSelector Sets which component the Exposure Time parameter value applies to - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameDuration Total time required for exposing and reading out all subframes from the sensor - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< OverlapModeEnums > & | OverlapMode Configures overlapping exposure and image readout - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ReadoutTime Time required for reading out each subframe from the sensor - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ResetTime Time during which the sensor is reset before the next subframe is acquired - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ResultingFrameRate Maximum frame acquisition rate with current camera settings - Applies to: ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | SensorReadoutTime Sensor readout time with current settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SensorShutterModeEnums > & | SensorShutterMode Sets the shutter mode of the camera - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | StartupTime Time that passes between triggering the camera and exposure starting - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | TriggerDelay Trigger delay time in microseconds - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AcquisitionFrameRateAbs Acquisition frame rate of the camera in frames per second - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< AcquisitionFrameRateEnumEnums > & | AcquisitionFrameRateEnum Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AcquisitionLineRateAbs Acquisition line rate of the camera in lines per second - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | EnableBurstAcquisition Enables Burst Acquisition - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ExposureOverlapTimeMaxAbs Maximum overlap of the sensor exposure with sensor readout in Trigger Width exposure mode (in microseconds) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ExposureOverlapTimeMaxRaw Maximum overlap of the sensor exposure with sensor readout in Trigger Width exposure mode (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ExposureStartDelayAbs Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ExposureStartDelayRaw Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ExposureTimeBaseAbsEnable Enables the use of the exposure timebase - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | FrameTimeoutAbs Frame timeout in microseconds - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | FrameTimeoutEnable Enables the frame timeout - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< InterlacedIntegrationModeEnums > & | InterlacedIntegrationMode Selects the Interlaced Integration Mode - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ReadoutTimeAbs Sensor readout time with current settings - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ResultingFramePeriodAbs Maximum frame acquisition period with current camera settings - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ResultingLinePeriodAbs Maximum line acquisition period with current camera settings - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ResultingLineRateAbs Maximum line acquisition rate with current camera settings - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | SyncFreeRunTimerTriggerRateAbs Synchronous free run trigger rate - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TriggerControlImplementationEnums > & | TriggerControlImplementation Sets the image acquisition control mode - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | TriggerDelayAbs Trigger delay time in microseconds - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TriggerDelayLineTriggerCount Trigger delay as number of line triggers - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TriggerDelaySourceEnums > & | TriggerDelaySource Sets the kind of trigger delay - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | TriggerPartialClosingFrame Determines whether a partial or a complete frame is transmitted when the Frame Start trigger signal transitions prematurely - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AcquisitionStartEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Acquisition Start event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AcquisitionStartEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Acquisition Start event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AcquisitionStartOvertriggerEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Acquisition Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AcquisitionStartOvertriggerEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Acquisition Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AcquisitionStartWaitEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Acquisition Start Wait event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AcquisitionStartWaitEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Acquisition Start Wait event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AcquisitionWaitEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Acquisition Wait event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AcquisitionWaitEventTimestamp Timestamp of an Acquisition Wait event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ActionCommandCount Number of separate action signals supported by the camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ActionDeviceKey Device key used for action commands - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ActionGroupKey Group key used for action commands - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ActionGroupMask Group mask used for action commands - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ActionQueueSize Number of action commands that can be queued by the camera - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ActionSelector Action command to be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | NumberOfActionSignals Number of separate action signals supported by the camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ActionLateEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Action Late event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ActionLateEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Action Late event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoBacklightCompensation Backlight compensation to be applied - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoTargetBrightness Target brightness for the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoTargetBrightnessDamping Brightness adjustment damping factor to be applied - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoExposureTimeAbsLowerLimit Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoExposureTimeAbsUpperLimit Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoExposureTimeLowerLimitRaw Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoExposureTimeUpperLimitRaw Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoGainRawLowerLimit Lower limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoGainRawUpperLimit Upper limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoTargetValue Target brightness for the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BalanceWhiteAdjustmentDampingAbs Balance White adjustment damping factor to be applied - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BalanceWhiteAdjustmentDampingRaw Balance White adjustment damping factor to be applied (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | GrayValueAdjustmentDampingAbs Gray value adjustment damping factor to be applied - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GrayValueAdjustmentDampingRaw Gray value adjustment damping factor (raw value) to be applied - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoExposureTimeLowerLimit Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoExposureTimeUpperLimit Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoFunctionAOIHeight Height of the auto function AOI (in pixels) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoFunctionAOIOffsetX Horizontal offset of the auto function AOI from the left side of the sensor (in pixels) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoFunctionAOIOffsetY Vertical offset from the top of the sensor to the auto function AOI (in pixels) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< AutoFunctionAOISelectorEnums > & | AutoFunctionAOISelector Sets which auto function AOI can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AutoFunctionAOIUsageIntensity Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AutoFunctionAOIUsageRedLightCorrection Assigns the Red Light Correction auto function to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AutoFunctionAOIUsageTonalRange Assigns the Tonal Range Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AutoFunctionAOIUsageWhiteBalance Assigns the Balance White Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoFunctionAOIWidth Width of the auto function AOI (in pixels) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AutoFunctionAOIUseBrightness Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AutoFunctionAOIUseWhiteBalance Assigns the Balance White auto function to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< AutoFunctionProfileEnums > & | AutoFunctionProfile Sets how gain and exposure time will be balanced when the camera is making automatic adjustments - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoFunctionROIHeight Height of the auto function ROI (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AutoFunctionROIHighlight Highlights the current auto function ROI in the image window - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoFunctionROIOffsetX Horizontal offset of the auto function ROI from the left side of the sensor (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoFunctionROIOffsetY Vertical offset from the top of the sensor to the auto function ROI (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< AutoFunctionROISelectorEnums > & | AutoFunctionROISelector Sets which auto function ROI can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function ROI - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AutoFunctionROIUseTonalRange Assigns the Tonal Range Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function ROI - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | AutoFunctionROIUseWhiteBalance Assigns the Balance White Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function ROI - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoFunctionROIWidth Width of the auto function ROI (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoGainLowerLimit Lower limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoGainUpperLimit Upper limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelectorEnums > & | AutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelector Sets which parts of the tonal range can be adjusted - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< AutoTonalRangeModeSelectorEnums > & | AutoTonalRangeModeSelector Sets the kind of tonal range auto adjustment - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoTonalRangeTargetBright Bright target value to be used during automatic tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoTonalRangeTargetDark Dark target value to be used during automatic tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoTonalRangeThresholdBright Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoTonalRangeThresholdBrightRaw Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | AutoTonalRangeThresholdDark Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | AutoTonalRangeThresholdDarkRaw Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BLCSerialFramingError A serial framing error occurred on reception - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BLCSerialParityError A serial parity error occurred on reception - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BLCSerialPortBaudRateEnums > & | BLCSerialPortBaudRate Reports the baud rate of the serial communication module - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BLCSerialPortClearErrors Clears the error flags of the serial communication module - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BLCSerialPortParityEnums > & | BLCSerialPortParity Reports the parity bit configuration of the serial communication module - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BLCSerialPortReceiveCmd Reads and removes the front byte value from the serial communication receive queue - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BLCSerialPortReceiveValue Last byte value read from the serial communication receive queue - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BLCSerialPortSourceEnums > & | BLCSerialPortSource Sets the signal source for the serial communication module - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BLCSerialPortStopBitsEnums > & | BLCSerialPortStopBits Reports the number of stop bits used by the serial communication module - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BLCSerialPortTransmitCmd Writes the current byte value to the transmit queue - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BLCSerialPortTransmitValue Byte value to be written to the transmit queue - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatusEnums > & | BLCSerialReceiveQueueStatus Reports the status of the serial communication receive queue - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatusEnums > & | BLCSerialTransmitQueueStatus Reports the status of the serial communication transmit queue - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BalanceRatio Balance Ratio value to be applied to the currently selected channel - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BalanceRatioAbs Balance Ratio value to be applied to the currently selected channel - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BalanceRatioRaw Balance Ratio value to be applied to the currently selected channel (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BalanceWhiteReset Resets all white balance adjustments - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ColorAdjustmentEnable Enables color adjustment - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ColorAdjustmentHue Hue adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ColorAdjustmentHueRaw Hue adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | ColorAdjustmentReset Allows you to restore previous color adjustment settings - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ColorAdjustmentSaturation Saturation adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw Saturation adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ColorAdjustmentSelectorEnums > & | ColorAdjustmentSelector Sets which color in your images will be adjusted - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ColorTransformationMatrixFactor Extent to which the color matrix influences the color values - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ColorTransformationMatrixFactorRaw Extent to which the color matrix influences the color values (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ColorTransformationValueRaw Transformation value for the selected element in the color transformation matrix (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< LightSourceSelectorEnums > & | LightSourceSelector Sets the type of light source for which color transformation will be performed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BalanceRatioSelectorEnums > & | BalanceRatioSelector Sets which color channel can be adjusted when performing manual white balance - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BalanceWhiteAutoEnums > & | BalanceWhiteAuto Sets the operation mode of the Balance White Auto auto function - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BandwidthReserveModeEnums > & | BandwidthReserveMode Sets a predefined bandwidth reserve or enables manual configuration of the bandwidth reserve - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevCurrentIPConfigurationDHCP Controls whether the DHCP IP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevCurrentIPConfigurationLLA Controls whether the Link Local Address IP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevCurrentIPConfigurationPersistentIP Controls whether the PersistentIP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BinningHorizontal Number of adjacent horizontal pixels to be summed - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BinningHorizontalModeEnums > & | BinningHorizontalMode Sets the binning mode for horizontal binning - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BinningVertical Number of adjacent vertical pixels to be summed - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BinningVerticalModeEnums > & | BinningVerticalMode Sets the binning mode for vertical binning - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | CenterX Centers the image horizontally - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | CenterY Centers the image vertically - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DecimationHorizontal Horizontal decimation factor - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DecimationVertical Vertical decimation factor - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace USB and boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Height Height of the camera's region of interest (area of interest) in pixels - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | OffsetX Horizontal offset of the region of interest (area of interest) from the left side of the sensor (in pixels) - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | OffsetY Vertical offset of the region of interest (area of interest) from the top of the sensor (in pixels) - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ROIZoneModeEnums > & | ROIZoneMode Enables or disables the currently selected ROI zone - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ROIZoneOffset Vertical offset of the currently selected ROI zone - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ROIZoneSelectorEnums > & | ROIZoneSelector Sets the ROI zone that can be configured - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ROIZoneSize Height of the currently selected ROI zone - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Width Width of the camera's region of interest (area of interest) in pixels - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BinningModeHorizontalEnums > & | BinningModeHorizontal Sets the binning mode for horizontal binning - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BinningModeVerticalEnums > & | BinningModeVertical Sets the binning mode for vertical binning - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< LegacyBinningVerticalEnums > & | LegacyBinningVertical Sets whether vertical binning is used - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ScalingHorizontalAbs Horizontal scaling factor - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ScalingVerticalAbs Vertical scaling factor - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BinningSelectorEnums > & | BinningSelector Sets whether sensor or FPGA binning can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslCenterX Centers the image horizontally - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslCenterY Centers the image vertically - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslImageStampEnums > & | BslImageStamp Enables image stamping - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslScaledSensorHeight Scaled Height of the camera's sensor in pixels - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslScaledSensorWidth Scaled Width of the camera's sensor in pixels - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ComponentEnable Controls if the selected component streaming is active - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ComponentIDValue Returns a unique Identifier value that correspond to the selected Component type - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ComponentSelectorEnums > & | ComponentSelector Selects a component to activate/deactivate its data streaming - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DepthMax End of the three-dimensional ROI - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DepthMin Start of the three-dimensional ROI - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ImageFileModeEnums > & | ImageFileMode Enables loading files from disk for image acquisition - Applies to: CamEmu. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | ImageFilename Enter the name of an image filename or a path to a directory containing image files - Applies to: CamEmu. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | LinePitch Number of bytes separating the starting pixels of two consecutive lines - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | LinePitchEnable Enables the alignment of output image data to multiples of 4 bytes - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ScalingHorizontal Horizontal scaling factor - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ScalingVertical Vertical scaling factor - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | SensorPixelHeight Physical size (pitch) in the y direction of a photo sensitive pixel unit - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | SensorPixelWidth Physical size (pitch) in the x direction of a photo sensitive pixel unit - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | SensorPosition Distance between the sensor plane and the front of the housing - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TestPatternEnums > & | TestPattern Sets the test pattern to display - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | WorkingRangeMax Maximum working range of the camera - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | WorkingRangeMin Minimum working range of the camera - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BlackLevel Black level value to be applied to the currently selected sensor tap - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslBlackLevelCompensationModeEnums > & | BslBlackLevelCompensationMode Configures black level compensation - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslColorSpaceModeEnums > & | BslColorSpaceMode Sets the color space for image acquisitions - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Gain Value of the currently selected gain in dB - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BlackLevelAbs Sets the value of the selected black level control as a float - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BlackLevelRaw Black level value to be applied to the currently selected sensor tap (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | GainAbs This is a float value that sets the selected gain control in dB - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GammaEnable Enables gamma correction - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GammaSelectorEnums > & | GammaSelector Sets the type of gamma to be applied - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SubstrateVoltage Substrate voltage - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BlackLevelSelectorEnums > & | BlackLevelSelector Sets the type of black level adjustment to be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DigitalShift Digital shift to be applied - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GainAutoEnums > & | GainAuto Sets the operation mode of the Gain Auto auto function - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GainRaw Value of the currently selected gain (raw value) - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GainSelectorEnums > & | GainSelector Sets the gain type to be adjusted - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Gamma Gamma correction to be applied - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslAdaptiveToneMappingModeEnums > & | BslAdaptiveToneMappingMode Configures adaptive tone mapping - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslDefectPixelCorrectionModeEnums > & | BslDefectPixelCorrectionMode Identifies outlier pixels and adjusts their intensity value - Applies to: dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslDemosaicingMethodEnums > & | BslDemosaicingMethod Sets the demosaicing method - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslDemosaicingModeEnums > & | BslDemosaicingMode Sets the demosaicing mode - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslFlareRemovalAutoEnums > & | BslFlareRemovalAuto Sets FLARE control to continuous or off - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslLightSourceColorTemperature Current light source color temperature - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightSourcePresetEnums > & | BslLightSourcePreset Sets the light source preset - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslLightSourcePresetFeatureEnable Enables adjustment of the selected feature - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelectorEnums > & | BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector Sets which features the camera adjusts when you select a light source preset - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslScalingEnable Enables scaling from sensor size to output image size - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslScalingFactor Scaling factor to be applied to all images - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslBrightness Brightness value to be applied - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslContrast Contrast value to be applied - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslContrastModeEnums > & | BslContrastMode Sets the contrast mode - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslHue Hue shift value to be applied - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslSaturation Saturation value to be applied - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslBrightnessRaw Brightness value to be applied (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslContrastRaw Contrast value to be applied (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslHueRaw Hue shift value to be applied (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslHueValue Hue shift value to be applied - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslSaturationRaw Saturation value to be applied (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslSaturationValue Saturation value to be applied - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ConfidenceThreshold Confidence threshold for pixels - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DefectPixelCorrectionModeEnums > & | DefectPixelCorrectionMode Identifies outlier pixels and adjusts their intensity value - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | FilterSpatial Enables the spatial noise filter - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FilterStrength Strength of the temporal filter - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | FilterTemporal Enables the temporal noise filter - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GammaCorrection Enables gamma correction on the intensity image - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< IntensityCalculationEnums > & | IntensityCalculation Sets the method for calculating the intensity data - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< LightSourcePresetEnums > & | LightSourcePreset Sets the light source preset - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | OutlierRemoval Enables the outlier removal - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ThermalDriftCorrection Enables the thermal drift correction - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatusEnums > & | BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus Indicates the status of the target brightness adjustments performed by the Exposure Auto and Gain Auto auto functions - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslChunkTimestampSelectorEnums > & | BslChunkTimestampSelector Sets which information should be included in the Chunk Timestamp Value chunk - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslChunkTimestampValue Value of the timestamp when the image was acquired - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkCounterSelectorEnums > & | ChunkCounterSelector Sets which counter to retrieve chunk data from - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkCounterValue Value of the selected chunk counter - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkDynamicRangeMax Maximum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkDynamicRangeMin Minimum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkExposureTime Exposure time used to acquire the image - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkExposureTimeSelectorEnums > & | ChunkExposureTimeSelector Sets which exposure time to retrieve chunk data from - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkFrameID Unique identifier of the current frame - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkGain Gain used during image acquisition - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkGainSelectorEnums > & | ChunkGainSelector Sets which gain channel to retrieve chunk data from - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkHeight AOI height of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkLineStatusAll Bit field that indicates the status of all of the camera's input and output lines when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkOffsetX X offset of the AOI of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkOffsetY Y offset of the AOI of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkPayloadCRC16 CRC checksum of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMax Maximum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkPixelDynamicRangeMin Minimum possible pixel value in the acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkPixelFormatEnums > & | ChunkPixelFormat Indicates the pixel format of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkSequencerSetActive Index of the active sequencer set - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkStride Number of bytes of data between the beginning of one line in the acquired image and the beginning of the next line in the acquired image - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkTimestamp Value of the timestamp when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkWidth Width of the AOI of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslColorAdjustmentEnable Enables color adjustment - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslColorAdjustmentHue Hue adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslColorAdjustmentSaturation Saturation adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslColorAdjustmentSelectorEnums > & | BslColorAdjustmentSelector Sets which color in your images will be adjusted - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslColorSpaceEnums > & | BslColorSpace Sets the color space for image acquisitions - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslDepthDoubleShot Enables combination of disaprity images from two stereo pairs - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslDepthExposureAdaptTimeout Maximum time to wait after triggering until auto exposure has finished adjustments - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslDepthFill Higher numbers fill gaps with measurements with potentially higher errors - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslDepthMaxDepth Maximum depth in meter All disparities with higher depth will be set to invalid - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslDepthMaxDepthErr Maximum depth error in meter All disparities with a higher depth error will be set to invalid - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslDepthMinConf Minimal confidence All disparities with lower confidence will be set to invalid - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslDepthMinDepth Minimum depth in meter All disparities with lower depth will be set to invalid - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslDepthQualityEnums > & | BslDepthQuality Depth image quality (resolution) - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslDepthSeg Maximum size of isolated disparity regions that will be invalidated, related to full resolution - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslDepthSmooth Enables smoothing of the disparity image - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslDepthStaticScene Enables accumulation of multiple images for noise reduction in static scenes - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslDeviceLinkCurrentThroughput Actual bandwidth the camera will use - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | BslImagePipelineVersion Version of the camera's image pipeline - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslSystemReady Returns if the system is ready (fully booted) - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslTemperatureMax Indicates the maximum temperature the camera reached during operation - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslTemperatureStatusEnums > & | BslTemperatureStatus Indicates the temperature state - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslTemperatureStatusErrorCount Indicates how often the temperature state changed to Error - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | BslV4lDevicePath Path of the Video4Linux device used to control the camera - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DeviceCharacterSetEnums > & | DeviceCharacterSet Indicates the character set used by the strings of the device's bootstrap registers - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceEventChannelCount Indicates the number of event channels supported by the device - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | DeviceFamilyName Identifier of the product family of the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | DeviceFeaturePersistenceEnd Disables feature streaming on the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | DeviceFeaturePersistenceStart Enables feature streaming on the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceGenCPVersionMajor Major version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device - Applies to: ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceGenCPVersionMinor Minor version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device - Applies to: ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DeviceIndicatorModeEnums > & | DeviceIndicatorMode Sets the behavior of the camera's status LED - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceLinkConnectionCount Returns the number of physical connection of the device used by a particular Link - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceLinkCurrentThroughput Actual bandwidth the camera will use - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceLinkSelector Device link to be configured - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace USB, blaze, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceLinkSpeed Speed of transmission negotiated on the selected link - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceLinkThroughputLimit Bandwidth limit for data transmission (in bytes per second) - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DeviceLinkThroughputLimitModeEnums > & | DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode Enables/disables the device link throughput limit - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | DeviceManifestPrimaryURL First URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceManifestSchemaMajorVersion Major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceManifestSchemaMinorVersion Minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceManifestSchemaSubMinorVersion Subminor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceManifestXMLMajorVersion Major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceManifestXMLMinorVersion Minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceManifestXMLSubMinorVersion Subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DeviceRegistersEndiannessEnums > & | DeviceRegistersEndianness Endianness of the registers of the device - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | DeviceRegistersStreamingEnd Announces the end of feature streaming - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | DeviceRegistersStreamingStart Prepares the camera for feature streaming - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceSFNCVersionMajor Major version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceSFNCVersionMinor Minor version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceSFNCVersionSubMinor Subminor version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | DeviceSerialNumber Serial number of the camera - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceStreamChannelCount Indicates the number of streaming channels supported by the device - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DeviceTLTypeEnums > & | DeviceTLType Indicates the type of the device's transport layer - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceTLVersionMajor Major version number of the device's transport layer - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceTLVersionMinor Minor version number of the device's transport layer - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceTLVersionSubMinor Subminor version number of the device's transport layer - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | DeviceTemperature Temperature at the selected location in the camera (in degrees centigrade) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DeviceTemperatureSelectorEnums > & | DeviceTemperatureSelector Sets the location in the camera where the temperature will be measured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DeviceTypeEnums > & | DeviceType Returns the device type - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | TimestampLatch Latches the current timestamp counter and stores its value in TimestampLatchValue - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TimestampLatchValue Latched value of the timestamp counter - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | TimestampReset Resets the current timestamp counter - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslDualROIImageValid Indicates whether the outgoing image is valid - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslDualROIRowOffset Vertical offset of the currently selected row - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslDualROIRowSelectorEnums > & | BslDualROIRowSelector Sets which row can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslDualROIRowSize Height of the currently selected row - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslDualROIRowsEnable Enables the Dual ROI feature - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslEnableFanEnums > & | BslEnableFan Enables the external fan if one is connected - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslInputFilterTime Time period in which the camera evaluates all changes and durations of logical states of the input signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslInputHoldOffTime Time period in which the camera doesn't accept any further trigger signals or signal changes after receiving an input trigger signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLineConnectionEnums > & | BslLineConnection Sets the connection signal for the currently selected line - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslLineOverloadStatus Indicates whether a GPIO line is overloaded, i e , not powered correctly - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslLineRatio Exposure time ratio for turning on the corresponding output line - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslLineTermination Enables the termination resistor of the selected input or output line - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | LineDebouncerTime Line debouncer time in microseconds - Applies to: ace USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | LineMinimumOutputPulseWidth Minimum signal width of an output signal (in microseconds) - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | LineOverloadReset Resets the overload status of the selected line - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | LineOverloadStatus Indicates whether an overload condition has been detected on the selected line - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslErrorPresent Indicates whether an internal error occurred on the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslErrorReportNext Retrieves the next error code from the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslErrorReportValue Error code indicating the cause of the internal error - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFlatFieldCorrectionCoeffDSNU Dark Signal Non-Uniformity (DSNU) coefficient of the column specified by the Flat-Field Correction Coeff X parameter - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFlatFieldCorrectionCoeffPRNU Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) coefficient of the column specified by the Flat-Field Correction Coeff X parameter - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFlatFieldCorrectionCoeffX Column used for flat-field correction - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFlatFieldCorrectionDMean The mean gray value of all pixels in the dark field image - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslFlatFieldCorrectionModeEnums > & | BslFlatFieldCorrectionMode Sets the flat-field correction mode - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslFlatFieldCorrectionSaveToFlash Saves current flat-field correction values to flash memory - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFlatFieldCorrectionUserGD User-defined global dark offset used for flat-field correction - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslFocalLengthFactor Focal length factor - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | FastMode Enables the fast mode - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | MultiCameraChannel Operating channel of the camera - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< OperatingModeEnums > & | OperatingMode Sets the operating mode of the camera - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Scan3dAxisMax Maximum valid transmitted coordinate value of the selected Axis - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Scan3dAxisMin Minimum valid transmitted coordinate value of the selected Axis - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Scan3dBaseline Baseline of the stereo cameras - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Scan3dCalibrationOffset Adds an offset to the measured distance - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Scan3dCoordinateOffset Offset when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Scan3dCoordinateScale Scale factor when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< Scan3dCoordinateSelectorEnums > & | Scan3dCoordinateSelector Selects the individual coordinates in the vectors for 3D information/transformation - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< Scan3dCoordinateSystemEnums > & | Scan3dCoordinateSystem Specifies the Coordinate system to use for the device - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< Scan3dCoordinateSystemReferenceEnums > & | Scan3dCoordinateSystemReference Defines coordinate system reference location - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< Scan3dDistanceUnitEnums > & | Scan3dDistanceUnit Specifies the unit used when delivering (calibrated) distance data - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Scan3dFocalLength Returns the focal length of the camera in pixel - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | Scan3dInvalidDataFlag Enables the definition of a non-valid flag value in the data stream - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Scan3dInvalidDataValue Value which identifies a non-valid pixel if Scan3dInvalidDataFlag is enabled - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< Scan3dOutputModeEnums > & | Scan3dOutputMode Controls the Calibration and data organization of the device and the coordinates transmitted - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Scan3dPrincipalPointU Returns the value of the horizontal position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i e - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | Scan3dPrincipalPointV Returns the value of the vertical position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i e - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ZOffsetOriginToCameraFront Distance between the origin of the z axis to the front of the camera housing - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFocusAutoROIHeight Height of focus auto ROI - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslFocusAutoROIModeEnums > & | BslFocusAutoROIMode Sets the mode that determines the focus auto ROI - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFocusAutoROIOffsetX OffsetX of focus auto ROI - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFocusAutoROIOffsetY OffsetY of focus auto ROI - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFocusAutoROIWidth Width of focus auto ROI - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< FocusAutoEnums > & | FocusAuto Sets the operation mode of the Autofocus function - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< FocusStatusEnums > & | FocusStatus Displays the status of the focus - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FocusStepper Stepper value of the focus lens actuator - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< OpticControllerSelectorEnums > & | OpticControllerSelector Select which optic controller to configure - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslFrequencyConverterActivationEnums > & | BslFrequencyConverterActivation Sets the type of signal transition that will drive the frequency converter - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFrequencyConverterMultiplier Multiplier value to increase the signal frequency - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFrequencyConverterPostDivider Post-divider value to decrease the signal frequency - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslFrequencyConverterPreDivider Pre-divider value to decrease the signal frequency - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslFrequencyConverterSignalSourceEnums > & | BslFrequencyConverterSignalSource Sets the source signal for the frequency converter - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslImageCompressionLastRatio Ratio between the compressed payload size and the uncompressed payload size of the last acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslImageCompressionLastSize Compressed payload size of the last acquired image in bytes - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslImageCompressionRatio Maximum ratio between the payload size of compressed and uncompressed images - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ImageCompressionModeEnums > & | ImageCompressionMode Sets the compression mode of the camera - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ImageCompressionRateOptionEnums > & | ImageCompressionRateOption Configures the selected compression mechanism - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslLightControlEnumerateDevices Searches for light devices connected to your camera - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightControlErrorStatusEnums > & | BslLightControlErrorStatus Indicates whether any of the light devices are currently experiencing problems - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightControlErrorSummaryEnums > & | BslLightControlErrorSummary Indicates whether any of the light devices are currently experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightControlModeEnums > & | BslLightControlMode Enables or disables the light control features - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslLightControlOvertriggerCount Number of trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslLightControlOvertriggerCountReset Resets the counter for trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightControlSourceEnums > & | BslLightControlSource Sets which line is used to control the light features - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightControlStatusEnums > & | BslLightControlStatus Indicates the current state of the light control mode - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightControlTriggerActivationEnums > & | BslLightControlTriggerActivation Sets the type of signal transition that will trigger connected light devices - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightControlTriggerSourceEnums > & | BslLightControlTriggerSource Sets which signal is used to trigger connected light devices - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslLightDeviceBrightness Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslLightDeviceBrightnessRaw Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightDeviceChangeIDEnums > & | BslLightDeviceChangeID Changes the ID of the currently selected light device - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslLightDeviceClearLastError Clears the last light device error - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightDeviceControlModeEnums > & | BslLightDeviceControlMode Sets how the light device is controlled - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslLightDeviceCurrent Nominal current that the light device uses in continuous operation - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslLightDeviceDutyCycle Duty cycle of the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslLightDeviceErrorCode Error code indicating the cause of an error in a light device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightDeviceErrorStatusEnums > & | BslLightDeviceErrorStatus Error status indicating whether the current light device is experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslLightDeviceErrorStatusReadAndClear Reads the error code from the current light device and resets the error status to No Error - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | BslLightDeviceFirmwareVersion Version of the light device's firmware - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightDeviceLastErrorEnums > & | BslLightDeviceLastError Indicates the last light device error - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslLightDeviceMaxCurrent Maximum current that the light device is going to use - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslLightDeviceMaxCurrentRaw Maximum current that the light device is going to use (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | BslLightDeviceModelName Name of the light device model - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightDeviceNewIDEnums > & | BslLightDeviceNewID Sets which ID should be assigned to the current light device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslLightDeviceNewIDSave Changes the ID of the current light device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightDeviceOperationModeEnums > & | BslLightDeviceOperationMode Sets the operation mode of the light device - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslLightDeviceOverdriveLimit Maximum current to be used when operating the light device in overdrive - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightDeviceSelectorEnums > & | BslLightDeviceSelector Sets which light device can be configured - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslLightDeviceStrobeDuration Duration of the individual strobe pulses - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslLightDeviceStrobeDurationRaw Duration of the individual strobe pulses (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslLightDeviceStrobeModeEnums > & | BslLightDeviceStrobeMode Sets the strobe mode of the light device - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslMultipleROIColumnOffset Horizontal offset of the currently selected column - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslMultipleROIColumnSelectorEnums > & | BslMultipleROIColumnSelector Sets which column can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslMultipleROIColumnSize Width of the currently selected column - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslMultipleROIColumnsEnable Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in horizontal direction - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslMultipleROIRowOffset Vertical offset of the currently selected row - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslMultipleROIRowSelectorEnums > & | BslMultipleROIRowSelector Sets which row can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslMultipleROIRowSize Height of the currently selected row - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslMultipleROIRowsEnable Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in vertical direction - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslNoiseReduction Amount of noise reduction to be applied - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslPeriodicSignalActivationEnums > & | BslPeriodicSignalActivation Sets the transition type of the source signal that activates the synchronization - Applies to: dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslPeriodicSignalDelay Delay to be applied to the periodic signal in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslPeriodicSignalPeriod Length of the periodic signal in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslPeriodicSignalSelectorEnums > & | BslPeriodicSignalSelector Sets the periodic signal channel to be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslPeriodicSignalSourceEnums > & | BslPeriodicSignalSource Sets the source for synchronizing the periodic signal - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslPtpDelayMechanismEnums > & | BslPtpDelayMechanism Indicates the PTP delay mechanism - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslPtpManagementEnable Enables PTP management - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslPtpNetworkModeEnums > & | BslPtpNetworkMode Sets the mode for PTP network communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslPtpPriority1 Value indicating the priority of the device when determining the master clock - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslPtpProfileEnums > & | BslPtpProfile Sets the default PTP profile - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslPtpServoLockedThreshold Threshold value below which the device will set the Ptp Servo Status parameter to Locked, indicating that the device is sufficiently synchronized - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslPtpTwoStep Configures a two-step clock if enabled or a one-step clock if disabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslPtpUcPortAddr Unicast port address - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslPtpUcPortAddrIndex Unicast port address index - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< PtpClockAccuracyEnums > & | PtpClockAccuracy Indicates the expected accuracy of the PTP device clock when it is or becomes the grandmaster - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PtpClockID Returns the latched clock ID of the PTP device - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | PtpDataSetLatch Latches the current values from the device's PTP clock data set - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | PtpEnable Enables the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PtpGrandmasterClockID Returns the latched grandmaster clock ID of the PTP device - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PtpOffsetFromMaster Returns the latched offset from the PTP master clock in nanoseconds - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PtpParentClockID Returns the latched parent clock ID of the PTP device - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< PtpServoStatusEnums > & | PtpServoStatus Returns the latched state of the clock servo - Applies to: Stereo ace and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< PtpStatusEnums > & | PtpStatus Returns the latched state of the PTP clock - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslSerialBaudRateEnums > & | BslSerialBaudRate Sets the baud rate used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslSerialNumberOfDataBitsEnums > & | BslSerialNumberOfDataBits Sets the number of data bits used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslSerialNumberOfStopBitsEnums > & | BslSerialNumberOfStopBits Sets the number of stop bits used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslSerialParityEnums > & | BslSerialParity Sets which kind of parity check is performed - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslSerialReceive Initiates a receiving transaction from the serial input buffer - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslSerialRxBreak Indicates the incoming break signal status - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslSerialRxBreakReset Resets the incoming break status - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslSerialRxFifoOverflow Indicates the overflow status of the receiving FIFO - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslSerialRxParityError Indicates the parity error status of the receiving FIFO - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslSerialRxSourceEnums > & | BslSerialRxSource Sets the source of the Rx serial input - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslSerialRxStopBitError Indicates the stop bit error status of the receiving FIFO - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IRegisterEx & | BslSerialTransferBuffer Buffer that holds Rx or Tx transfer data in the controller domain - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslSerialTransferLength Effective number of serial frames in a Rx or Tx data transfer - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslSerialTransmit Initiates a transmitting transaction to the serial output buffer - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslSerialTxBreak Signals a break to a receiver connected to the camera, or terminates the break - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslSerialTxFifoEmpty Indicates whether the transmitting FIFO is empty - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslSerialTxFifoOverflow Indicates whether the transmitting FIFO has overflown - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslShadingCorrectionAbsoluteTargetValue Absolute target value of the sensor brightness - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslShadingCorrectionMaximumMeasuredValue Maximum brightness value detected by the camera during the creation of a PRNU shading correction set - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslShadingCorrectionModeEnums > & | BslShadingCorrectionMode Sets the shading correction mode - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslShadingCorrectionSelectorEnums > & | BslShadingCorrectionSelector Sets the shading correction type to be performed - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslShadingCorrectionSetCreate Creates a shading correction set - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnums > & | BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResult Indicates the result of the shading correction set creation - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateStatusEnums > & | BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateStatus Indicates the status of the shading correction set created - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslShadingCorrectionSetIndex Index number of the shading correction set to be created - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslShadingCorrectionSetStatusEnums > & | BslShadingCorrectionSetStatus Returns the status of the shading correction set - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslShadingCorrectionTargetValue Relative target value of the sensor brightness you want to achieve - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | BslSharpnessEnhancement Sharpening value to be applied - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionClearAll Clears all custom defect pixel coordinates - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionCount Indicates how many defect pixels are being corrected - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatusEnums > & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus Returns the file status of the defect pixel correction file - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMaxDefects Maximum number of defect pixels that the factory or user correction file can contain - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionModeEnums > & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode Sets the static defect pixel correction mode - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionReload Reloads the user defect pixel correction file - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionSave Saves changes to the defect pixel coordinates to flash memory - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestModeEnums > & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestMode Enables or disables the static defect pixel correction test mode - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXCoordinate X coordinate of the defect pixel to be corrected - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelectorEnums > & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector Sets which x coordinate entry can be configured - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionYCoordinate Y coordinate of the defect pixel to be corrected - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslTwiBitrateEnums > & | BslTwiBitrate Sets the bit rate for TWI communication - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslTwiPullSclLow Pulls SCL low, which is rarely needed - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | BslTwiPullSdaLow Pulls SDA low, which is rarely needed - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslTwiRead Triggers a read transfer - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslTwiTargetAddress Address of the target device - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IRegisterEx & | BslTwiTransferBuffer Buffer that holds data to be written or data that was read - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | BslTwiTransferLength Number of bytes to be transferred from or to the transfer buffer - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslTwiTransferStatusEnums > & | BslTwiTransferStatus Indicates the status of an accepted read or write transfer - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslTwiUpdateTransferStatus Triggers an update of the transfer status - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslTwiWrite Triggers a write transfer - Applies to: dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslUSBPowerSourceEnums > & | BslUSBPowerSource Indicates how power is supplied to the device - Applies to: ace 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslUSBSpeedModeEnums > & | BslUSBSpeedMode Indicates the speed mode of the USB port - Applies to: ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DeviceTapGeometryEnums > & | DeviceTapGeometry Sets the tap geometry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | ForceFailedBuffer Marks the next buffer as failed - Applies to: CamEmu. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ForceFailedBufferCount Number of failed buffers to generate - Applies to: CamEmu. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GenDCStreamingModeEnums > & | GenDCStreamingMode Controls the device's streaming format - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GenDCStreamingStatusEnums > & | GenDCStreamingStatus Returns whether the current device data streaming format is GenDC - Applies to: blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PayloadFinalTransfer1Size For information only May be required when contacting Basler support - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PayloadFinalTransfer2Size For information only May be required when contacting Basler support - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PayloadTransferBlockDelay This parameter is required when using the sequencer - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PayloadTransferCount For information only May be required when contacting Basler support - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PayloadTransferSize For information only May be required when contacting Basler support - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SIPayloadFinalTransfer1Size For information only May be required when contacting Basler support - Applies to: ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SIPayloadFinalTransfer2Size For information only May be required when contacting Basler support - Applies to: ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SIPayloadTransferCount For information only May be required when contacting Basler support - Applies to: ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SIPayloadTransferSize For information only May be required when contacting Basler support - Applies to: ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | BslVignettingCorrectionLoad Loads the vignetting correction data from the camera's file system - Applies to: boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< BslVignettingCorrectionModeEnums > & | BslVignettingCorrectionMode Enables the vignetting correction - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and dart MIPI. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CameraOperationModeEnums > & | CameraOperationMode Sets the camera operation mode - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkBslLineRatio Returns the exposure ratio of the selected output line - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkBslMaxDepth Maximum depth that was used - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkBslMinDepth Minimum depth that was used - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkBslNoise Returns the noise of the image - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ChunkBslReducedDepthRange Signals if the depth range had to be reduced due to memory limits - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkComponentIDEnums > & | ChunkComponentID Returns the component of the payload image - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkComponentIDValue Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the selected chunk component - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkComponentSelectorEnums > & | ChunkComponentSelector Selects the Component from which to retreive data from - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkComponents Returns the bitmask of components contained in this block - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkDecimationHorizontal Horizontal sub-sampling of the image - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkDecimationVertical Vertical sub-sampling of the image - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkLineSelectorEnums > & | ChunkLineSelector Selects the output for which to read the LineSource - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkLineSourceEnums > & | ChunkLineSource Line source for selected line - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ChunkLineStatus Returns the current status of the selected input or output Line - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkPartIndex Returns index of the image part in this block depending on selected component - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkScan3dBaseline Baseline of the stereo cameras - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkScan3dCoordinateOffset Returns the offset when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkScan3dCoordinateScale Returns the scale factor when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkScan3dCoordinateSelectorEnums > & | ChunkScan3dCoordinateSelector Selects which Coordinate to retrieve data from - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkScan3dDistanceUnitEnums > & | ChunkScan3dDistanceUnit Returns the Distance Unit of the payload image - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkScan3dFocalLength Focal length - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ChunkScan3dInvalidDataFlag Returns if a specific non-valid data flag is used in the payload image - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkScan3dInvalidDataValue Returns the value which identifies a non-valid pixel - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkScan3dOutputModeEnums > & | ChunkScan3dOutputMode Returns the Calibrated Mode of the payload image - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkScan3dPrincipalPointU Horizontal position of the principal point - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ChunkScan3dPrincipalPointV Vertical position of the principal point - Applies to: Stereo ace. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ChunkEnable Includes the currently selected chunk in the payload data - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ChunkModeActive Enables the chunk mode - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ChunkSelectorEnums > & | ChunkSelector Sets which chunk can be enabled - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkFrameTriggerCounter Value of the Frame Trigger counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkFrameTriggerIgnoredCounter Value of the Frame Trigger Ignored counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkFramecounter Value of the Frame counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkFramesPerTriggerCounter Value of the Frames per Trigger counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkGainAll Gain All value of the acquired image - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerBitsPerLine Number of bits per line used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerIndex Index number used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerValue Value indicating the status of the camera's input lines when a specific line was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkLineTriggerCounter Value of the Line Trigger counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkLineTriggerEndToEndCounter Value of the Line Trigger End to End counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkLineTriggerIgnoredCounter Value of the Line Trigger Ignored counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkSequenceSetIndex Sequence set index number related to the acquired image - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkShaftEncoderCounter Value of the Shaft Encoder counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkTriggerinputcounter Value of the Trigger Input counter when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ChunkVirtLineStatusAll Status of all of the camera's virtual input and output lines when the image was acquired - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ClConfigurationEnums > & | ClConfiguration Sets the configuration type - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ClInterLineDelayAbs Delay between end of transmission and start of transmission of consecutive lines - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ClInterLineDelayRaw Delay between end of transmission and start of transmission of consecutive lines (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ClPixelClockEnums > & | ClPixelClock Sets the pixel clock used in the communication with the frame grabber - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ClPixelClockAbs Pixel clock used in the communication with the frame grabber in Hz - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ClSerialPortBaudRateEnums > & | ClSerialPortBaudRate Sets the serial port baud rate - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ClTapGeometryEnums > & | ClTapGeometry Sets the tap geometry - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ClTimeSlotsEnums > & | ClTimeSlots Sets the number of time slots - Applies to: CameraLink. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GevCCPEnums > & | GevCCP Sets the control channel privilege - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevCurrentIPConfiguration Current IP configuration of the selected network interface - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevDeviceModeCharacterSet Character set used by all strings of the bootstrap registers - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevDeviceModeIsBigEndian Indicates whether the bootstrap register is in big-endian format - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | GevFirstURL First URL reference to the GenICam XML file - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevHeartbeatTimeout Heartbeat timeout in milliseconds - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevIEEE1588 Enables the IEEE 1588 V2 Precision Time Protocol for the timestamp register - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevIEEE1588ClockId Latched IEEE 1588 clock ID of the camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | GevIEEE1588DataSetLatch Latches the current IEEE 1588-related values of the camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevIEEE1588OffsetFromMaster Latched offset from the IEEE 1588 master clock in nanoseconds - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevIEEE1588ParentClockId Latched IEEE 1588 parent clock ID of the camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GevIEEE1588StatusEnums > & | GevIEEE1588Status Indicates the state of the IEEE 1588 clock - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GevIEEE1588StatusLatchedEnums > & | GevIEEE1588StatusLatched Indicates the latched state of the IEEE 1588 clock - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GevInterfaceSelectorEnums > & | GevInterfaceSelector Sets the physical network interface to be configured - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevLinkCrossover Indicates the state of medium-dependent interface crossover (MDIX) for the selected network interface - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevLinkFullDuplex Indicates whether the selected network interface operates in full-duplex mode - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevLinkMaster Indicates whether the selected network interface is the clock master - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevLinkSpeed Connection speed in Mbps of the selected network interface - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevMessageChannelCount Number of message channels supported by the camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevNumberOfInterfaces Number of network interfaces of the camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevPTPDiagnosticsQueueRxEvntMaxNumElements Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevPTPDiagnosticsQueueRxEvntPushNumFailure Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevPTPDiagnosticsQueueRxGnrlMaxNumElements Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevPTPDiagnosticsQueueRxGnrlPushNumFailure Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevPTPDiagnosticsQueueSendNumFailure Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCBWA Base bandwidth in bytes per second that will be used by the camera to transmit image and chunk feature data and to handle resends and control data transmissions - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCDA Destination address of the selected stream channel - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCDCT Actual bandwidth (in bytes per second) that the camera will use to transmit image data and chunk data - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCDMT Maximum amount of data (in bytes per second) that the camera can generate - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCFJM Maximum amount of time (in ticks) that the next frame transmission could be delayed due to a burst of resends - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCPHostPort Destination port of the selected stream channel - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCPInterfaceIndex Index of the network interface to be used - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSCPSBigEndian Indicates the endianness of multi-byte pixel data for this stream - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSCPSDoNotFragment Disables IP fragmentation of packets on the stream channel - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | GevSCPSFireTestPacket Sends a GigE Vision streaming test packet - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | GevSecondURL Second URL reference to the GenICam XML file - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevStreamChannelCount Number of stream channels supported by the camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GevStreamChannelSelectorEnums > & | GevStreamChannelSelector Sets the stream channel to be configured - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSupportedIEEE1588 Indicates whether the IEEE 1588 V2 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is supported - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSupportedIPConfigurationDHCP Indicates whether the selected network interface supports DHCP IP addressing - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSupportedIPConfigurationLLA Indicates whether the selected network interface supports auto IP addressing (also known as LLA) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSupportedIPConfigurationPersistentIP Indicates whether the selected network interface supports fixed IP addressing (also known as persistent IP addressing) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSupportedOptionalCommandsConcatenation Indicates whether multiple operations in a single message are supported - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSupportedOptionalCommandsEVENT Indicates whether EVENT_CMD and EVENT_ACK are supported - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSupportedOptionalCommandsEVENTDATA Indicates whether EVENTDATA_CMD and EVENTDATA_ACK are supported - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSupportedOptionalCommandsPACKETRESEND Indicates whether PACKETRESEND_CMD is supported - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSupportedOptionalCommandsWRITEMEM Indicates whether WRITEMEM_CMD and WRITEMEM_ACK are supported - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | GevSupportedOptionalLegacy16BitBlockID Indicates whether this GVSP transmitter or receiver can support a 16-bit block ID - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | GevTimestampControlLatch Latches the current timestamp value of the camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | GevTimestampControlLatchReset Resets the timestamp control latch - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | GevTimestampControlReset Resets the timestamp value of the camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevTimestampValue Latched value of the timestamp - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevVersionMajor Major version number of the GigE Vision specification supported by this camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevVersionMinor Minor version number of the GigE Vision specification supported by this camera - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | PixelFormatLegacy Enables legacy pixel format encoding - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | ClearLastError Clears the last error - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | DeviceColorPipelineVersion Version of the color modifications applied to images - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | DeviceFirmwareVersion Version of the camera's firmware - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | DeviceManufacturerInfo Additional information from the vendor about the camera - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | DeviceModelName Name of the camera model - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | DeviceReset Immediately resets and restarts the camera - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DeviceScanTypeEnums > & | DeviceScanType Indicates the scan type of the camera's sensor (area or line scan) - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | DeviceUserID User-settable ID of the camera - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | DeviceVendorName Name of the camera vendor - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | DeviceVersion Version of the camera - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< LastErrorEnums > & | LastError Indicates the last error code in the memory - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TemperatureStateEnums > & | TemperatureState Indicates the temperature state - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace USB and blaze. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIEnable Enables color overexposure compensation - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIFactor Sets the color overexposure compensation factor for the selected C O C AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIFactorRaw Sets the raw value for the color overexposure compensation factor - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIHeight Sets the height for the selected C O C AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIOffsetX Sets the X offset for the selected C O C AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIOffsetY Sets the Y offset for the selected C O C AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelectorEnums > & | ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector Selcts the AOI for color overexposure compensation - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIWidth Sets the width for the selected C O C AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ColorSpaceEnums > & | ColorSpace Sets the color space for image acquisitions - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ColorTransformationEnable Enables color transformation - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ColorTransformationSelectorEnums > & | ColorTransformationSelector Sets which type of color transformation will be performed - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | ColorTransformationValue Transformation value for the selected element in the color transformation matrix - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ColorTransformationValueSelectorEnums > & | ColorTransformationValueSelector Sets which element will be entered in the color transformation matrix - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | CounterDuration Number of times a sequencer set is used before the Counter End event is generated - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CounterResetActivationEnums > & | CounterResetActivation Sets which type of signal transition will reset the counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CounterEventActivationEnums > & | CounterEventActivation Sets the type of signal transition that the counter will count - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CounterStatusEnums > & | CounterStatus Returns the current status of the counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CounterTriggerActivationEnums > & | CounterTriggerActivation Sets the type of signal transition that will start the counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CounterTriggerSourceEnums > & | CounterTriggerSource Sets the signal used to start the selected counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | CounterValue Current value of the counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CounterEventSourceEnums > & | CounterEventSource Sets which event increases the currently selected counter - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | CounterReset Immediately resets the selected counter - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CounterResetSourceEnums > & | CounterResetSource Sets which source signal will reset the currently selected counter - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CounterSelectorEnums > & | CounterSelector Sets which counter can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | CriticalTemperature Indicates whether the critical temperature has been reached - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IStringEx & | DeviceID ID of the camera - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | OverTemperature Indicates whether an over temperature state has been detected - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | TemperatureAbs Temperature at the selected location in the camera (in degrees centigrade) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TemperatureSelectorEnums > & | TemperatureSelector Sets the location in the camera where the temperature will be measured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | CriticalTemperatureEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Critical Temperature event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | CriticalTemperatureEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Critical Temperature event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | CxpConnectionSelector Sets the CoaXPress physical connection to control - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | CxpConnectionTestErrorCount Number of test packet connection errors received by the device on the connection selected by the Connection Selector parameter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CxpConnectionTestModeEnums > & | CxpConnectionTestMode Sets the test mode for an individual physical connection of the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | CxpConnectionTestPacketCount Number of test packets received by the device on the connection selected by the Cxp Connection Selector parameter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | CxpErrorCounterReset Resets the selected CoaXPress error counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CxpErrorCounterSelectorEnums > & | CxpErrorCounterSelector Sets which CoaXPress error counter to read or reset - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CxpErrorCounterStatusEnums > & | CxpErrorCounterStatus Indicates the current status of the selected CoaXPress error counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | CxpErrorCounterValue Current value of the selected CoaXPress error counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CxpLinkConfigurationEnums > & | CxpLinkConfiguration Sets the link configuration - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CxpLinkConfigurationPreferredEnums > & | CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred Sets the link configuration that allows the device to operate in its default mode - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CxpLinkConfigurationStatusEnums > & | CxpLinkConfigurationStatus Indicates the link configuration used by the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< CxpSendReceiveSelectorEnums > & | CxpSendReceiveSelector Sets whether the send or the receive features can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Image1StreamID Stream ID of the first image stream - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Image2StreamID Stream ID of the second image stream - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< DemosaicingModeEnums > & | DemosaicingMode Sets the demosaicing mode - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | NoiseReduction Amount of noise reduction to be applied - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | NoiseReductionAbs Amount of noise reduction to be applied - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | NoiseReductionRaw Amount of noise reduction to be applied (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< PgiModeEnums > & | PgiMode Enables Basler PGI image optimizations - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | SharpnessEnhancementAbs Sharpening value to be applied - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SharpnessEnhancementRaw Sharpening value to be applied (raw value) - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EncoderDivider Number of encoder increments or decrements needed to generate an encoder output trigger signal - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< EncoderModeEnums > & | EncoderMode Sets the encoder mode - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< EncoderOutputModeEnums > & | EncoderOutputMode Sets the conditions for the encoder control to generate a valid output trigger signal - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | EncoderReset Resets the encoder control and restarts it - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< EncoderSelectorEnums > & | EncoderSelector Sets which encoder can be configured - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< EncoderSourceAEnums > & | EncoderSourceA Sets the source signal for the A input of the encoder control - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< EncoderSourceBEnums > & | EncoderSourceB Sets the source signal for the B input of the encoder control - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EncoderValue Current value of the encoder control's position counter - Applies to: racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventActionLate Unique identifier of the Action Late event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventActionLateTimestamp Timestamp of the Action Late event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventCriticalTemperature Unique identifier of the Critical Temperature event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventCriticalTemperatureTimestamp Timestamp of the Critical Temperature event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventExposureEnd Unique identifier of the Exposure End event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventExposureEndFrameID Frame ID of the Exposure End event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventExposureEndTimestamp Timestamp of the Exposure End event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameBufferOverrun Unique identifier of the Frame Buffer Overrun event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameBufferOverrunTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Buffer Overrun event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameBurstStart Unique identifier of the Frame Burst Start event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameBurstStartFrameID Frame ID of the Frame Burst Start event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameBurstStartTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Burst Start event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameBurstStartOvertrigger Unique identifier of the Frame Burst Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameBurstStartOvertriggerFrameID Frame ID of the Frame Burst Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameBurstStartOvertriggerTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Burst Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameBurstStartWait Unique identifier of the Frame Burst Start Wait event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameBurstStartWaitTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Burst Start Wait event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameStart Unique identifier of the Frame Start event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameStartFrameID Frame ID of the Frame Start event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameStartTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Start event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameStartOvertrigger Unique identifier of the Frame Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameStartOvertriggerFrameID Frame ID of the Frame Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameStartOvertriggerTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameStartWait Unique identifier of the Frame Start Wait event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameStartWaitTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Start Wait event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameTriggerMissed Unique identifier of the Frame Trigger Missed event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventFrameTriggerMissedTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Trigger Missed event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< EventNotificationEnums > & | EventNotification Enables event notifications for the currently selected event - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< EventSelectorEnums > & | EventSelector Sets the event notification to be enabled - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventOverTemperature Unique identifier of the Over Temperature event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventOverTemperatureTimestamp Timestamp of the Over Temperature event - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventOverrun Unique identifier of the Event Overrun event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventOverrunTimestamp Timestamp of the Event Overrun event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventOverrunEventFrameID Frame ID of the Event Overrun event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventOverrunEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Event Overrun event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventOverrunEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Event Overrun event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventTemperatureStatusChanged Unique identifier of the Temperature Status Changed event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatusEnums > & | EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatus New temperature status that applies after the Temperature Status Changed event was raised - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventTemperatureStatusChangedTimestamp Timestamp of the Temperature Status Changed event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventTest Unique identifier of the Test event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | EventTestTimestamp Timestamp of the test event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ExpertFeatureAccessKey Key for making the selected expert feature available - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ExpertFeatureAccessSelectorEnums > & | ExpertFeatureAccessSelector Sets the expert feature to be made available - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ExpertFeatureEnable Enables the currently selected expert feature - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ExposureEndEventFrameID Frame ID of the Exposure End event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ExposureEndEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Exposure End event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ExposureEndEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Exposure End event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< FeatureSetEnums > & | FeatureSet Sets the default GenICam XML file - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< FieldOutputModeEnums > & | FieldOutputMode Selects the mode to output the fields - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< PixelCodingEnums > & | PixelCoding Sets the color coding of the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ProcessedRawEnable Enables the output of color-improved raw image data - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SensorBitDepthEnums > & | SensorBitDepth Amount of data bits the sensor produces for one sample - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SensorDigitizationTapsEnums > & | SensorDigitizationTaps This feature represents the number of digitized samples outputted simultaneously by the camera A/D conversion stage - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SpatialCorrection Correction factor to account for the gaps between the sensor's lines - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IRegisterEx & | FileAccessBuffer Access buffer for file operations - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FileAccessLength Number of bytes read from the file into the file access buffer or written to the file from the file access buffer - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FileAccessOffset Number of bytes after which FileAccessLength bytes are read from the file into the file access buffer or are written to the file from the file access buffer - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< FileOpenModeEnums > & | FileOpenMode Sets the access mode in which a file is opened in the camera - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | FileOperationExecute Executes the operation selected by File Operation Selector parameter - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FileOperationResult File operation result - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< FileOperationSelectorEnums > & | FileOperationSelector Sets the target operation for the currently selected file - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< FileOperationStatusEnums > & | FileOperationStatus Indicates the file operation execution status - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< FileSelectorEnums > & | FileSelector Sets the target file in the camera - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FileSize Size of the currently selected file in bytes - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameStartEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Frame Start event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameStartEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Start event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameStartOvertriggerEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Frame Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameStartOvertriggerEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameStartWaitEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Frame Start Wait event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameStartWaitEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Start Wait event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameTimeoutEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Frame Timeout event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameTimeoutEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Timeout event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameWaitEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Frame Wait event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrameWaitEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Frame Wait event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< FrequencyConverterInputSourceEnums > & | FrequencyConverterInputSource Sets the input source - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrequencyConverterMultiplier Multiplication factor to be applied to the input signal frequency - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrequencyConverterPostDivider Post-divider value to decrease input signal frequency - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | FrequencyConverterPreDivider Pre-divider value to decrease signal frequency - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | FrequencyConverterPreventOvertrigger Enables overtriggering protection - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< FrequencyConverterSignalAlignmentEnums > & | FrequencyConverterSignalAlignment Sets the signal transition relationships between received and generated signals - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevCurrentDefaultGateway Current default gateway of the selected network interface - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevCurrentIPAddress Current IP address of the selected network interface - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevCurrentSubnetMask Current subnet mask of the selected network interface - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< GevGVSPExtendedIDModeEnums > & | GevGVSPExtendedIDMode Sets the Extended ID mode for GVSP - Applies to: GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevMACAddress MAC address of the selected network interface - Applies to: GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevPersistentDefaultGateway Fixed default gateway of the selected network interface - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevPersistentIPAddress Fixed IP address of the selected network interface - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevPersistentSubnetMask Fixed subnet mask of the selected network interface - Applies to: GigE, Stereo ace and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCBWR Percentage of the Ethernet bandwidth assigned to the camera to be held in reserve - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCBWRA Multiplier for the Bandwidth Reserve parameter - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCFTD Frame transmission delay on the selected stream channel - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCPD Delay between the transmission of each packet on the selected stream channel - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE, Stereo ace and ace 2 GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevSCPSPacketSize Packet size in bytes on the selected stream channel Excludes data leader and data trailer - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | GevTimestampTickFrequency Number of timestamp clock ticks in 1 second - Applies to: GigE, ace 2 GigE and blaze. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | HeightMax Maximum height of the region of interest (area of interest) in pixels - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SensorHeight Height of the camera's sensor in pixels - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SensorWidth Width of the camera's sensor in pixels - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | WidthMax Maximum width of the region of interest (area of interest) in pixels - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | LUTEnable Enables the selected lookup table (LUT) - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | LUTIndex Pixel value to be replaced with the LUT Value pixel value - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< LUTSelectorEnums > & | LUTSelector Sets the lookup table (LUT) to be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | LUTValue New pixel value to replace the LUT Index pixel value - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IRegisterEx & | LUTValueAll A single register that lets you access all LUT entries - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | LateActionEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Action Late event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | LateActionEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Action Late event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Line1RisingEdgeEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Line 1 Rising Edge event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Line1RisingEdgeEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Line 1 Rising Edge event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Line2RisingEdgeEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Line 2 Rising Edge event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Line2RisingEdgeEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Line 2 Rising Edge event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Line3RisingEdgeEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Line 3 Rising Edge event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Line3RisingEdgeEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Line 3 Rising Edge event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Line4RisingEdgeEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Line 4 Rising Edge event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Line4RisingEdgeEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Line 4 Rising Edge event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | LineDebouncerTimeAbs Line debouncer time in microseconds - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | LineTermination Enables the termination resistor of the selected input line - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | MinOutPulseWidthAbs Minimum signal width of an output signal (in microseconds) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SyncUserOutputSelectorEnums > & | SyncUserOutputSelector Sets the user-settable synchronous output signal to be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | SyncUserOutputValue Enables the selected user-settable synchronous output line - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SyncUserOutputValueAll Single bit field that sets the state of all user-settable synchronous output signals in one access - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | UserOutputValueAllMask Defines a mask that is used when the User Output Value All setting is used to set all of the user settable output signals in one access - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< LineFormatEnums > & | LineFormat Indicates the electrical configuration of the currently selected line - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | LineInverter Enables the signal inverter function for the currently selected input or output line - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< LineLogicEnums > & | LineLogic Indicates the line logic of the currently selected line - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< LineModeEnums > & | LineMode Sets the mode for the selected line - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< LineSelectorEnums > & | LineSelector Sets the I/O line to be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< LineSourceEnums > & | LineSource Sets the source signal for the currently selected line - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | LineStatus Indicates the current logical state of the selected line - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | LineStatusAll Single bit field indicating the current logical state of all available line signals at time of polling - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< UserOutputSelectorEnums > & | UserOutputSelector Sets the user-settable output signal to be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | UserOutputValue Enables the selected user-settable output line - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | UserOutputValueAll Single bit field that sets the state of all user-settable output signals in one access - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | LineStartOvertriggerEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Line Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | LineStartOvertriggerEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Line Start Overtrigger event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | OverTemperatureEventStreamChannelIndex Stream channel index of the Over Temperature event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | OverTemperatureEventTimestamp Timestamp of the Over Temperature event - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ParameterSelectorEnums > & | ParameterSelector Sets the parameter whose factory limits can be removed - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | Prelines Sets the number of prelines - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | RemoveLimits Removes the factory-set limit of the selected parameter - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PayloadSize Size of the payload in bytes - Applies to: CamEmu, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< PixelColorFilterEnums > & | PixelColorFilter Indicates the alignment of the camera's Bayer filter to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PixelDynamicRangeMax Maximum possible pixel value that can be transferred from the camera - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | PixelDynamicRangeMin Minimum possible pixel value that can be transferred from the camera - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< PixelFormatEnums > & | PixelFormat Sets the format of the pixel data transmitted by the camera - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< PixelSizeEnums > & | PixelSize Indicates the depth of the pixel values in the image (in bits per pixel) - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ReverseX Enables horizontal mirroring of the image - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ReverseY Enables vertical mirroring of the image - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | TestImageResetAndHold Allows you to turn a moving test image into a fixed one - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TestImageSelectorEnums > & | TestImageSelector Sets the test image to display - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | RemoveParameterLimit Removes the factory-set limit of the selected parameter - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< RemoveParameterLimitSelectorEnums > & | RemoveParameterLimitSelector Sets the parameter whose factory limits can be removed - Applies to: ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SequenceAddressBitSelectorEnums > & | SequenceAddressBitSelector Sets which bit of the sequence set address can be assigned to an input line - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SequenceAddressBitSourceEnums > & | SequenceAddressBitSource Sets an input line as the control source for the currently selected sequence set address bit - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SequenceAdvanceModeEnums > & | SequenceAdvanceMode Sets the sequence set advance mode - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SequenceControlSelectorEnums > & | SequenceControlSelector Sets whether sequence advance or sequence restart can be configured - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SequenceControlSourceEnums > & | SequenceControlSource Sets the source for sequence control - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | SequenceAsyncAdvance Enables asynchronous advance from one sequence set to the next - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | SequenceAsyncRestart Enables asynchronous restart of the sequence set sequence - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SequenceConfigurationModeEnums > & | SequenceConfigurationMode Sets whether the sequencer can be configured - Applies to: GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SequenceCurrentSet Current sequence set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | SequenceEnable Enables the sequencer - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SequenceSetExecutions Number of sequence set executions - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SequenceSetIndex Index number of a sequence set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | SequenceSetLoad Loads the parameter values of the currently selected sequence set for configuration - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | SequenceSetStore Stores the sequencer parameter values in the currently selected sequence set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SequenceSetTotalNumber Total number of sequence sets in the sequence - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SequencerConfigurationModeEnums > & | SequencerConfigurationMode Sets whether the sequencer can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SequencerModeEnums > & | SequencerMode Sets whether the sequencer can be used for image acquisition - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SequencerPathSelector Sets which path can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SequencerSetActive Index number of the currently active sequencer set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | SequencerSetLoad Loads the parameter values of the currently selected sequencer set for configuration - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SequencerSetNext Next sequencer set that the sequencer will advance to when the configured trigger signal is received - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | SequencerSetSave Saves the sequencer parameter values in the currently selected sequencer set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SequencerSetSelector The sequencer set to be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | SequencerSetStart First sequencer set to be used after the Sequencer Mode parameter is set to On - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SequencerTriggerActivationEnums > & | SequencerTriggerActivation Sets the logical state that makes the sequencer advance to the next set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SequencerTriggerSourceEnums > & | SequencerTriggerSource Sets the source signal to be used to advance to the next set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | ShadingEnable Enables the selected shading correction type - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ShadingSelectorEnums > & | ShadingSelector Sets the kind of shading correction - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | ShadingSetActivate Loads the selected shading set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ShadingSetCreateEnums > & | ShadingSetCreate Enables/disables shading set creation - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ShadingSetDefaultSelectorEnums > & | ShadingSetDefaultSelector Sets the bootup shading set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ShadingSetSelectorEnums > & | ShadingSetSelector Sets which shading set can be enabled or created - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ShadingStatusEnums > & | ShadingStatus Indicates error statuses related to shading correction - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ShaftEncoderModuleCounter Current value of the tick counter - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ShaftEncoderModuleCounterMax Maximum value of the tick counter - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ShaftEncoderModuleCounterModeEnums > & | ShaftEncoderModuleCounterMode Sets the counting mode of the tick counter - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | ShaftEncoderModuleCounterReset Resets the tick counter to 0 - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ShaftEncoderModuleLineSelectorEnums > & | ShaftEncoderModuleLineSelector Sets the phase of the shaft encoder - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ShaftEncoderModuleLineSourceEnums > & | ShaftEncoderModuleLineSource Sets the line source for the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< ShaftEncoderModuleModeEnums > & | ShaftEncoderModuleMode Sets how the shaft encoder module outputs trigger signals - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | ShaftEncoderModuleReverseCounterMax Maximum value of the reverse counter - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | ShaftEncoderModuleReverseCounterReset Resets the reverse counter of the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | SharpnessEnhancement Sharpening value to be applied - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | SoftwareSignalPulse Executes the selected software signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< SoftwareSignalSelectorEnums > & | SoftwareSignalSelector Sets the software signal to be executed - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | StackedZoneImagingEnable Enables the Stacked Zone Imaging feature - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | StackedZoneImagingIndex Index number of the zone to configure - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | StackedZoneImagingZoneEnable Enables the selected zone - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | StackedZoneImagingZoneHeight Height of the selected zone - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | StackedZoneImagingZoneOffsetY Vertical offset (top offset) of the selected zone - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | TestEventGenerate Generates a Test event that can be used for testing event notification - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB and dart USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TestPendingAck Test pending acknowledge time in milliseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart 2 USB, dart USB and pulse USB. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | TimerDelay Delay of the currently selected timer in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | TimerDuration Duration of the currently selected timer in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | TimerDelayAbs Delay of the currently selected timer in microseconds - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TimerDelayRaw Delay of the selected timer (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | TimerDelayTimebaseAbs Timebase (in microseconds) that is used when a timer delay is specified using the Timer Delay Raw parameter - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | TimerDurationAbs Duration of the currently selected timer in microseconds - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TimerDurationRaw Duration of the selected timer (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | TimerDurationTimebaseAbs Timebase (in microseconds) that is used when a timer duration is specified using the Timer Duration Raw parameter - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | TimerReset Resets the selected timer - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TimerStatusEnums > & | TimerStatus Indicates the status of the currently selected timer - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IFloatEx & | TimerTriggerArmDelay Arm delay of the currently selected timer - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TimerSelectorEnums > & | TimerSelector Sets the timer to be configured - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TimerTriggerSourceEnums > & | TimerTriggerSource Sets the internal camera signal used to trigger the selected timer - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TimerSequenceCurrentEntryIndex Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | TimerSequenceEnable Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TimerSequenceEntrySelectorEnums > & | TimerSequenceEntrySelector Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TimerSequenceLastEntryIndex Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TimerSequenceTimerDelayRaw Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TimerSequenceTimerDurationRaw Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | TimerSequenceTimerEnable Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IBooleanEx & | TimerSequenceTimerInverter Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TimerSequenceTimerSelectorEnums > & | TimerSequenceTimerSelector Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TimerTriggerActivationEnums > & | TimerTriggerActivation Sets the type of signal transition that will start the timer - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TonalRangeAutoEnums > & | TonalRangeAuto Sets the operation mode of the Tonal Range Auto auto function - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TonalRangeEnableEnums > & | TonalRangeEnable Sets whether tonal range adjustment is used - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< TonalRangeSelectorEnums > & | TonalRangeSelector Sets which pixel values are used for tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TonalRangeSourceBright Source value for tonal range adjustments at the bright end of the tonal range - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TonalRangeSourceDark Source value for tonal range adjustments at the dark end of the tonal range - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TonalRangeTargetBright Target value at the bright end of the tonal range to which pixel values should be mapped during tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | TonalRangeTargetDark Target value at the dark end of the tonal range to which pixel values should be mapped during tonal range adjustments - Applies to: GigE and ace USB. |
Pylon::IIntegerEx & | UserDefinedValue User-defined value - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< UserDefinedValueSelectorEnums > & | UserDefinedValueSelector Sets the user-defined value to set or read - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< UserSetDefaultEnums > & | UserSetDefault Sets the user set or the factory set to be used as the startup set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::IEnumParameterT< UserSetDefaultSelectorEnums > & | UserSetDefaultSelector Sets the user set or the factory set to be used as the startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and GigE. |
Pylon::ICommandEx & | UserSetLoad Loads the selected set into the camera's volatile memory and makes it the active configuration set - Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP. |
Pylon::ICommandEx |