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Module: pylon Interface

Device info struct. More…

#include <pylonc/PylonC.h>

Public Attributes#

Detailed Description#

struct PylonDeviceInfo_t;

Device info struct.

This struct provides general information about the device gathered during enumeration.

Public Attributes Documentation#

variable DeviceClass#

char DeviceClass;

The device class (transport layer) used by the device

variable DeviceVersion#

char DeviceVersion;

The device version as reported by the device

variable FriendlyName#

char FriendlyName;

User friendly device name for display purpose

variable FullName#

char FullName;

Full unique device name for identification

variable ModelName#

char ModelName;

Model name of the device

variable SerialNumber#

char SerialNumber;

Serial number of the device

variable UserDefinedName#

char UserDefinedName;

User defined name, if present, as reported by the device

variable VendorName#

char VendorName;

Manufacturer of the device