ChangeIpConfiguration(bool EnablePersistentIp, bool EnableDhcp) Enables/disables use of persistent IP address and DHCP usage of the attached Pylon Device.
ExposureAuto Sets the operation mode of the Exposure Auto auto function - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
ExposureTimeBaseAbs Timebase (in microseconds) that the camera uses when the exposure time is specified using the Exposure Time (Raw) parameter - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and ace GigE.
AcquisitionFrameRate Acquisition frame rate of the camera in frames per second - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP.
AcquisitionLineRateEnable Enables setting the camera's acquisition line rate to a specified value - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslEffectiveExposureTime Current exposure time of the camera in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslFlashWindowDelay Indicates the delay between the start of exposure and the start of the flash window in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB.
BslFlashWindowDuration Indicates the width of the flash window in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB.
BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate Maximum number of frames that can be acquired per second with current camera settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and racer 2 CXP.
BslResultingAcquisitionLineRate Maximum number of lines in kHz that can be acquired with current camera settings - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslResultingFrameBurstRate Maximum number of bursts per second with current camera settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB.
BslResultingTransferFrameRate Maximum number of frames that can be transferred per second with current camera settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
BslSensorState Returns the current power state of the sensor - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
ExposureOverlapTimeMax Maximum overlap of the sensor exposure with sensor readout in Trigger Width exposure mode (in microseconds) - Applies to: ace USB.
SensorShutterMode Sets the shutter mode of the camera - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB.
ExposureOverlapTimeMaxAbs Maximum overlap of the sensor exposure with sensor readout in Trigger Width exposure mode (in microseconds) - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
ExposureOverlapTimeMaxRaw Maximum overlap of the sensor exposure with sensor readout in Trigger Width exposure mode (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
TriggerPartialClosingFrame Determines whether a partial or a complete frame is transmitted when the Frame Start trigger signal transitions prematurely - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
AutoTargetBrightness Target brightness for the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
AutoExposureTimeAbsLowerLimit Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
AutoExposureTimeAbsUpperLimit Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
AutoExposureTimeLowerLimitRaw Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active (raw value) - Applies to: ace GigE.
AutoExposureTimeUpperLimitRaw Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active (raw value) - Applies to: ace GigE.
AutoExposureTimeLowerLimit Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB.
AutoExposureTimeUpperLimit Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
AutoFunctionAOIUsageIntensity Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
AutoFunctionAOIUsageRedLightCorrection Assigns the Red Light Correction auto function to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
AutoFunctionAOIUsageWhiteBalance Assigns the Balance White Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
AutoFunctionAOIUseBrightness Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: ace USB.
AutoFunctionProfile Sets how gain and exposure time will be balanced when the camera is making automatic adjustments - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
AutoFunctionROIHeight Height of the auto function ROI (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
AutoFunctionROIHighlight Highlights the current auto function ROI in the image window - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
AutoFunctionROIOffsetX Horizontal offset of the auto function ROI from the left side of the sensor (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
AutoFunctionROIOffsetY Vertical offset from the top of the sensor to the auto function ROI (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
AutoFunctionROISelector Sets which auto function ROI can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function ROI - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB.
AutoFunctionROIUseWhiteBalance Assigns the Balance White Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function ROI - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
AutoFunctionROIWidth Width of the auto function ROI (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
AutoGainLowerLimit Lower limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB.
AutoGainUpperLimit Upper limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
AutoTonalRangeThresholdBright Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
AutoTonalRangeThresholdBrightRaw Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments (raw value) - Applies to: ace GigE.
AutoTonalRangeThresholdDark Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
AutoTonalRangeThresholdDarkRaw Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments (raw value) - Applies to: ace GigE.
ColorAdjustmentSaturation Saturation adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel - Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB.
ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw Saturation adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
ColorTransformationValueRaw Transformation value for the selected element in the color transformation matrix (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
BandwidthReserveMode Sets a predefined bandwidth reserve or enables manual configuration of the bandwidth reserve - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
GevCurrentIPConfigurationDHCP Controls whether the DHCP IP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze.
GevCurrentIPConfigurationLLA Controls whether the Link Local Address IP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze.
GevCurrentIPConfigurationPersistentIP Controls whether the PersistentIP configuration scheme is activated on the given logical link - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze.
OffsetX Horizontal offset of the region of interest (area of interest) from the left side of the sensor (in pixels) - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
OffsetY Vertical offset of the region of interest (area of interest) from the top of the sensor (in pixels) - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP.
BlackLevel Black level value to be applied to the currently selected sensor tap - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Gain Value of the currently selected gain in dB - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
GainAuto Sets the operation mode of the Gain Auto auto function - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector Sets which features the camera adjusts when you select a light source preset - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus Indicates the status of the target brightness adjustments performed by the Exposure Auto and Gain Auto auto functions - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE and dart USB.
BslChunkTimestampSelector Sets which information should be included in the Chunk Timestamp Value chunk - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
BslChunkTimestampValue Value of the timestamp when the image was acquired - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
ChunkExposureTimeSelector Sets which exposure time to retrieve chunk data from - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
ChunkGainSelector Sets which gain channel to retrieve chunk data from - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
ChunkLineStatusAll Bit field that indicates the status of all of the camera's input and output lines when the image was acquired - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
ChunkPixelFormat Indicates the pixel format of the acquired image - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
ChunkStride Number of bytes of data between the beginning of one line in the acquired image and the beginning of the next line in the acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
BslColorAdjustmentHue Hue adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslColorAdjustmentSaturation Saturation adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslColorAdjustmentSelector Sets which color in your images will be adjusted - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceCharacterSet Indicates the character set used by the strings of the device's bootstrap registers - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceManifestSchemaMajorVersion Major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceManifestSchemaMinorVersion Minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceManifestXMLMajorVersion Major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceManifestXMLMinorVersion Minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceManifestXMLSubMinorVersion Subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceSFNCVersionMajor Major version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceSFNCVersionMinor Minor version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceSFNCVersionSubMinor Subminor version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceTemperature Temperature at the selected location in the camera (in degrees centigrade) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
DeviceTemperatureSelector Sets the location in the camera where the temperature will be measured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
TimestampLatch Latches the current timestamp counter and stores its value in TimestampLatchValue - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
BslInputFilterTime Time period in which the camera evaluates all changes and durations of logical states of the input signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslInputHoldOffTime Time period in which the camera doesn't accept any further trigger signals or signal changes after receiving an input trigger signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslLineConnection Sets the connection signal for the currently selected line - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB.
BslLineOverloadStatus Indicates whether a GPIO line is overloaded, i e , not powered correctly - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslFlatFieldCorrectionCoeffDSNU Dark Signal Non-Uniformity (DSNU) coefficient of the column specified by the Flat-Field Correction Coeff X parameter - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress.
BslFlatFieldCorrectionCoeffPRNU Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) coefficient of the column specified by the Flat-Field Correction Coeff X parameter - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress.
Scan3dPrincipalPointU Returns the value of the horizontal position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i e - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze.
Scan3dPrincipalPointV Returns the value of the vertical position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i e - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze.
BslFrequencyConverterActivation Sets the type of signal transition that will drive the frequency converter - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslFrequencyConverterMultiplier Multiplier value to increase the signal frequency - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslFrequencyConverterPostDivider Post-divider value to decrease the signal frequency - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslFrequencyConverterPreDivider Pre-divider value to decrease the signal frequency - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslFrequencyConverterSignalSource Sets the source signal for the frequency converter - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslImageCompressionLastRatio Ratio between the compressed payload size and the uncompressed payload size of the last acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB.
BslLightControlEnumerateDevices Searches for light devices connected to your camera - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightControlErrorSummary Indicates whether any of the light devices are currently experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightControlMode Enables or disables the light control features - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightControlOvertriggerCount Number of trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightControlOvertriggerCountReset Resets the counter for trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightControlTriggerActivation Sets the type of signal transition that will trigger connected light devices - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightControlTriggerSource Sets which signal is used to trigger connected light devices - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightDeviceBrightness Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightDeviceCurrent Nominal current that the light device uses in continuous operation - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightDeviceErrorCode Error code indicating the cause of an error in a light device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightDeviceErrorStatus Error status indicating whether the current light device is experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightDeviceErrorStatusReadAndClear Reads the error code from the current light device and resets the error status to No Error - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightDeviceNewID Sets which ID should be assigned to the current light device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslLightDeviceOverdriveLimit Maximum current to be used when operating the light device in overdrive - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslMultipleROIColumnOffset Horizontal offset of the currently selected column - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslMultipleROIColumnsEnable Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in horizontal direction - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslMultipleROIRowsEnable Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in vertical direction - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslPeriodicSignalDelay Delay to be applied to the periodic signal in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, dart MIPI, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
BslPeriodicSignalSelector Sets the periodic signal channel to be configured - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, dart MIPI, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
BslPeriodicSignalSource Sets the source for synchronizing the periodic signal - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, dart MIPI, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
BslPtpPriority1 Value indicating the priority of the device when determining the master clock - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
BslPtpServoLockedThreshold Threshold value below which the device will set the Ptp Servo Status parameter to Locked, indicating that the device is sufficiently synchronized - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
BslPtpTwoStep Configures a two-step clock if enabled or a one-step clock if disabled - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
PtpClockAccuracy Indicates the expected accuracy of the PTP device clock when it is or becomes the grandmaster - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
PtpDataSetLatch Latches the current values from the device's PTP clock data set - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, blaze, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
PtpGrandmasterClockID Returns the latched grandmaster clock ID of the PTP device - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
PtpOffsetFromMaster Returns the latched offset from the PTP master clock in nanoseconds - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, blaze, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
BslSerialNumberOfDataBits Sets the number of data bits used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
BslSerialNumberOfStopBits Sets the number of stop bits used in serial communication - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
BslSerialReceive Initiates a receiving transaction from the serial input buffer - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
BslSerialRxFifoOverflow Indicates the overflow status of the receiving FIFO - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
BslSerialRxParityError Indicates the parity error status of the receiving FIFO - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
BslSerialRxStopBitError Indicates the stop bit error status of the receiving FIFO - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
BslSerialTransferBuffer Buffer that holds Rx or Tx transfer data in the controller domain - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
BslSerialTransferLength Effective number of serial frames in a Rx or Tx data transfer - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
BslSerialTransmit Initiates a transmitting transaction to the serial output buffer - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
BslSerialTxBreak Signals a break to a receiver connected to the camera, or terminates the break - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
BslShadingCorrectionAbsoluteTargetValue Absolute target value of the sensor brightness - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslShadingCorrectionMaximumMeasuredValue Maximum brightness value detected by the camera during the creation of a PRNU shading correction set - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslShadingCorrectionSelector Sets the shading correction type to be performed - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResult Indicates the result of the shading correction set creation - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateStatus Indicates the status of the shading correction set created - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslShadingCorrectionSetIndex Index number of the shading correction set to be created - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslShadingCorrectionSetStatus Returns the status of the shading correction set - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslShadingCorrectionTargetValue Relative target value of the sensor brightness you want to achieve - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslSpatialCorrectionDirectionReversal Sets the signal source to be used to trigger a reversal of the defined spatial correction direction - Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslSpatialCorrectionStride Number of acquisitions that have to be buffered in order to combine the correct line data for spatial correction - Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus Returns the file status of the defect pixel correction file - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMaxDefects Maximum number of defect pixels that the factory or user correction file can contain - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
ChunkEnable Includes the currently selected chunk in the payload data - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
GevSCBWA Base bandwidth in bytes per second that will be used by the camera to transmit image and chunk feature data and to handle resends and control data transmissions - Applies to: ace GigE.
GevSupportedIPConfigurationLLA Indicates whether the selected network interface supports auto IP addressing (also known as LLA) - Applies to: ace GigE.
GevSupportedIPConfigurationPersistentIP Indicates whether the selected network interface supports fixed IP addressing (also known as persistent IP addressing) - Applies to: ace GigE.
ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIFactor Sets the color overexposure compensation factor for the selected C O C AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
ColorTransformationSelector Sets which type of color transformation will be performed - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
ColorTransformationValue Transformation value for the selected element in the color transformation matrix - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
ColorTransformationValueSelector Sets which element will be entered in the color transformation matrix - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
CounterDuration Number of times a sequencer set is used before the Counter End event is generated - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
CounterEventActivation Sets the type of signal transition that the counter will count - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
CounterTriggerActivation Sets the type of signal transition that will start the counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
CxpConnectionSelector Sets the CoaXPress physical connection to control - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
CxpConnectionTestErrorCount Number of test packet connection errors received by the device on the connection selected by the Connection Selector parameter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
CxpConnectionTestMode Sets the test mode for an individual physical connection of the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
CxpConnectionTestPacketCount Number of test packets received by the device on the connection selected by the Cxp Connection Selector parameter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
CxpErrorCounterStatus Indicates the current status of the selected CoaXPress error counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred Sets the link configuration that allows the device to operate in its default mode - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
CxpSendReceiveSelector Sets whether the send or the receive features can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
EncoderDivider Number of encoder increments or decrements needed to generate an encoder output trigger signal - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
EncoderOutputMode Sets the conditions for the encoder control to generate a valid output trigger signal - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
EncoderSourceA Sets the source signal for the A input of the encoder control - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
EncoderSourceB Sets the source signal for the B input of the encoder control - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
EventTemperatureStatusChanged Unique identifier of the Temperature Status Changed event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
EventTemperatureStatusChangedStatus New temperature status that applies after the Temperature Status Changed event was raised - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
EventTemperatureStatusChangedTimestamp Timestamp of the Temperature Status Changed event - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
SensorDigitizationTaps This feature represents the number of digitized samples outputted simultaneously by the camera A/D conversion stage - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
FileAccessLength Number of bytes read from the file into the file access buffer or written to the file from the file access buffer - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
FileAccessOffset Number of bytes after which FileAccessLength bytes are read from the file into the file access buffer or are written to the file from the file access buffer - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
FileOpenMode Sets the access mode in which a file is opened in the camera - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
FrequencyConverterSignalAlignment Sets the signal transition relationships between received and generated signals - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
GevSCBWR Percentage of the Ethernet bandwidth assigned to the camera to be held in reserve - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
GevSCPD Delay between the transmission of each packet on the selected stream channel - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
GevSCPSPacketSize Packet size in bytes on the selected stream channel Excludes data leader and data trailer - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, blaze, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
GevTimestampTickFrequency Number of timestamp clock ticks in 1 second - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, blaze, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
SyncUserOutputValueAll Single bit field that sets the state of all user-settable synchronous output signals in one access - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
UserOutputValueAllMask Defines a mask that is used when the User Output Value All setting is used to set all of the user settable output signals in one access - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
LineStatusAll Single bit field indicating the current logical state of all available line signals at time of polling - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
UserOutputValueAll Single bit field that sets the state of all user-settable output signals in one access - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
PixelColorFilter Indicates the alignment of the camera's Bayer filter to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE, ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB.
PixelDynamicRangeMax Maximum possible pixel value that can be transferred from the camera - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
SequenceAddressBitSource Sets an input line as the control source for the currently selected sequence set address bit - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
SequencerMode Sets whether the sequencer can be used for image acquisition - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
SequencerSetLoad Loads the parameter values of the currently selected sequencer set for configuration - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
SequencerSetNext Next sequencer set that the sequencer will advance to when the configured trigger signal is received - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
SequencerSetSave Saves the sequencer parameter values in the currently selected sequencer set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
SequencerSetStart First sequencer set to be used after the Sequencer Mode parameter is set to On - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
SequencerTriggerActivation Sets the logical state that makes the sequencer advance to the next set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
SequencerTriggerSource Sets the source signal to be used to advance to the next set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
TestEventGenerate Generates a Test event that can be used for testing event notification - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
TimerDelayTimebaseAbs Timebase (in microseconds) that is used when a timer delay is specified using the Timer Delay Raw parameter - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
TimerDurationTimebaseAbs Timebase (in microseconds) that is used when a timer duration is specified using the Timer Duration Raw parameter - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
TonalRangeTargetBright Target value at the bright end of the tonal range to which pixel values should be mapped during tonal range adjustments - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
TonalRangeTargetDark Target value at the dark end of the tonal range to which pixel values should be mapped during tonal range adjustments - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
UserSetDefault Sets the user set or the factory set to be used as the startup set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
UserSetLoad Loads the selected set into the camera's volatile memory and makes it the active configuration set - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
UserSetSave Saves the current active set as the selected user set - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
UserSetSelector Sets the user set or the factory set to load, save, or configure - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
VInpSamplingPoint Time span between the beginning of the input bit and the time when the high/low status is evaluated - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
AcquisitionStartStopExecutionEnable If set, this will automatically execute AcquisitionStart when calling StartGrabbing and AcquisitionStop when calling StopGrabbing This option is enabled by default - Applies to: InstantCamera.
ChunkNodeMapsEnable Enables/disables the use of a chunk node map for each grab result Grab result chunk node maps can be disabled to save resources - Applies to: InstantCamera.
ClearBufferModeEnable If set, all buffers will be cleared (set to 0) before grabbing an image Note that this requires additional processing time per frame - Applies to: InstantCamera.
GrabCameraEvents Enables/disables the grabbing of camera events while images are grabbed Is writable when the camera object is closed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
MaxNumGrabResults The maximum number of grab results available at any time during a grab session This value can be limited to save resources Furthermore, it can be used to check that the grab results are returned correctly - Applies to: InstantCamera.
MigrationModeActive The migration mode is set up according to this setting at defined points e g , when the camera is opened - Applies to: InstantCamera.
MonitorModeActive The camera object is set to monitor mode when enabled, e g when using the GigE multicast feature Is writable when the camera object is closed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
StaticChunkNodeMapPoolSize If larger than 0, a static chunk node map pool is used instead of dynamic chunk node map creation - Applies to: InstantCamera.
GrabLoopThreadPriorityOverride If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the grab loop thread Otherwise, the priority of the newly created thread is not changed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
GrabLoopThreadTimeout A custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.
GrabLoopThreadUseTimeout If enabled, the user can set a custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.
InternalGrabEngineThreadPriorityOverride If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the internal grab engine thread operating the stream grabber Otherwise the priority defaults to 25 - Applies to: InstantCamera.
cleanupProcedure If cleanupProcedure equals Cleanup_Delete, the Pylon device is destroyed when the Instant Camera object is destroyed.
If the passed pointer to the Pylon device is NULL, the Instant Camera object is in the "no device attached" state.
If the passed pointer to the Pylon device is not NULL, the passed Pylon device is attached.
If the set cleanup procedure equals Cleanup_Delete, the Pylon device is destroyed when the Instant Camera object is destroyed or a new device is attached.
If the passed Pylon device is open and the registration of callbacks fails, the Instant Camera object is in the "no device attached" state.
The opened-by-user flag is set, preventing closing of the Pylon device on StopGrabbing() when the attached Pylon device is already open.
Error Safety:
May throw an exception if the passed Pylon device is open. Does not throw C++ exceptions if the passed Pylon device is closed or NULL.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
If a Pylon device is currently attached, it is destroyed (DestroyDevice()) or removed (DetachDevice()) depending on the previously set cleanup procedure value.
If the pDevice parameter is NULL, nothing more is done.
The OnAttach configuration event is fired. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
The new Pylon device is attached.
The instant camera migration mode setting is applied to the Pylon device transport layer node map.
If the passed Pylon device is open, callbacks for camera events are registered at the camera node map. (This may fail)
If the passed Pylon device is open, a device removal call back is registered. (This may fail)
If the passed Pylon device is open, access modifiers (see IPylonDevice::Open()) are carried over as camera parameters.
The OnAttached configuration event is fired. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
The Pylon device is open and a connection to the camera device has been established.
Opened by user flag is set, preventing closing of the Pylon device on StopGrabbing().
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error. The Pylon device open may throw. Configuration event calls may throw. Callback registrations may throw. The Pylon device is closed with Close() if the OnOpened event call triggers an exception.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Opened by user flag is set, preventing closing of the device on StopGrabbing().
If the Pylon device is already open, nothing more is done.
The OnOpen configuration event is fired. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
The Pylon device is opened and a connection to the camera device is established.
The instant camera migration mode setting is applied to the Pylon device transport layer node map.
A device removal call back is registered at the Pylon device.
Callbacks for camera events are registered at the camera node map.
The OnOpened configuration event is fired if the Pylon device has been opened successfully. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
If the Pylon device is already closed, nothing is done.
If a grab is in progress, it is stopped by calling StopGrabbing().
The configuration event OnClose is fired. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
The connection to the camera device is closed and the Pylon device is closed.
The configuration event OnClosed is fired if the Pylon device has been closed successfully. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
Retrieves a grab result according to the strategy, waits if it is not yet available.
timeoutMs A timeout value in ms for waiting for a grab result, or the INFINITE value.
grabResult Receives the grab result.
timeoutHandling If timeoutHandling equals TimeoutHandling_ThrowException, a timeout exception is thrown on timeout.
Return: True if the call successfully retrieved a grab result, false otherwise.
There is no other thread waiting for a result. This will be the case when the Instant Camera grab loop thread is used.
If a grab result has been retrieved, one image is removed from the output queue and is returned in the grabResult parameter.
If no grab result has been retrieved, an empty grab result is returned in the grabResult parameter.
If the maximum number of images has been grabbed, the grabbing is stopped.
If camera event handling is enabled and camera events were received, at least one or more camera event messages have been processed.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error. The grabbing is stopped if an exception is thrown.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock() while not waiting.
The content of the passed grab result is released.
If no Pylon device is attached or the grabbing is not started, the method returns immediately "false".
Wait for a grab result if it is not yet available. The access to the camera is not locked during waiting. Camera events are handled.
Only if camera events are used: Incoming camera events are handled.
One grab result is retrieved per call according to the strategy applied.
Only if chunk mode is used: The chunk data parsing is performed. The grab result data is updated using chunk data.
The image event OnImagesSkipped is fired if grab results have been skipped according to the strategy. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
The image event OnImageGrabbed is fired if a grab result becomes available. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
Stops the grabbing by calling StopGrabbing() if the maximum number of images has been grabbed.
It needs to be checked whether the grab represented by the grab result has been successful, see CGrabResultData::GrabSucceeded().
Retrieves a grab result according to the strategy, waits if it is not yet available.
timeoutMs A timeout value in ms for waiting for a grab result, or the INFINITE value.
grabResult Receives the grab result.
timeoutHandling If timeoutHandling equals TimeoutHandling_ThrowException, a timeout exception is thrown on timeout.
Return: True if the call successfully retrieved a grab result, false otherwise.
There is no other thread waiting for a result. This will be the case when the Instant Camera grab loop thread is used.
If a grab result has been retrieved, one image is removed from the output queue and is returned in the grabResult parameter.
If no grab result has been retrieved, an empty grab result is returned in the grabResult parameter.
If the maximum number of images has been grabbed, the grabbing is stopped.
If camera event handling is enabled and camera events were received, at least one or more camera event messages have been processed.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error. The grabbing is stopped if an exception is thrown.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock() while not waiting.
The content of the passed grab result is released.
If no Pylon device is attached or the grabbing is not started, the method returns immediately "false".
Wait for a grab result if it is not yet available. The access to the camera is not locked during waiting. Camera events are handled.
Only if camera events are used: Incoming camera events are handled.
One grab result is retrieved per call according to the strategy applied.
Only if chunk mode is used: The chunk data parsing is performed. The grab result data is updated using chunk data.
The image event OnImagesSkipped is fired if grab results have been skipped according to the strategy. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
The image event OnImageGrabbed is fired if a grab result becomes available. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
Stops the grabbing by calling StopGrabbing() if the maximum number of images has been grabbed.
It needs to be checked whether the grab represented by the grab result has been successful, see CGrabResultData::GrabSucceeded().
timeoutMs A timeout value in ms for waiting for a grab result, or the INFINITE value.
grabResult Receives the grab result.
timeoutHandling If timeoutHandling equals TimeoutHandling_ThrowException, a timeout exception is thrown on timeout.
Return: Returns true if the call successfully retrieved a grab result and the grab succeeded (CGrabResultData::GrabSucceeded()).
Using GrabOne is more efficient if the Pylon device is already open, otherwise the Pylon device is opened and closed for each call.
Grabbing single images using Software Trigger (CSoftwareTriggerConfiguration) is recommended if you want to maximize frame rate. This is because the overhead per grabbed image is reduced compared to Single Frame Acquisition. The grabbing can be started using StartGrabbing(). Images are grabbed using the WaitForFrameTriggerReady(), ExecuteSoftwareTrigger() and RetrieveResult() methods instead of using GrabOne. The grab can be stopped using StopGrabbing() when done.
Precondition: Must meet the preconditions of start grabbing.
Postcondition: Meets the postconditions of stop grabbing.
The following code shows a simplified version of what is done (happy path):
//grab one imageStartGrabbing(1,GrabStrategy_OneByOne,GrabLoop_ProvidedByUser);//grab is stopped automatically due to maxImages = 1returnRetrieveResult(timeoutMs,grabResult,timeoutHandling)&&grabResult->GrabSucceeded();
GrabOne() can be used to together with the CAcquireSingleFrameConfiguration.
The following code shows a simplified version of what is done (happy path):
//grab one imageStartGrabbing(1,GrabStrategy_OneByOne,GrabLoop_ProvidedByUser);//grab is stopped automatically due to maxImages = 1returnRetrieveResult(timeoutMs,grabResult,timeoutHandling)&&grabResult->GrabSucceeded();
Adds an camera event handler to the list of registered camera event handler objects.
pCameraEventHandler The receiver of camera events.
nodeName The name of the event data node updated on camera event, e.g. "ExposureEndEventTimestamp" for exposure end event.
userProvidedId This ID is passed as a parameter in CCameraEventHandler::OnCameraEvent and can be used to distinguish between different events. It is recommended to create an own application specific enum and use it's values as IDs.
mode Indicates how to register the new cameraEventHandler.
cleanupProcedure If cleanupProcedure equals Cleanup_Delete, the passed event handler is deleted when no longer needed.
availability If availability equals CameraEventAvailability_Mandatory, the camera must support the data node specified by node name. If not, an exception is thrown when the Instant Camera is open, the Instant Camera is opened, or an open Pylon device is attached.
Postcondition: The cameraEventHandler is registered and called on camera events.
Error Safety:
Throws an exception if the availability is set to CameraEventAvailability_Mandatory and the node with the name nodeName is not available in the camera node map (see GetNodeMap()). Throws an exception fail if the node callback registration fails. The event handler is not registered when an C++ exception is thrown.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the camera event handler lock. If the camera is open, the lock provided by GetLock() and the camera node map lock are also used for synchronization.
If mode equals RegistrationMode_ReplaceAll, the list of registered camera event handlers is cleared.
If the pointer pCameraEventHandler is not NULL, it is appended to the list of camera event handlers.
Internally, a GenApi node call back is registered for the node identified by nodeName. This callback triggers a call to the CCameraEventHandler::OnCameraEvent() method. That's why a Camera Event Handler can be registered for any node of the camera node map to get informed about changes.
Adds an camera event handler to the list of registered camera event handler objects.
pCameraEventHandler The receiver of camera events.
nodeName The name of the event data node updated on camera event, e.g. "ExposureEndEventTimestamp" for exposure end event.
userProvidedId This ID is passed as a parameter in CCameraEventHandler::OnCameraEvent and can be used to distinguish between different events. It is recommended to create an own application specific enum and use it's values as IDs.
mode Indicates how to register the new cameraEventHandler.
cleanupProcedure If cleanupProcedure equals Cleanup_Delete, the passed event handler is deleted when no longer needed.
availability If availability equals CameraEventAvailability_Mandatory, the camera must support the data node specified by node name. If not, an exception is thrown when the Instant Camera is open, the Instant Camera is opened, or an open Pylon device is attached.
Postcondition: The cameraEventHandler is registered and called on camera events.
Error Safety:
Throws an exception if the availability is set to CameraEventAvailability_Mandatory and the node with the name nodeName is not available in the camera node map (see GetNodeMap()). Throws an exception fail if the node callback registration fails. The event handler is not registered when an C++ exception is thrown.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the camera event handler lock. If the camera is open, the lock provided by GetLock() and the camera node map lock are also used for synchronization.
If mode equals RegistrationMode_ReplaceAll, the list of registered camera event handlers is cleared.
If the pointer pCameraEventHandler is not NULL, it is appended to the list of camera event handlers.
Internally, a GenApi node call back is registered for the node identified by nodeName. This callback triggers a call to the CCameraEventHandler::OnCameraEvent() method. That's why a Camera Event Handler can be registered for any node of the camera node map to get informed about changes.
Returns the connection state of the camera device.
Return: True if the camera device removal from the PC has been detected.
Attention: Due to technical reasons, the IsCameraDeviceRemoved() property may not be updated immediately after the first error caused by a device removal occurs.
Error Safety:
Does not throw C++ exceptions.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The device removal is only detected while the Instant Camera and therefore the attached Pylon device are open.
The attached Pylon device is not operable anymore if the camera device has been removed from the PC. After it is made sure that no access to the Pylon device or any of its node maps is made anymore the Pylon device should be destroyed using CInstantCamera::DeviceDestroy(). The access to the Pylon device can be protected using the lock provided by GetLock(), e.g. when accessing parameters.
Returns the ownership of the attached Pylon device.
Return: True if a Pylon device is attached and the Instant Camera object has been given the ownership by passing the cleanup procedure Cleanup_Delete when calling Attach().
Error Safety:
Does not throw C++ exceptions.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Returns the open state of the attached Pylon device object.
Return: Returns true if a Pylon device is attached and it is open.
Note This method still returns true if the camera device has been physically removed from the PC while the attached Pylon device object is open. The Pylon device object will not automatically close itself on device removal. It must be closed by calling CInstantCamera::Close(). The IsCameraDeviceRemoved() method can be used to check if the connection to the camera device has been lost while the attached Pylon device object is open.
Error Safety: Does not throw C++ exceptions.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
grabLoopType If grabLoopType equals GrabLoop_ProvidedByInstantCamera, an additional grab loop thread is used to run the grab loop.
A Pylon device is attached.
The stream grabber of the Pylon device is closed.
The grabbing is stopped.
The attached Pylon device supports grabbing.
Must not be called while holding the lock provided by GetLock() when using the grab loop thread.
The grabbing is started.
Grab-specific parameters of the camera object are locked, e.g. MaxNumBuffers.
If grabLoopType equals GrabLoop_ProvidedByInstantCamera, an additional grab loop thread is running that calls RetrieveResult( GrabLoopThreadTimeout, grabResult) in a loop. Images are processed by registered image event handlers.
Operating the stream grabber from outside the camera object will result in undefined behavior.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error. Open() may throw. Configuration event calls may throw. The grab implementation may throw. The grabbing is stopped with StopGrabbing() if the OnGrabStarted event call triggers an exception. Throws a C++ exception, if Upcoming Image grab strategy is used together with USB camera devices.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
If a grab loop thread has been used in the last grab session, the grab loop thread context is joined with the caller's context.
If the Pylon device is not already open, it is opened by calling Open().
The configuration event OnGrabStart is fired. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
Grab-specific parameters of the camera object are locked, e.g. MaxNumBuffers.
If the camera device parameter ChunkModeActive is enabled, the Instant Camera chunk parsing support is initialized.
If the Instant Camera parameter GrabCameraEvents is enabled, the Instant Camera event grabbing support is initialized.
The grabbing is started.
The AcquisitionStart command of the camera device is executed.
The configuration event OnGrabStarted is fired if the grab has been started successfully. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
If grabLoopType equals GrabLoop_ProvidedByInstantCamera, an additional grab loop thread is started calling RetrieveResult( GrabLoopThreadTimeout, grabResult) in a loop.
Starts the grabbing for a maximum number of images.
maxImages The count of images to grab. This value must be larger than zero.
strategy The grab strategy. See Pylon::InstantCamera::EStrategy for more information.
grabLoopType If grabLoopType equals GrabLoop_ProvidedByInstantCamera, an additional grab loop thread is used to run the grab loop.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Extends the StartGrabbing(EStrategy, EGrabLoop) by a number of images to grab. If the passed count of images has been reached, StopGrabbing is called automatically. The images are counted according to the grab strategy. Skipped images are not taken into account.
The amount of allocated buffers is reduced to maxImages when grabbing fewer images than according to the value of the MaxNumBuffer parameter and the grab strategy is GrabStrategy_OneByOne.
If the Pylon device has been opened by StartGrabbing and no other camera object service requires it to be open, it is closed.
Grab specific parameters of the camera object are unlocked, e.g. MaxNumBuffers.
Error Safety:
Does not throw C++ exceptions. Possible C++ exceptions are caught and ignored.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Nothing is done if the Instant Camera is not currently grabbing.
The configuration event OnGrabStop is fired. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
The AcquisitionStop command of the camera device is executed.
The grabbing is stopped.
All buffer queues of the Instant Camera are cleared.
The OnGrabStopped configuration event is fired if the grab has been stopped successfully. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
If the Instant Camera has been opened by StartGrabbing, it is closed by calling Close().
Grab-specific parameters of the camera object are unlocked, e.g. MaxNumBuffers.
Actively waits until the the camera is ready to accept a frame trigger.
timeoutMs The timeout in ms for active waiting.
timeoutHandling If timeoutHandling equals TimeoutHandling_ThrowException, a timeout exception is thrown on timeout.
Return: True if the camera can execute a frame trigger.
Precondition: The 'AcquisitionStatusSelector' node is writable and the 'AcquisitionStatus' node is readable or the 'SoftwareTrigger' node is readable. This depends on the used camera model.
Error Safety:
Accessing the camera registers may fail.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The implementation selects 'FrameTriggerWait' for the 'AcquisitionStatusSelector' and waits until the 'AcquisitionStatus' is true. If the above mentioned nodes are not available and the 'SoftwareTrigger' node is readable, the implementation waits for SoftwareTrigger.IsDone().
Checks to see whether the camera device can be queried whether it is ready to accept the next frame trigger.
Return: Returns true if the camera is open and the camera device can be queried whether it is ready to accept the next frame trigger.
Note If a camera device can't be queried whether it is ready to accept the next frame trigger, the camera device is ready to accept the next trigger after the last image triggered has been grabbed, e.g. after you have retrieved the last image triggered using RetrieveResult(). Camera devices that can be queried whether they are ready to accept the next frame trigger, may not be ready for the next frame trigger after the last image triggered has been grabbed.
Postcondition: The 'AcquisitionStatusSelector' is set to 'FrameTriggerWait' if writable.
Error Safety:
Accessing the camera registers may fail.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
If 'FrameTriggerWait' can be selected for 'AcquisitionStatusSelector' and 'AcquisitionStatus' is readable, the camera device can be queried whether it is ready to accept the next frame trigger.
If the nodes mentioned above are not available and the 'SoftwareTrigger' node is readable, the camera device can be queried whether it is ready to accept the next frame trigger.
Note The application has to make sure that the correct trigger is selected before calling ExecuteSoftwareTrigger(). This can be done via the camera's TriggerSelector node. The Pylon::CSoftwareTriggerConfiguration selects the correct trigger when the Instant Camera is opened.
The grabbing is started.
The camera device supports software trigger.
The software trigger is available. This depends on the configuration of the camera device.
Error Safety:
Accessing the camera registers may fail. Throws an exception on timeout if timeoutHandling is TimeoutHandling_ThrowException.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The camera needs to be configured for software trigger mode. Additionally, the camera needs to be ready to accept triggers. When triggering a frame this can be checked using the WaitForFrameTriggerReady() method;
Provides access to the node map of the camera device.
Return: Reference to the node map of the camera device.
Precondition: A Pylon device is attached.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The Pylon device must be opened before reading ore writing any parameters of the camera device. This can be done using the Open() method of the Instant Camera class.
Provides access to the transport layer node map of the attached Pylon device.
Return: Reference to the transport layer node map of the attached Pylon device or the reference to the empty node map if a transport layer node map is not supported. The GenApi::INodeMap::GetNumNodes() method can be used to check whether the node map is empty.
Precondition: A Pylon device is attached.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Provides access to the stream grabber node map of the attached Pylon device.
Return: Reference to the stream grabber node map of the attached Pylon device or the reference to the empty node map if grabbing is not supported. The GenApi::INodeMap::GetNumNodes() method can be used to check whether the node map is empty.
A Pylon device is attached.
The Pylon device is open.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Provides access to the event grabber node map of the attached Pylon device.
Return: Reference to the event grabber node map of the attached Pylon device or a reference to the empty node map if event grabbing is not supported. The GenApi::INodeMap::GetNumNodes() method can be used to check whether the node map is empty.
A Pylon device is attached.
The Pylon device is open.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Sets an alternative buffer factory that is used for buffer allocation.
pFactory A pointer to a buffer factory.
cleanupProcedure If ownership is cleanupProcedure Cleanup_Delete, the passed factory is destroyed when no longer needed.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
This use of this method is optional and intended for advanced use cases only.
If NULL is passed as buffer factory then the default buffer factory is used. Buffers are allocated when StartGrabbing is called. A buffer factory must not be deleted while it is attached to the camera object and it must not be deleted until the last buffer is freed. To free all buffers the grab needs to be stopped and all grab results must be released or destroyed.
Returns the SFNC version read from the camera node map.
Return: The SFNC version used by the camera device. The returned SFNC version is 0.0.0 (Pylon::Sfnc_VersionUndefined) if no SFNC version information is provided by the camera device.
Precondition: A Pylon device is attached.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The SFNC version is read from the camera node map using the integer nodes DeviceSFNCVersionMajor, DeviceSFNCVersionMinor, and DeviceSFNCVersionSubMinor.
Provides access to the lock used for synchronizing the access to the camera.
Error Safety:
Does not throw C++ exceptions.
This lock can be used when extending the Instant Camera class.
classCMyInstantCamera:publicCInstantCamera{// Method extending the Instant Camera classvoidFoo(){// Scoped Lock.AutoLocklock(CInstantCamera::GetLock());//...}};
Aborts the acquisition of images - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Aborts the acquisition of images. If the camera is currently exposing a frame, the camera stops exposing immediately. The readout process, if already started, is aborted. The current frame will be incomplete. Afterwards, image acquisition is switched off.
Starts the acquisition of images. If the camera is configured for single frame acquisition, it will start the acquisition of one frame. If the camera is configured for continuous frame acquisition, it will start the continuous acquisition of frames.
Indicates whether the camera is waiting for trigger signals - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Indicates whether the camera is waiting for trigger signals. You should only use this feature if the camera is configured for software triggering. If the camera is configured for hardware triggering, monitor the camera's Trigger Wait signals instead.
Sets the operation mode of the Exposure Auto auto function - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
Sets the operation mode of the Exposure Auto auto function. The Exposure Auto auto function automatically adjusts the exposure time within set limits until a target brightness value has been reached.
Timebase (in microseconds) that the camera uses when the exposure time is specified using the Exposure Time (Raw) parameter - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and ace GigE.
Exposure time of the camera (raw value) - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink and ace GigE.
Exposure time of the camera (raw value). The actual exposure time equals the current Exposure Time (Raw) value multiplied with the current Exposure Timebase value.
Enables the synchronous free run mode - Applies to: ace GigE and blaze.
Enables the synchronous free run mode. If enabled, the camera will generate all required frame start or line start trigger signals internally. You don't need to apply frame start or line start trigger signals to the camera.
Acquisition frame rate of the camera in frames per second - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP.
Current exposure time of the camera in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Indicates the delay between the start of exposure and the start of the flash window in microseconds - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB.
Enables the Immediate Trigger mode - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB.
Enables the Immediate Trigger mode. If this mode is enabled, exposure starts immediately after triggering, but changes to image parameters become effective with a short delay, i.e., after one or more images have been acquired.
Line timeout in microseconds - Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Line timeout in microseconds. If no line trigger is received before this time expires, and the current frame is completed. This may result in partial frames being transmitted. The timeout starts after a line trigger has been issued.
Enables the Line Timeout parameter - Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Enables the Line Timeout parameter. This allows you to specify a time limit after which the current frame is completed if no further line trigger is received. This may result in partial frames being transmitted.
Maximum number of frames that can be acquired per second with current camera settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and racer 2 CXP.
Maximum number of frames that can be acquired per second with current camera settings. In High Speed burst mode, this value is usually higher than the Resulting Transfer Frame Rate parameter value.
Maximum number of lines in kHz that can be acquired with current camera settings - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Maximum number of bursts per second with current camera settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB.
Maximum number of frames that can be transferred per second with current camera settings - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Maximum number of frames that can be transferred per second with current camera settings. This value indicates the peak frame rate to be expected at the camera's output. In High Speed burst mode, this value is usually lower than the Resulting Acquisition Frame Rate parameter value.
Maximum number of lines that can be transferred per second with current camera settings - Applies to: racer 2 CXP.
Maximum number of lines that can be transferred per second with current camera settings. This value indicates the peak line rate to be expected at the camera's output.
Sets the bit depth of the image sensor's data output - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the bit depth of the image sensor's data output. You can set the sensor bit depth independently of the pixel format used if the Sensor Bit Depth Mode parameter is set to Manual. If that parameter is set to Auto, the sensor bit depth is adjusted automatically depending on the pixel format used.
Puts the sensor in standby mode - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Puts the sensor in standby mode. In standby mode, power consumption is reduced significantly, which results in a lower camera temperature. Certain parameters can only be configured when the sensor is in standby mode.
Returns the current power state of the sensor - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Enables Burst Acquisition - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Enables Burst Acquisition. If enabled, the maximum frame rate only depends on the sensor timing and the timing of the trigger sequence. The image transfer rate out of the camera has no influence on the frame rate.
Trigger delay as number of line triggers - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Trigger delay as a number of consecutive line triggers that are allowed between trigger having been received and before effectively activating the trigger.
Determines whether a partial or a complete frame is transmitted when the Frame Start trigger signal transitions prematurely - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Determines whether a partial or a complete frame is transmitted when the Frame Start trigger is used with High or Low states and the trigger signal transitions prematurely.
Number of separate action signals supported by the camera - Applies to: ace GigE.
Number of separate action signals supported by the camera. Determines how many action signals the camera can handle in parallel, i.e., how many different action commands can be configured on the camera.
Device key used for action commands - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Device key used to authorize the execution of an action command. If the action device key in the camera and the action device key in the protocol message are identical, the camera will execute the corresponding action.
Group mask used for action commands - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Group mask used to filter out a sub-group of cameras belonging to a group of cameras. The cameras belonging to a sub-group execute an action at the same time. The filtering is done using a logical bitwise AND operation on the group mask number of the action command and the group mask number of a camera. If both binary numbers have at least one common bit set to 1 (i.e., the result of the AND operation is non-zero), the corresponding camera belongs to the sub-group.
Number of action commands that can be queued by the camera - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Number of action commands that can be queued by the camera. The camera will execute them in ascending order of action time. If the queue is full, additional commands will be ignored.
Number of separate action signals supported by the camera - Applies to: ace GigE.
Number of separate action signals supported by the camera. Determines how many action signals the camera can handle in parallel, i.e., how many different action commands can be configured on the camera.
Stream channel index of the Action Late event - Applies to: ace GigE.
Stream channel index of the Action Late event. An Action Late event is raised when a scheduled action command with a timestamp in the past is received.
Backlight compensation to be applied - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB.
Backlight compensation factor that allows the camera to compensate for underexposure. This is done by excluding a certain percentage of the brightest pixels in the image from the target average gray value calculations.
Target brightness for the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
Brightness adjustment damping factor to be applied - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB.
Brightness adjustment damping factor to be applied. This controls the speed with which pixel gray values are changed when Exposure Auto, Gain Auto, or both are enabled. The lower the damping factor, the faster the target brightness value is reached.
Balance White adjustment damping factor to be applied - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Balance White adjustment damping factor to be applied. This controls the speed with which the camera adjusts colors when the Balance White Auto auto function is enabled. This can be useful, for example, when objects move into the camera's field of view and the light conditions are changing gradually due to the moving objects.
Balance White adjustment damping factor to be applied (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Balance White adjustment damping factor to be applied (raw value). This controls the speed with which the camera adjusts colors when the Balance White Auto auto function is enabled. This can be useful, for example, when objects move into the camera's field of view and the light conditions are changing gradually due to the moving objects.
Gray value adjustment damping factor to be applied - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Gray value adjustment damping factor to be applied. This controls the speed with which pixel gray values are changed when Exposure Auto, Gain Auto, or both are enabled. This can be useful, for example, when objects move into the camera's field of view and the light conditions are changing gradually due to the moving objects.
Gray value adjustment damping factor (raw value) to be applied - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Gray value adjustment damping factor (raw value) to be applied. This controls the speed with which pixel gray values are changed when Exposure Auto, Gain Auto, or both are enabled. This can be useful, for example, when objects move into the camera's field of view and the light conditions are changing gradually due to the moving objects.
Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB.
Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function AOI. For this parameter, Gain Auto and Exposure Auto are considered as a single auto function named 'Intensity'.
Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function AOI - Applies to: ace USB.
Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function AOI. For this parameter, Gain Auto and Exposure Auto are considered as a single auto function named 'Brightness'.
Sets how gain and exposure time will be balanced when the camera is making automatic adjustments - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
Height of the auto function ROI (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Highlights the current auto function ROI in the image window - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Highlights the current auto function ROI in the image window. Areas that do not belong to the current ROI appear darker.
Horizontal offset of the auto function ROI from the left side of the sensor (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Vertical offset from the top of the sensor to the auto function ROI (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Vertical offset of the auto function ROI from the top of the sensor (in pixels).
Sets which auto function ROI can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function ROI - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB.
Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function ROI. For this parameter, Gain Auto and Exposure Auto are considered as a single auto function named 'Brightness'.
Assigns the Balance White Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function ROI - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Width of the auto function ROI (in pixels) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Lower limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB.
Upper limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
Bright target value to be used during automatic tonal range adjustments - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
Bright target value to be used during automatic tonal range adjustments. When you enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function, the camera sets the Tonal Range Target Bright parameter to this value. Not available if the Auto Tonal Range Mode parameter is set to Color.
Dark target value to be used during automatic tonal range adjustments - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
Dark target value to be used during automatic tonal range adjustments. When you enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function, the camera sets the Tonal Range Target Dark parameter to this value. Not available if the Auto Tonal Range Mode parameter is set to Color.
Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments. The parameter is expressed as a percentage of all pixels in the assigned auto function ROI. Example: Assume you set the Auto Tonal Range Threshold Bright parameter to 0.1 and enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function. Now assume that 0.1 % of the pixels in the assigned auto function ROI have a pixel value greater than or equal to 240. The camera automatically detects this, sets the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter to 240, and starts tonal range adjustments.
Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments (raw value) - Applies to: ace GigE.
Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments. The parameter is expressed as a percentage of all pixels in the assigned auto function ROI. Example: Assume you set the Auto Tonal Range Threshold Bright parameter to 0.1 and enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function. Now assume that 0.1 % of the pixels in the assigned auto function ROI have a pixel value greater than or equal to 240. The camera automatically detects this, sets the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter to 240, and starts tonal range adjustments.
Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments. The parameter is expressed as a percentage of all pixels in the assigned auto function ROI. Example: Assume you set the Auto Tonal Range Threshold Dark parameter to 0.2 and enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function. Now assume that 0.2 % of the pixels in the assigned auto function ROI have a pixel value lower than or equal to 30. The camera automatically detects this, sets the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter to 30, and starts tonal range adjustments.
Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments (raw value) - Applies to: ace GigE.
Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments. The parameter is expressed as a percentage of all pixels in the assigned auto function ROI. Example: Assume you set the Auto Tonal Range Threshold Dark parameter to 0.2 and enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function. Now assume that 0.2 % of the pixels in the assigned auto function ROI have a pixel value lower than or equal to 30. The camera automatically detects this, sets the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter to 30, and starts tonal range adjustments.
Balance Ratio value to be applied to the currently selected channel - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets which color channel can be adjusted when performing manual white balance - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets which color channel can be adjusted when performing manual white balance. All changes to the Balance Ratio parameter will be applied to the selected color channel.
Visibility: Beginner
Selecting Parameters: BalanceRatio, BalanceRatioAbs and BalanceRatioRaw
Sets a predefined bandwidth reserve or enables manual configuration of the bandwidth reserve - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Horizontal decimation factor - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace GigE and ace USB.
Horizontal decimation factor. This specifies the extent of horizontal sub-sampling of the acquired frame, i.e., it defines how many pixel columns are left out of transmission. This has the net effect of reducing the horizontal resolution (width) of the image by the specified decimation factor. A value of 1 means that the camera performs no horizontal decimation.
Vertical decimation factor - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace GigE, ace USB and boost V CoaXPress.
Vertical decimation factor. This specifies the extent of vertical sub-sampling of the acquired frame, i.e., it defines how many rows are left out of transmission. This has the net effect of reducing the vertical resolution (height) of the image by the specified decimation factor. A value of 1 means that the camera performs no vertical decimation.
Height of the camera's region of interest (area of interest) in pixels - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Height of the camera's region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. Depending on the camera model, the parameter can be set in different increments.
Horizontal offset of the region of interest (area of interest) from the left side of the sensor (in pixels) - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Horizontal offset from the left side of the sensor to the region of interest (area of interest) (in pixels).
Vertical offset of the region of interest (area of interest) from the top of the sensor (in pixels) - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP.
Vertical offset from the top of the sensor to the region of interest (area of interest) (in pixels).
Width of the camera's region of interest (area of interest) in pixels - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Width of the camera's region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. Depending on the camera model, the parameter can be set in different increments.
Sets whether sensor or FPGA binning can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets whether sensor or FPGA binning can be configured. To configure binning, use the Binning Horizontal, Binning Vertical, Binning Horizontal Mode, and Binning Vertical Mode parameters.
Visibility: Expert
Selecting Parameters: BinningHorizontal, BinningHorizontalMode, BinningVertical and BinningVerticalMode
End of the three-dimensional ROI - Applies to: blaze.
The Minimum Depth and the Maximum Depth parameters together define the desired three-dimensional ROI. In the point cloud display, points outside the ROI will be ignored. When using the Mono16 or RGB8 pixel formats, points in front of the ROI receive the minimum distance value, while points beyond the ROI receive the maximum distance value.
Start of the three-dimensional ROI - Applies to: blaze.
The Minimum Depth and the Maximum Depth parameters together define the desired three-dimensional ROI. In the point cloud display, points outside the ROI will be ignored. When using the Mono16 or RGB8 pixel formats, points in front of the ROI receive the minimum distance value, while points beyond the ROI receive the maximum distance value.
Number of bytes separating the starting pixels of two consecutive lines - Applies to: ace USB.
Number of bytes separating the starting pixels of two consecutive lines. This feature is useful if you want to align your image data to fixed-size groups of digits, e.g., to 4-byte (32-bit) or 8-byte (64-bit) words. Data alignment can improve performance.
Distance between the sensor plane and the front of the housing - Applies to: blaze.
Distance between the sensor plane and the front of the housing. This value can be used to calculate the distance between the optical center and the front of the housing.
Black level value to be applied to the currently selected sensor tap - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Enables the Blooming Reduction feature - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB.
Enables the Blooming Reduction feature. This reduces image artifacts caused by blooming. When enabled, the camera may set the Gain parameter to a higher value to avoid unwanted image effects.
Sets the color space for image acquisitions - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB.
Sets the color space for image acquisitions. Note that the gamma correction value also influences the perception of brightness in the resulting images.
Digital shift to be applied - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Digital shift allows you to multiply the pixel values in an image. This increases the brightness of the image. If the parameter is set to zero, digital shift is disabled.
Sets the operation mode of the Gain Auto auto function - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB and pulse USB.
Sets the operation mode of the Gain Auto auto function. The Gain Auto auto function automatically adjusts the gain within set limits until a target brightness value has been reached.
Identifies outlier pixels and adjusts their intensity value - Applies to: dart MIPI and dart USB.
Pixels that have a significantly higher or lower intensity value than the neighboring pixels are called outlier pixels. This feature identifies them and adjusts their intensity value.
Sets which features the camera adjusts when you select a light source preset - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets which features the camera adjusts when you select a light source preset. By default, the camera adjust all features.
Amount of defect pixel correction to be applied - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB.
Amount of defect pixel correction to be applied. The higher the value, the less defect pixels will be visible in your images. However, too high values may result in image information loss.
Enables the Pixel Correction Beyond feature - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB.
Enables the Pixel Correction Beyond feature. This is a dynamic pixel correction. It corrects pixels with a significantly greater or lesser intensity value than its neighboring pixels.
Confidence threshold for pixels - Applies to: blaze.
Pixels have to exceed the confidence value specified here in order to be taken into account for the distance measurement. The threshold value is based on the gray values of the confidence map.
Identifies outlier pixels and adjusts their intensity value - Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB.
Identifies pixels that have a significantly greater or lesser intensity value than its neighboring pixels (outlier pixels) and adjusts their intensity value.
Strength of the temporal filter - Applies to: blaze.
Strength of the temporal filter. The higher the value, the further back the memory of the filter reaches. High values can cause motion artifacts, while low values reduce the efficacy of the filter.
Enables the temporal noise filter - Applies to: blaze.
The temporal noise filter uses the values of the same pixel at different points in time to filter out noise in an image. It is based on the depth data of the image.
Indicates the status of the target brightness adjustments performed by the Exposure Auto and Gain Auto auto functions - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE and dart USB.
Sets which information should be included in the Chunk Timestamp Value chunk - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Unique identifier of the current frame - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Unique identifier of the current frame. The frame ID starts at 0 and keeps incrementing by 1 for each exposed image until the camera is powered off. The maximum value is 2^48.
Sets which gain channel to retrieve chunk data from - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Bit field that indicates the status of all of the camera's input and output lines when the image was acquired - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
CRC checksum of the acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
CRC checksum of the acquired image. The checksum is calculated using all of the image data and all of the appended chunks except for the checksum itself.
Number of bytes of data between the beginning of one line in the acquired image and the beginning of the next line in the acquired image - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Hue adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Saturation adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets which color in your images will be adjusted - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Visibility: Expert
Selecting Parameters: BslColorAdjustmentHue and BslColorAdjustmentSaturation
Sets the color space for image acquisitions - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the color space for image acquisitions. Note that the gamma correction value also influences the perception of brightness in the resulting images.
Indicates the maximum temperature the camera reached during operation - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Indicates how often the temperature state changed to Error - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Path of the Video4Linux device used to control the camera - Applies to: dart MIPI.
Path of the Video4Linux device used to control the camera. This allows you to distinguish individual cameras if more than one camera is connected to your board.
Indicates the character set used by the strings of the device's bootstrap registers - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Enables/disables the device link throughput limit - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Enables/disables the device link throughput limit. If disabled, the bandwidth used is determined by the settings of various other parameters, e.g., exposure time or frame rate.
Major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Major version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Major version number of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) specification that the camera is compatible with.
Minor version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Minor version number of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) specification that the camera is compatible with.
Subminor version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Subminor version number of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) specification that the camera is compatible with.
Temperature at the selected location in the camera (in degrees centigrade) - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Temperature at the selected location in the camera (in degrees centigrade). The temperature is measured at the location specified by the Device Temperature Selector parameter.
Sets the location in the camera where the temperature will be measured - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the location in the camera where the temperature will be measured. The temperature can be retrieved using the Device Temperature parameter.
Latches the current timestamp counter and stores its value in TimestampLatchValue - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Latches the current timestamp counter and stores its value in the Timestamp Latch Value parameter.
Indicates whether the outgoing image is valid - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress.
Indicates whether the outgoing image is valid. If the value of this parameter is false, change your Dual ROI settings. For example, the regions must not overlap, and the total height of all regions must not exceed the height of the image sensor.
Enables the Dual ROI feature - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress.
Enables the Dual ROI feature. This feature allows you to define two regions on the sensor array that will be transmitted as a single image. The height and the vertical offset can be defined individually for both regions. You do so by configuring rows on the sensor array. The width and horizontal offset are always identical for both regions. They are defined by the global Offset X and Width parameters.
Time period in which the camera evaluates all changes and durations of logical states of the input signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Time period in which the camera evaluates all changes and durations of logical states of the input signal. During evaluation, the camera calculates the mean value over time and applies a threshold function to the result to reconstruct the digital signal. This removes noise, interference, etc. as well as signal pulses shorter than the filter time.
Time period in which the camera doesn't accept any further trigger signals or signal changes after receiving an input trigger signal - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Time period in which the camera doesn't accept any further trigger signals or signal changes after receiving an input trigger signal. This is useful if you want to avoid false triggering caused by multiple trigger signals arriving in quick succession (contact bounce).
Indicates whether a GPIO line is overloaded, i e , not powered correctly - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Indicates whether a GPIO line is overloaded, i.e., not powered correctly. A value of true (1) means that the GPIO line is overloaded.
Resets the overload status of the selected line - Applies to: ace USB.
This command resets the overload status of the selected line. If the overload condition is still fulfilled, the overload status will be set again immediately.
Indicates whether an internal error occurred on the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Indicates whether an internal error occurred on the device. If an error occurred, you can use the Error Report Next command to determine the error code.
Error code indicating the cause of the internal error - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Error code indicating the cause of the internal error. If there are multiple errors, execute the Error Report Next command to retrieve the next error code. A parameter value of 0 means that there are no more error codes to retrieve.
Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) coefficient of the column specified by the Flat-Field Correction Coeff X parameter - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress.
The mean gray value of all pixels in the dark field image - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress.
The mean gray value of all pixels in the dark field image. This is the sum of the gray values of all pixels of all acquired images divided by the total number of pixels.
Operating channel of the camera - Applies to: blaze.
Operating channel of the camera. In multi-camera setups, use a different channel on each camera. This ensures that the cameras are operating at different frequencies and their light sources will not interfere with the other cameras' light sources.
Sets the operating mode of the camera - Applies to: blaze.
Sets the operating mode of the camera. The choice you make here, affects the working range of the camera, i.e., the Minimum Working Range and Maximum Working Range parameters. If the operating mode is changed, the exposure time is set to the recommended default value.
Adds an offset to the measured distance - Applies to: blaze.
This parameter allows you to adjust the internal camera calibration. The offset specified by Scan3dCalibrationOffset is added to the radial distances the camera measures. The camera transforms the radial distances into x, y, z coordinates in a Cartesian coordinate system whose origin lies in the camera's optical center. The Scan3dCalibrationOffset parameter can be used to manually correct a temperature-dependent drift. Note: Since Scan3dCalibrationOffset is added to the radial distances, it can't be used to translate the origin of the coordinate system, i.e., it can't be used to add a constant offset to the z coordinate. Specifically, you should not use it in an attempt to shift the origin of the camera's coordinate system from the optical center to the front of the camera housing. Trying to do so will result in measurement errors causing planar surfaces to appear curved.
Visibility: Expert
The <a href="" target="_blank">feature documentation</a> may provide more information.```
### variable Scan3dCoordinateOffset
Pylon::IFloatEx & Scan3dCoordinateOffset;
Offset when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze.
Returns the focal length of the camera in pixel - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze.
Returns the focal length of the camera in pixel. The focal length depends on the selected region. The value of this feature takes into account horizontal binning, decimation, or any other function changing the image resolution.
Enables the definition of a non-valid flag value in the data stream - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze.
Enables the definition of a non-valid flag value in the data stream. Note that the confidence output is an alternate recommended way to identify non-valid pixels. Using an Scan3dInvalidDataValue may give processing penalties due to special handling.
Returns the value of the horizontal position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i e - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze.
Returns the value of the horizontal position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e. OffsetX. The value of this feature takes into account horizontal binning, decimation, or any other function changing the image resolution.
Returns the value of the vertical position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i e - Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze.
Returns the value of the vertical position of the principal point, relative to the region origin, i.e. OffsetY. The value of this feature takes into account vertical binning, decimation, or any other function changing the image resolution.
Distance between the origin of the z axis to the front of the camera housing - Applies to: blaze.
Distance between the origin of the z axis to the front of the camera housing. Due to mechanical tolerances, this offset is device-specific and needs to be taken into account when measuring absolute distances.
Sets the operation mode of the Autofocus function - Applies to: dart MIPI.
Sets the operation mode of the Autofocus function. The Continuous mode automatically adjusts the focus within an image area until the focus has been reached. The Once mode does it only one time. The Off mode enables the user to manually set the focus.
Pre-divider value to decrease the signal frequency - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Pre-divider value to decrease the signal frequency. The value determines the frequency with which input signals are passed to the multiplier submodule.
Maximum ratio between the payload size of compressed and uncompressed images - Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB.
Maximum ratio between the payload size of compressed and uncompressed images. For example, if you set this parameter to 70, the camera will try to compress the payload of images to 70 % or less of the original size. Note that if the camera can't achieve compression with the specified Image Compression Ratio and Image Compression Rate Option settings, frames will be skipped.
Indicates whether any of the light devices are currently experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Number of trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Number of trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it. Counts up to a maximum value of 65535.
Resets the counter for trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Sets the type of signal transition that will trigger connected light devices - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available. Setting this parameter to 100 % means that the light device draws the maximum current as specified by the Light Device Max Current parameter.
Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available (raw value) - Applies to: ace GigE.
Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available (raw value). Setting this parameter to 100 % means that the light device draws the maximum current as specified by the the Light Device Max Current parameter.
Nominal current that the light device uses in continuous operation - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Nominal current that the light device uses in continuous operation. If not automatically set, you must set this value to the nominal current of your device to avoid overload. To change the setting, the Light Device Operation Mode parameter must be set to Off.
Duty cycle of the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Duty cycle of the device calculated using the strobe duration and the frame period. If the strobe duration is longer than the frame period, the duty cycle exceeds 100 %.
Error code indicating the cause of an error in a light device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Error code indicating the cause of an error in a light device. The error code provides additional information about the kind of error. Execute the Light Device Error Status Read And Clear command to read the error code from the light device. Then, contact support with the error code.
Error status indicating whether the current light device is experiencing problems - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Reads the error code from the current light device and resets the error status to No Error - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Reads the error code from the current light device and resets the error status to No Error. After executing this command, the error code is available in the Light Device Error Code parameter.
Maximum current that the light device is going to use - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
Maximum current that the light device is going to use. The value should not exceed the power rating of the device. To change the setting, the Light Device Operation Mode parameter must be set to Off.
Maximum current that the light device is going to use (raw value) - Applies to: ace GigE.
Maximum current that the light device is going to use (raw value). The value should not exceed the power rating of the device. To change the setting, the Light Device Operation Mode parameter must be set to Off.
Maximum current to be used when operating the light device in overdrive - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Maximum current to be used when operating the light device in overdrive. This parameter value is relative to the value of the Light Device Max Current parameter.
Sets which light device can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Sets which light device can be configured. To populate the list, use the Light Control Enumerate Devices command first. All subsequent parameter changes in this category will be applied to the device selected here.
Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in horizontal direction - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in horizontal direction. When disabled, the width and horizontal offset of all regions is defined by the Width and Offset X parameters, and the Multiple ROI Column Offset and Multiple ROI Column Size parameter values are ignored.
Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in vertical direction - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in vertical direction. When disabled, the height and vertical offset of all regions is defined by the Height and Offset Y parameters, and the Multiple ROI Row Offset and Multiple ROI Row Size parameter values are ignored.
Amount of noise reduction to be applied - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and dart USB.
Amount of noise reduction to be applied. The higher the value, the less chroma noise will be visible in your images. However, very high values may result in image information loss.
Sets the transition type of the source signal that activates the synchronization - Applies to: dart MIPI.
Sets the transition type of the source signal that activates the synchronization. The period between the individual transitions determines the period of the of the resulting periodic signal.
Value indicating the priority of the device when determining the master clock - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Value indicating the priority of the device when determining the master clock. The network device with the lowest Priority 1 setting is the master clock.
Threshold value below which the device will set the Ptp Servo Status parameter to Locked, indicating that the device is sufficiently synchronized - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Threshold value below which the device will set the Ptp Servo Status parameter to Locked, indicating that the device is sufficiently synchronized. For example, if you set this parameter to 10000, the servo status is set to Locked whenever the offset from master is below 10000 nanoseconds.
Indicates the expected accuracy of the PTP device clock when it is or becomes the grandmaster - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Latches the current values from the device's PTP clock data set - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, blaze, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Returns the latched offset from the PTP master clock in nanoseconds - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, blaze, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Initiates a receiving transaction from the serial input buffer - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
Initiates a receiving transaction from the serial input buffer. When the transaction has been completed, the Serial Transfer Length parameter indicates the number of valid data units received.
Signals a break to a receiver connected to the camera, or terminates the break - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP.
Signals a break to a receiver connected to the camera, or terminates the break. If this parameter is set to true, a serial break is signaled by setting the serial output to low level (space). If this parameter is set to false, the serial output is reset to high (mark).
Absolute target value of the sensor brightness - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Absolute target value of the sensor brightness. This is the actual brightness value that has been calculated based on the sensor bit depth of your camera.
Maximum brightness value detected by the camera during the creation of a PRNU shading correction set - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Relative target value of the sensor brightness you want to achieve - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Relative target value of the sensor brightness you want to achieve. This parameter is only available when creating PRNU shading correction sets. Only pixels with a Shading Correction Absolute Target Value parameter lower than the Shading Correction Maximum Measured Value are corrected.
Sharpening value to be applied - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart MIPI and dart USB.
Sharpening value to be applied. The higher the sharpness, the more distinct the image subject's contours will be. However, very high values may result in image information loss.
Sets the signal source to be used to trigger a reversal of the defined spatial correction direction - Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the signal source to be used to trigger a reversal of the defined spatial correction direction. A high signal level triggers a reversal of the direction.
Number of acquisitions that have to be buffered in order to combine the correct line data for spatial correction - Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Number of acquisitions that have to be buffered in order to combine the correct line data for spatial correction. The sign indicates the direction of spatial correction.
Maximum number of defect pixels that the factory or user correction file can contain - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Reloads the user defect pixel correction file - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE.
Reloads the user defect pixel correction file. This command must be executed if the user defect pixel correction file has been uploaded for the first time or has been updated.
Enables or disables the static defect pixel correction test mode - Applies to: boost V CoaXPress.
Enables or disables the static defect pixel correction test mode. In test mode, all corrected pixels are set to completely white. This helps to find pixels that are being corrected in your images.
Enables the vignetting correction - Applies to: boost CoaXPress and dart MIPI.
Enables the vignetting correction. This feature allows you to remove vignetting artifacts from your images. To do this, you first have to create vignetting correction data. For more information, see the Basler Product Documentation.
Includes the currently selected chunk in the payload data - Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Index number used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter - Applies to: ace GigE.
Index number used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter. The index number can be used to get the state of the camera's input lines when a specific line was acquired. For example, if you want to know the state of the camera's input lines when line 30 was acquired, set the index to 30, then retrieve the value of Status Index parameter.
Value indicating the status of the camera's input lines when a specific line was acquired - Applies to: ace GigE.
Value indicating the status of the camera's input lines when a specific line was acquired. The information is stored in a 4-bit value (bit 0 = input line 1 state, bit 1 = input line 2 state etc.). For more information, see the Status Index parameter documentation.
Delay between end of transmission and start of transmission of consecutive lines - Applies to: CameraLink.
Delay (in microseconds) between the end of transmission of one line and the start of transmission of the next line. This value will be adjusted automatically to the nearest multiple of the currently selected pixel clock. The line valid signal (LVAL) remains low while the delay is in force. The default value of the parameter is the minimum inter-line delay.
Delay between end of transmission and start of transmission of consecutive lines (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink.
Delay between the end of transmission of one line and the start of transmission of the next line (raw value). This value will be adjusted automatically to the nearest multiple of the currently selected pixel clock. The line valid signal (LVAL) remains low while the delay is in force. The default value of the parameter is the minimum inter-line delay.
Sets the pixel clock used in the communication with the frame grabber - Applies to: CameraLink.
Sets the pixel clock used in the communication with the frame grabber. The pixel clock speed determines the rate at which pixel data will be transmitted from the camera to the frame grabber.
Enables the IEEE 1588 V2 Precision Time Protocol for the timestamp register - Applies to: ace GigE.
Enables the IEEE 1588 V2 Precision Time Protocol for the timestamp register. Only available if the IEEE1588_support bit of the GVCP Capability register is set. When PTP is enabled, the Timestamp Control register can't be used to reset the timestamp. When PTP is enabled or disabled, the value of Timestamp Tick Frequency and Timestamp Value registers may change to reflect the new time domain.
Latched IEEE 1588 clock ID of the camera - Applies to: ace GigE.
Latched IEEE 1588 clock ID of the camera. (The clock ID must first be latched using the IEEE 1588 Latch command.) The clock ID is an array of eight octets which is displayed as a hexadecimal number. Leading zeros are omitted.
Latched IEEE 1588 parent clock ID of the camera - Applies to: ace GigE.
Latched IEEE 1588 parent clock ID of the camera. (The parent clock ID must first be latched using the IEEE 1588 Latch command.) The parent clock ID is the clock ID of the current master clock. A clock ID is an array of eight octets which is displayed as a hexadecimal number. Leading zeros are omitted.
Indicates the state of the IEEE 1588 clock - Applies to: ace GigE.
Indicates the state of the IEEE 1588 clock. Values of this field must match the IEEE 1588 PTP port state enumeration (INITIALIZING, FAULTY, DISABLED, LISTENING, PRE_MASTER, MASTER, PASSIVE, UNCALIBRATED, SLAVE).
Indicates the latched state of the IEEE 1588 clock - Applies to: ace GigE.
Indicates the latched state of the IEEE 1588 clock. (The state must first be latched using the IEEE 1588 Latch command.) The state is indicated by values 1 to 9, corresponding to the states INITIALIZING, FAULTY, DISABLED, LISTENING, PRE_MASTER, MASTER, PASSIVE, UNCALIBRATED, and SLAVE.
This is a read only element. Maximum number of elements in RX event message queue. (The value must first be latched using the IEEE 1588 Latch command.)
This is a read only element. Maximum number of elements in RX general message queue. (The value must first be latched using the IEEE 1588 Latch command.)
Base bandwidth in bytes per second that will be used by the camera to transmit image and chunk feature data and to handle resends and control data transmissions - Applies to: ace GigE.
Actual bandwidth (in bytes per second) that the camera will use to transmit image data and chunk data - Applies to: ace GigE.
Actual bandwidth (in bytes per second) that the camera will use to transmit image data and chunk data with the current settings for AOI, chunk features, and pixel format.
Maximum amount of data (in bytes per second) that the camera can generate - Applies to: ace GigE.
Maximum amount of data (in bytes per second) that the camera can generate with its current settings under ideal conditions, i.e., unlimited bandwidth and no packet resends.
Maximum amount of time (in ticks) that the next frame transmission could be delayed due to a burst of resends - Applies to: ace GigE.
Maximum amount of time (in ticks) that the next frame transmission could be delayed due to a burst of resends. If the Bandwidth Reserve Accumulation parameter is set to a high value, the camera can experience periods where there is a large burst of data resends. This burst of resends will delay the start of transmission of the next acquired image.
Sends a GigE Vision streaming test packet - Applies to: ace GigE.
Sends a GigE Vision streaming test packet. If this bit is set and the stream channel is a transmitter, the transmitter will send one test packet of the size specified by the Packet Size parameter. The 'do not fragment' bit of the IP header must be set for this test packet (see the SCPS Do Not Fragment parameter documentation).
Sets the color space for image acquisitions - Applies to: ace USB.
Sets the color space for image acquisitions. Note that the gamma correction value also influences the perception of brightness in the resulting images.
Sets which type of color transformation will be performed - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Visibility: Expert
Selecting Parameters: ColorTransformationEnable, ColorTransformationValue, ColorTransformationValueSelector and LightSourceSelector
Transformation value for the selected element in the color transformation matrix - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Visibility: Expert
Selected by: ColorTransformationSelector and ColorTransformationValueSelector
Sets which element will be entered in the color transformation matrix - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets which element will be entered in the color transformation matrix. Depending on the camera model, some elements in the color transformation matrix may be preset and can't be changed.
Visibility: Expert
Selected by: ColorTransformationSelector
Selecting Parameters: ColorTransformationValue and ColorTransformationValueRaw
Number of times a sequencer set is used before the Counter End event is generated - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the type of signal transition that the counter will count - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the type of signal transition that will start the counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the signal used to start the selected counter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the signal used to start the selected counter. If you start a counter, it will not necessarily start counting. If and when the counter counts, depends on the Counter Event Source parameter value.
Temperature at the selected location in the camera (in degrees centigrade) - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Temperature at the selected location in the camera (in degrees centigrade). The temperature is measured at the location specified by the Temperature Selector parameter.
Number of test packet connection errors received by the device on the connection selected by the Connection Selector parameter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
Sets the test mode for an individual physical connection of the device - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
Number of test packets received by the device on the connection selected by the Cxp Connection Selector parameter - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
Sets the link configuration that allows the device to operate in its default mode - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
Sets whether the send or the receive features can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP.
Amount of noise reduction to be applied - Applies to: ace USB.
Amount of noise reduction to be applied. The higher the value, the less chroma noise will be visible in your images. However, excessively high values may result in image information loss.
Amount of noise reduction to be applied - Applies to: ace GigE.
Amount of noise reduction to be applied. The higher the value, the less chroma noise will be visible in your images. However, excessively high values may result in image information loss.
Amount of noise reduction to be applied (raw value) - Applies to: ace GigE.
Amount of noise reduction to be applied (raw value). The higher the value, the less chroma noise will be visible in your images. However, excessively high values may result in image information loss.
Sharpening value to be applied - Applies to: ace GigE.
Sharpening value to be applied. The higher the sharpness, the more distinct the image subject's contours will be. However, excessively high values may result in image information loss.
Sharpening value to be applied (raw value) - Applies to: ace GigE.
Sharpening value to be applied (raw value). The higher the sharpness, the more distinct the image subject's contours will be. However, excessively high values may result in image information loss.
Number of encoder increments or decrements needed to generate an encoder output trigger signal - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the conditions for the encoder control to generate a valid output trigger signal - Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
New temperature status that applies after the Temperature Status Changed event was raised - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the default GenICam XML file - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Sets the default GenICam XML file. If the camera has multiple GenICam XML files, this parameter determines which of them is accessible to non-manifest-aware software.
This feature represents the number of digitized samples outputted simultaneously by the camera A/D conversion stage - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
This feature represents the number of digitized samples output simultaneously by the camera A/D conversion stage.
Correction factor to account for the gaps between the sensor's lines - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Correction factor to account for the gaps between the sensor's lines. Related line captures will be combined. Positive values: The object will pass the top sensor line first. Negative values: The object will pass the bottom sensor line first. In color cameras, the top sensor line is the green line, and the bottom sensor line is the blue line.
Number of bytes read from the file into the file access buffer or written to the file from the file access buffer - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Number of bytes read from the file into the file access buffer or written to the file from the file access buffer. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead.
Visibility: Guru
Selected by: FileOperationSelector and FileSelector
Number of bytes after which FileAccessLength bytes are read from the file into the file access buffer or are written to the file from the file access buffer - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Number of bytes after which FileAccessLength bytes are read from the file into the file access buffer or are written to the file from the file access buffer. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead.
Visibility: Guru
Selected by: FileOperationSelector and FileSelector
Sets the access mode in which a file is opened in the camera - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the access mode in which a file is opened in the camera. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead.
Executes the operation selected by File Operation Selector parameter. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead.
Visibility: Guru
Selected by: FileOperationSelector and FileSelector
Sets the target operation for the currently selected file - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the target operation for the currently selected file. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead.
Visibility: Guru
Selected by: FileSelector
Selecting Parameters: FileAccessLength, FileAccessOffset, FileOperationExecute, FileOperationResult, FileOperationStatus and FileSize
Indicates the file operation execution status. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead.
Visibility: Guru
Selected by: FileOperationSelector and FileSelector
Size of the currently selected file in bytes - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace GigE and ace USB.
Size of the currently selected file in bytes. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead.
Visibility: Guru
Selected by: FileOperationSelector and FileSelector
Post-divider value to decrease input signal frequency - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Post-divider value to decrease input signal frequency. Determines the frequency with which input signals received from the multiplier sub-module are passed on.
Sets the signal transition relationships between received and generated signals - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Sets the signal transition relationships between the signals received from the pre-divider sub-module and the signals generated by the multiplier sub-module.
Sets the Extended ID mode for GVSP - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the Extended ID mode for GVSP (64-bit block ID, 32-bit packet ID). This bit can't be reset if the stream channels do not support the standard ID mode.
Percentage of the Ethernet bandwidth assigned to the camera to be held in reserve - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Percentage of the Ethernet bandwidth assigned to the camera to be held in reserve for packet resends and for the transmission of control data between the camera and the host computer. The setting is expressed as a percentage of the Bandwidth Assigned parameter. For example, if the Bandwidth Assigned parameter indicates that 30 MBytes/s have been assigned to the camera and the Bandwidth Reserve parameter is set to 5 %, the bandwidth reserve will be 1.5 MBytes/s.
Multiplier for the Bandwidth Reserve parameter - Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Multiplier for the Bandwidth Reserve parameter. The multiplier is used to establish an extra pool of reserved bandwidth that can be used if an unusually large burst of packet resends is needed.
Delay between the transmission of each packet on the selected stream channel - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Delay between the transmission of each packet on the selected stream channel. The delay is measured in ticks.
Packet size in bytes on the selected stream channel Excludes data leader and data trailer - Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, blaze, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Packet size in bytes on the selected stream channel. Excludes data leader and data trailer. (The last packet may be smaller because the packet size is not necessarily a multiple of the block size of the stream channel.)
Maximum height of the region of interest (area of interest) in pixels - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Maximum height of the region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. The value takes into account any features that may limit the maximum height, e.g., binning.
Pixel value to be replaced with the LUT Value pixel value - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Stream channel index of the Action Late event - Applies to: ace GigE.
Stream channel index of the Action Late event. An Action Late event is raised when a scheduled action command with a timestamp in the past is received.
Defines a mask that is used when the User Output Value All setting is used to set all of the user settable output signals in one access - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
This integer value defines a mask that is used when the User Output Value All setting is used to set all of the user settable output signals in one access.
Enables the signal inverter function for the currently selected input or output line - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Single bit field indicating the current logical state of all available line signals at time of polling - Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the user-settable output signal to be configured - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the user-settable output signal to be configured. All changes to the user-settable output signal settings will be applied to the selected user-settable output signal.
Single bit field that sets the state of all user-settable output signals in one access - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Removes the factory-set limit of the selected parameter - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Removes the factory-set limit of the selected parameter. If the factory limits are removed, a wider range of parameter values is available and only subect to technical restrictions. Choosing parameter values outside of the factory limits may affect image quality.
Indicates the alignment of the camera's Bayer filter to the pixels in the acquired images - Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE, ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB.
Maximum possible pixel value that can be transferred from the camera - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the format of the pixel data transmitted by the camera - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart MIPI, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the format of the pixel data transmitted by the camera. The available pixel formats depend on the camera model and whether the camera is monochrome or color.
Visibility: Beginner
Selected by: BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode and ComponentSelector
Enables horizontal mirroring of the image - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Enables horizontal mirroring of the image. The pixel values of every line in a captured image will be swapped along the line's center. When using the ROI feature at the same time as the Reverse X feature, be aware that depending on your camera model your ROI will contain the same or different parts of the image after mirroring. For more information, see the Reverse X and Reverse Y topic in the Basler Product Documentation.
Enables vertical mirroring of the image - Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB.
Enables vertical mirroring of the image. The pixel values of every column in a captured image will be swapped along the column's center. When using the ROI feature at the same time as the Reverse Y feature, be aware that depending on your camera model your ROI will contain the same or different parts of the image after mirroring. For more information, see the Reverse X and Reverse Y topic in the Basler Product Documentation.
Removes the factory-set limit of the selected parameter - Applies to: ace USB.
Removes the factory-set limit of the selected parameter. If the factory limits are removed, a wider range of parameter values is available and only subect to technical restrictions. Choosing parameter values outside of the factory limits may affect image quality.
Sets which bit of the sequence set address can be assigned to an input line - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Sets which bit of the sequence set address can be assigned to an input line. An input line can be set as the control source for this bit using the Address Bit Source parameter.
Sets an input line as the control source for the currently selected sequence set address bit - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Sets an input line as the control source for the currently selected sequence set address bit. The bit can be selected using the Address Bit Selector parameter.
Enables asynchronous advance from one sequence set to the next - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Enables asynchronous advance from one sequence set to the next. The advance is asynchronous to the camera's frame trigger. Only available in Controlled sequence advance mode.
Enables asynchronous restart of the sequence set sequence - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Enables asynchronous restart of the sequence set sequence, starting with the sequence set that has the lowest index number. The restart is asynchronous to the camera's frame trigger. Only available in Auto and Controlled sequence advance mode.
Sets which path can be configured - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
Sets which path can be configured. By configuring multiple paths, you can define different conditions and settings for sequencer set advance. For example, you can define that the camera should advance to set 0 when a trigger signal on Line 1 is received, and advance to set 3 when a trigger signal on Line 2 is received.
Visibility: Expert
Selected by: SequencerSetSelector
Selecting Parameters: SequencerSetNext, SequencerTriggerActivation and SequencerTriggerSource
Loads the parameter values of the currently selected sequencer set for configuration - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
Next sequencer set that the sequencer will advance to when the configured trigger signal is received - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
Visibility: Expert
Selected by: SequencerPathSelector and SequencerSetSelector
Saves the sequencer parameter values in the currently selected sequencer set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
First sequencer set to be used after the Sequencer Mode parameter is set to On - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB and boost CoaXPress.
Loads the selected shading set - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
This command copies the selected shading set from the camera's non-volatile memory into the volatile memory. If shading correction is enabled, it will be performed using the shading set in the volatile memory.
Maximum value of the tick counter - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Maximum value of the tick counter of the shaft encoder module. If the tick counter is incrementing and reaches the maximum, it will roll over to 0. If the tick counter is decrementing and reaches 0, it will roll back to the specified maximum value.
Resets the reverse counter of the shaft encoder module - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Resets the reverse counter of the shaft encoder module to 0 and informs the module that the current direction of conveyor movement is forward. Reset must be carried out before the first conveyor movement in the forward direction.
Sharpening value to be applied - Applies to: ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB.
Sharpening value to be applied. The higher the sharpness, the more distinct the image subject's contours will be. However, excessively high values may result in image information loss.
Generates a Test event that can be used for testing event notification - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Test pending acknowledge time in milliseconds - Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE.
Test pending acknowledge time in milliseconds. On write, the camera waits for this time period before acknowledging the write. If the time period is longer than the value in the Maximum Device Response Time register, the camera must use PENDING_ACK during the completion of this request. On reads, the camera returns the current value without any additional wait time.
Delay of the selected timer (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Delay of the selected timer (raw value). This value will be used as a multiplier for the timer delay timebase. The actual delay time equals the current Timer Delay Raw value multiplied with the current Timer Delay Timebase value.
Duration of the selected timer (raw value) - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Duration of the selected timer (raw value). This value will be used as a multiplier for the timer duration timebase. The actual duration time equals the current Timer Duration Raw value multiplied with the current Timer Duration Timebase value.
Timebase (in microseconds) that is used when a timer duration is specified using the Timer Duration Raw parameter - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Arm delay of the currently selected timer - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Arm delay of the currently selected timer. If an arm delay is set and the timer is triggered, the camera accepts the trigger signal and stops accepting any further timer trigger signals until the arm delay has elapsed.
Sets the type of signal transition that will start the timer - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Source value for tonal range adjustments at the bright end of the tonal range - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
Source value for tonal range adjustments at the bright end of the tonal range. When tonal range adjustments are enabled, the source and target values are compared and the tonal range is adjusted accordingly. The kind of adjustment depends on whether you want to adjust color or contrast or both, whether you want to adjust all pixel values or, e.g., only the red pixel values, and so on.
Source value for tonal range adjustments at the dark end of the tonal range - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
Source value for tonal range adjustments at the dark end of the tonal range. When tonal range adjustments are enabled, the source and target values are compared and the tonal range is adjusted accordingly. The kind of adjustment depends on whether you want to adjust color or contrast or both, whether you want to adjust all pixel values or, e.g., only the red pixel values, and so on.
Target value at the bright end of the tonal range to which pixel values should be mapped during tonal range adjustments - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
Target value at the bright end of the tonal range to which pixel values should be mapped during tonal range adjustments. When tonal range adjustments are enabled, the source and target values at the bright end are compared and the tonal range is adjusted accordingly. The kind of adjustment depends on whether you want to adjust color or contrast or both, whether you want to adjust all pixel values or, e.g., only the red pixel values, and so on.
Target value at the dark end of the tonal range to which pixel values should be mapped during tonal range adjustments - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
Target value at the dark end of the tonal range to which pixel values should be mapped during tonal range adjustments. When tonal range adjustments are enabled, the source and target values at the dark end are compared and the tonal range is adjusted accordingly. The kind of adjustment depends on whether you want to adjust color or contrast or both, whether you want to adjust all pixel values or, e.g., only the red pixel values, and so on.
Sets the user set or the factory set to be used as the startup set - Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the user set or the factory set to be used as the startup set. The startup set will be loaded as the active set whenever the camera is powered on or reset.
Sets the user set or the factory set to be used as the startup set - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
Sets the user set or the factory set to be used as the startup set. The default startup set will be loaded as the active set whenever the camera is powered on or reset.
Loads the selected set into the camera's volatile memory and makes it the active configuration set - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Loads the selected set into the camera's volatile memory and makes it the active configuration set. After the selected set has been loaded, the parameters in that set will control the camera.
Saves the current active set as the selected user set - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Sets the user set or the factory set to load, save, or configure - Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE.
Time span between the beginning of the input bit and the time when the high/low status is evaluated - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
This integer value sets the time in microseconds that elapses between the beginning of the input bit and the time when the high/low status of the bit is evaluated. It applies to all bits.
Selects when to start the signal evaluation - Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE.
This enumeration selects when to start the signal evaluation. The camera waits for a rising/falling edge on the input line. When the appropriate signal has been received, the camera starts evaluating the incoming bit patterns. When one bit pattern is finished, the camera waits for the next rising/falling edge to read out the next incoming bit pattern. The camera stops listening once three bits have been received.
Enables/disables the vignetting correction - Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB.
The Vignetting Correction feature allows you to remove vignetting artifacts from your images. To do this, you first have to create vignetting correction data. For more information, see the Basler Product Documentation.
If set, this will automatically execute AcquisitionStart when calling StartGrabbing and AcquisitionStop when calling StopGrabbing This option is enabled by default - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Enables/disables the use of a chunk node map for each grab result Grab result chunk node maps can be disabled to save resources - Applies to: InstantCamera.
If set, all buffers will be cleared (set to 0) before grabbing an image Note that this requires additional processing time per frame - Applies to: InstantCamera.
The maximum number of grab results available at any time during a grab session This value can be limited to save resources Furthermore, it can be used to check that the grab results are returned correctly - Applies to: InstantCamera.
The camera object is set to monitor mode when enabled, e g when using the GigE multicast feature Is writable when the camera object is closed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
The number of buffers queued at Low Level API stream grabber - Applies to: InstantCamera.
This is the number of buffers that are queued for grabbing in the stream grabber. The number is influenced by the number of available free buffers and the maximum number of buffers that can be queued. See also the MaxNumBuffer and MaxNumQueuedBuffer parameters.
This parameter can be used to check whether the number of buffers ready for grabbing is stable, which means that the image processing is fast enough to keep up with the rate of incoming images when using the GrabStrategy_OneByOne grab strategy.
Use Extended ID if available in the camera and supported by the driver - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Enabling this setting will use Extended ID if it is supported by the camera and driver. If it is not supported, it will not be used and this setting has no negative side effects.
If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the grab loop thread Otherwise, the priority of the newly created thread is not changed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
A custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.
If enabled, the user can set a custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.
If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the internal grab engine thread operating the stream grabber Otherwise the priority defaults to 25 - Applies to: InstantCamera.