Provides simplified access to GigE action commands. It can be used to automatically or manually configure the DeviceKey, GroupKey, and GroupMask features for cameras. It can also configure the camera's trigger and set the trigger source to action command. In addition, there are some static methods for issuing and scheduling an action command.
Changes the configuration of the cameras so that it is triggered by the first available action command, for instance "Action 1". For more information, see PLGigECamera.ActionSelector. This configuration enables the frame start trigger and disables all other trigger types. The first available action command is selected as the trigger source, i.e., the camera will be triggered by action commands issued by the application.
This configuration is only for advanced use cases and changes the configuration of the cameras so that the cameras can be triggered by the given action command ID. Compared to Configure(ICamera()), the configuration of the trigger is up to the camera user.
Issues an action command via broadcast without acknowledgment of success/failure and has to be used in combination with Configure(ICamera()). In addition, it's possible to create more customizable action command configurations with Configure(ICamera(), Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32).
Issues a scheduled action command via broadcast without acknowledgment of success/failure and and has to be used in combination with Configure(ICamera()). In addition, it's possible to create more customizable action command configurations with Configure(ICamera(), Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32).
Changes the configuration of the cameras so that it is triggered by the first available action command, for instance "Action 1". For more information, see PLGigECamera.ActionSelector. This configuration enables the frame start trigger and disables all other trigger types. The first available action command is selected as the trigger source, i.e., the camera will be triggered by action commands issued by the application.
The following features must be writeable: ActionDeviceKey, ActionGroupMask, ActionGroupKey, ActionSelector, TriggerSelector, TriggerMode, TriggerSource, and AcquisitionMode.
Thread Safety: This method is synchronized with the lock of the camera object.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the preconditions are not met. The configuration uses a randomly generated device and group key for each call. The group mask is fixed to 0x7fffffff. In addition, the best matching subnet limited broadcast address will be set and is readable with the BroadcastAddress parameter. If no match is found, the broadcast address will be used.
This configuration is only for advanced use cases and changes the configuration of the cameras so that the cameras can be triggered by the given action command ID. Compared to Configure(ICamera()), the configuration of the trigger is up to the camera user.
Type: System.Int32 The device key addresses the cameras managed by an application. The device key is only known to the application controlling the camera devices and ensures that only this application can trigger the camera devices. Therefore, the device key cannot be read from a camera. An exact match of the deviceKey sent and the device key stored in a camera is required for executing an action.
Type: System.Int32 The ID of the action command to configure.
Type: System.Int32 The group key is used to create groups of cameras or actions. An exact match of the groupKey sent and the group key stored in a camera for an action is required for executing an action.
Type: System.Int32 The group mask is a bit mask that allows sending an action to a subgroup of the cameras addressed by the deviceKeygroupKey pair. The result of a bitwise AND operation of groupMask and the group mask stored in a camera for an action must be non-zero for executing an action.
The actionId parameter must exist for all cameras.
The action ID must be connected to a properly configured trigger.
All cameras must support the FrameStart trigger.
The following features must be writeable: ActionDeviceKey, ActionGroupMask, ActionGroupKey, and ActionSelector.
Thread Safety: This method is synchronized with the lock of the camera object.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the preconditions are not met. In addition, the best matching subnet limited broadcast address will be set and is readable with the BroadcastAddress parameter. If no match is found, the broadcast address will be used.
The camera supports the "GevTimestampValue" feature.
The timestamp is determined by reading the "GevTimestampValue" timestamp value after latching the "GevTimestampControlLatch" timestamp value. Thread Safety: This method is synchronized with the lock of the camera object.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the preconditions are not met.
Issues an action command via broadcast without acknowledgment of success/failure and has to be used in combination with Configure(ICamera()). In addition, it's possible to create more customizable action command configurations with Configure(ICamera(), Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32).
The Configure(ICamera()) configuration method must have been called and executed successfully.
Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the preconditions are not met. The request is sent via all existing network adapters. If a network adapter has more than one IP address, the request is sent separately for each address. This is not executed simultaneously but consecutively, IP address by IP address. That's why additional latency is added to the execution time.
Type: System.Int32 The device key addresses the cameras managed by an application. The device key is only known to the application controlling the camera devices and ensures that only this application can trigger the camera devices. Therefore, the device key cannot be read from a camera. An exact match of the deviceKey sent and the device key stored in a camera is required for executing an action.
Type: System.Int32 The group key is used to create groups of cameras or actions. An exact match of the groupKey sent and the group key stored in a camera for an action is required for executing an action.
Type: System.Int32 The group mask is a bit mask that allows sending an action to a subgroup of the cameras addressed by the device and group key. The result of a bitwise AND operation of groupMask and the group mask stored in a camera for an action must be non-zero for executing an action.
Type: System.String The broadcast address in dot notation where the command will be broadcast to, e.g., (all adapters, default), (all cameras in a single subnet, (single camera). See the note below.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the preconditions are not met. The request is sent via all existing network adapters. If a network adapter has more than one IP address, the request is sent separately for each address. This is not executed simultaneously but consecutively, IP address by IP address. That's why additional latency is added to the execution time. Directed broadcasts ( or unicasts ( are only sent if the request subnet matches the subnet of the IP address, i.e., if no gateway or routing are required.
Type: System.Int32 The device key addresses the cameras managed by an application. The device key is only known to the application controlling the camera devices and ensures that only this application can trigger the camera devices. Therefore, the device key cannot be read from a camera. An exact match of the deviceKey sent and the device key stored in a camera is required for executing an action.
Type: System.Int32 The group key is used to create groups of cameras or actions. An exact match of the groupKey sent and the group key stored in a camera for an action is required for executing an action.
Type: System.Int32 The group mask is a bit mask that allows sending an action to a subgroup of the cameras addressed by the device and group key. The result of a bitwise AND operation of groupMask and the group mask stored in a camera for an action must be non-zero for executing an action.
Type: System.String The broadcast address in dot notation where the command will be broadcast to, e.g., (all adapters, default), (all cameras in a single subnet, (single camera). See the note below.
Type: System.Int32 Time in milliseconds that the call is waiting for acknowledges of the cameras addressed. Waiting for acknowledges is stopped if NumResults have been received.
Type: Basler.Pylon.ActionCommandResult[] Returns the ActionCommandResult action command result status. The initialization of the result items can be done by this method, i.e., all zero items will be initialized.
The length of results array given must not be zero.
Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the preconditions are not met. The request is sent via all existing network adapters. If a network adapter has more than one IP address, the request is sent separately for each address. This is not executed simultaneously but consecutively, IP address by IP address. That's why additional latency is added to the execution time. Directed broadcasts ( or unicasts ( are only sent if the request subnet matches the subnet of the IP address, i.e., if no gateway or routing are required.
Type: System.Int32 The device key addresses the cameras managed by an application. The device key is only known to the application controlling the camera devices and ensures that only this application can trigger the camera devices. Therefore, the device key cannot be read from a camera. An exact match of the deviceKey sent and the device key stored in a camera is required for executing an action.
Type: System.Int32 The group key is used to create groups of cameras or actions. An exact match of the groupKey sent and the group key stored in a camera for an action is required for executing an action.
Type: System.Int32 The group mask is a bit mask that allows sending an action to a subgroup of the cameras addressed by the deviceKeygroupKey pair. The result of a bitwise AND operation of groupMask and the group mask stored in a camera for an action must be non-zero for executing an action.
Type: System.Int64 Time in nanoseconds when the action is to be executed. The actual value depends on the master clock used. A master clock value for a set of synchronized camera devices can be obtained, for instance, by reading the (GevTimestampValue) timestamp value after latching the (GevTimestampControlLatch) timestamp value from one camera device of the set or by calling GetNow(ICamera). The actionTimeNs must be smaller than or equal to INT64_MAX.
Type: System.String The broadcast address in dot notation where the command will be broadcast to, e.g., (all adapters, default), (all cameras in a single subnet, (single camera). See the note below.
The actionTimeNs must be smaller than or equal to INT64_MAX.
Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the preconditions are not met. The request is sent via all existing network adapters. If a network adapter has more than one IP address, the request is sent separately for each address. This is not executed simultaneously but consecutively, IP address by IP address. That's why additional latency is added to the execution time. Directed broadcasts ( or unicasts ( are only sent if the request subnet matches the subnet of the IP address, i.e., if no gateway or routing are required.
Type: System.Int32 The device key addresses the cameras managed by an application. The device key is only known to the application controlling the camera devices and ensures that only this application can trigger the camera devices. Therefore, the device key cannot be read from a camera. An exact match of the deviceKey sent and the device key stored in a camera is required for executing an action.
Type: System.Int32 The group key is used to create groups of cameras or actions. An exact match of the groupKey sent and the group key stored in a camera for an action is required for executing an action.
Type: System.Int32 The group mask is a bit mask that allows sending an action to a subgroup of the cameras addressed by the deviceKeygroupKey pair. The result of a bitwise AND operation of groupMask and the group mask stored in a camera for an action must be non-zero for executing an action.
Type: System.Int64 Time in nanoseconds when the action is to be executed. The actual value depends on the used master clock. A master clock value for a set of synchronized camera devices can be obtained, for instance, by reading the (GevTimestampValue) timestamp value after latching the (GevTimestampControlLatch) timestamp value from one camera device of the set or by calling GetNow(ICamera). The actionTimeNs must be smaller than or equal to INT64_MAX.
Type: System.String The broadcast address in dot notation where the command will be broadcast to, e.g., (all adapters, default), (all cameras in a single subnet, (single camera). See the note below.
Type: System.Int32 Time in milliseconds that the call is waiting for acknowledges of the cameras addressed. Waiting for acknowledges is stopped if NumResults have been received.
Type: Basler.Pylon.ActionCommandResult[] Returns the ActionCommandResult action command result status. The initialization of the result items can be done by this method, i.e., all zero items will be initialized.
The actionTimeNs must be smaller than or equal to INT64_MAX.
The length of results array given must not be zero.
Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the preconditions are not met. The request is sent via all existing network adapters. If a network adapter has more than one IP address, the request is sent separately for each address. This is not executed simultaneously but consecutively, IP address by IP address. That's why additional latency is added to the execution time. Directed broadcasts ( or unicasts ( are only sent if the request subnet matches the subnet of the IP address, i.e., if no gateway or routing are required.
Issues a scheduled action command via broadcast without acknowledgment of success/failure and and has to be used in combination with Configure(ICamera()). In addition, it's possible to create more customizable action command configurations with Configure(ICamera(), Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32).
Type: System.Int64 Time in nanoseconds when the action is to be executed. The actual value depends on the master clock used. A master clock value for a set of synchronized camera devices can be obtained, for instance, by reading the (GevTimestampValue) timestamp value after latching the (GevTimestampControlLatch) timestamp value of one camera device of the set or by calling GetNow(ICamera).
The Configure(ICamera()) configuration method must have been called and executed successfully.
The actionTimeNs must be smaller than or equal to INT64_MAX.
Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the preconditions are not met. The request is sent via all existing network adapters. If a network adapter has more than one IP address, the request is sent separately for each address. This is not executed simultaneously but consecutively, IP address by IP address. That's why additional latency is added to the execution time.
Changes the configuration of the cameras so that it is triggered by the first available action command, for instance "Action 1". For more information, see PLGigECamera.ActionSelector. This configuration enables the frame start trigger and disables all other trigger types. The first available action command is selected as the trigger source, i.e., the camera will be triggered by action commands issued by the application.
This configuration is only for advanced use cases and changes the configuration of the cameras so that the cameras can be triggered by the given action command ID. Compared to Configure(ICamera()), the configuration of the trigger is up to the camera user.
Issues an action command via broadcast without acknowledgment of success/failure and has to be used in combination with Configure(ICamera()). In addition, it's possible to create more customizable action command configurations with Configure(ICamera(), Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32).
Issues a scheduled action command via broadcast without acknowledgment of success/failure and and has to be used in combination with Configure(ICamera()). In addition, it's possible to create more customizable action command configurations with Configure(ICamera(), Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32).
The default value of the action ID is 1 but it can be customized with Configure(ICamera(), Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32). Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.
The default value of the device key is random but also customizable with Configure(ICamera(), Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32). Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.
The default value of the group key is random but also customizable with Configure(ICamera(), Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32). Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.
The default value of the group mask is 0x7fffffff but it can be customized with Configure(ICamera(), Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32). Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.