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PLCamera.LineSourceEnum Class#

Sets the source signal for the currently selected line. The currently selected line must be an output line.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: LineSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Inheritance Hierarchy#



Public methodPLCamera.LineSourceEnum Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.LineSourceEnum class


Public propertyAcquisitionActive

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Active.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyAcquisitionTriggerReady

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Trigger Ready.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyAcquisitionTriggerWait

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Trigger Wait.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyBslLightControl

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Light Control. If you change this setting, your light will stop working.

Applies to: GigE and ace USB

Public propertyCounter1Active

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Counter 1 Active. The signal goes high when the counter is started. The signal goes low when the counter is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyCounter2Active

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Counter 2 Active. The signal goes high when the counter is started. The signal goes low when the counter is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyExposureActive

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Exposure Active.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyExposureTriggerWait

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Exposure Trigger Wait. The signal goes high when the camera is ready to receive exposure trigger signals. When you apply an exposure trigger signal, the signal goes low.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyFlashWindow

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Flash Window.

Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB

Public propertyFrameBurstActive

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Burst Active. You can use this signal to monitor if the camera is currently acquiring a series of images (a "burst" of images). The signal goes high when the acquisition of a series of images has started. The signal goes low when the acquisition of a series of images has finished.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyFrameBurstTriggerWait

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Burst Trigger Wait.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyFrameCycle

The signal for the currently selected line is rising with Frame Trigger Wait and falling with Exposure Active.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyFrameTriggerWait

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Trigger Wait.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyFrequencyConverter

The signal for the currently selected line is associated with the output of the frequency converter module.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyLineTriggerWait

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Line Trigger Wait.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyName The full name of LineSource (Overrides ParameterListEnum.Name.)
Public propertyOff

No source signal is set for the currently selected line.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyPatternGenerator1

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyPatternGenerator2

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyPatternGenerator3

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyPatternGenerator4

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertySerialTx

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Serial Tx.

Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyShaftEncoderModuleOut

The signal for the currently selected line is associated with the output of the shaft encoder module.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertySyncUserOutput

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertySyncUserOutput0

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 0.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertySyncUserOutput1

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 1.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertySyncUserOutput2

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 2.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertySyncUserOutput3

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 3.

Applies to: GigE

Public propertyTimer1Active

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer 1 Active. You can use this signal to monitor the camera's Timer feature. The signal goes high after the delay specified. The signal goes low after the duration specified.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyTimer2Active

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer 2 Active. You can use this signal to monitor the camera's Timer feature. The signal goes high after the delay specified. The signal goes low after the duration specified.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyTimer3Active

This enumeration value sets the source signal for the selected output line to timer 3 active.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyTimer4Active

This enumeration value sets the source signal for the selected output line to timer 4 active.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyTimerActive

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer Active.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyTriggerReady

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Trigger Ready.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyUserOutput

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

Public propertyUserOutput0

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 0.

Applies to: GigE and ace USB

Public propertyUserOutput1

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 1.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyUserOutput2

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 2.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyUserOutput3

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 3.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Public propertyUserOutput4

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 4.

Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, dart 2 USB and dart USB



Public methodToString The full name of LineSource (Overrides Object.ToString()()()().)

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.ToString Method#

The full name of LineSource

Return Value#

Type: String
Returns the full name of LineSource

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum Constructor#

Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.LineSourceEnum class

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.AcquisitionActive Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Active.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.AcquisitionTriggerReady Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Trigger Ready.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.AcquisitionTriggerWait Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Trigger Wait.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.BslLightControl Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Light Control. If you change this setting, your light will stop working.

Applies to: GigE and ace USB

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.Counter1Active Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Counter 1 Active. The signal goes high when the counter is started. The signal goes low when the counter is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.Counter2Active Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Counter 2 Active. The signal goes high when the counter is started. The signal goes low when the counter is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.ExposureActive Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Exposure Active.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.ExposureTriggerWait Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Exposure Trigger Wait. The signal goes high when the camera is ready to receive exposure trigger signals. When you apply an exposure trigger signal, the signal goes low.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.FlashWindow Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Flash Window.

Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart USB

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.FrameBurstActive Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Burst Active. You can use this signal to monitor if the camera is currently acquiring a series of images (a "burst" of images). The signal goes high when the acquisition of a series of images has started. The signal goes low when the acquisition of a series of images has finished.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.FrameBurstTriggerWait Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Burst Trigger Wait.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.FrameCycle Property#

The signal for the currently selected line is rising with Frame Trigger Wait and falling with Exposure Active.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.FrameTriggerWait Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Trigger Wait.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.FrequencyConverter Property#

The signal for the currently selected line is associated with the output of the frequency converter module.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.LineTriggerWait Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Line Trigger Wait.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.Name Property#

The full name of LineSource

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.Off Property#

No source signal is set for the currently selected line.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.PatternGenerator1 Property#

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.PatternGenerator2 Property#

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.PatternGenerator3 Property#

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.PatternGenerator4 Property#

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.SerialTx Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Serial Tx.

Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.ShaftEncoderModuleOut Property#

The signal for the currently selected line is associated with the output of the shaft encoder module.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.SyncUserOutput Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.SyncUserOutput0 Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 0.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.SyncUserOutput1 Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 1.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.SyncUserOutput2 Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 2.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.SyncUserOutput3 Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Sync User Output 3.

Applies to: GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.Timer1Active Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer 1 Active. You can use this signal to monitor the camera's Timer feature. The signal goes high after the delay specified. The signal goes low after the duration specified.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.Timer2Active Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer 2 Active. You can use this signal to monitor the camera's Timer feature. The signal goes high after the delay specified. The signal goes low after the duration specified.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.Timer3Active Property#

This enumeration value sets the source signal for the selected output line to timer 3 active.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.Timer4Active Property#

This enumeration value sets the source signal for the selected output line to timer 4 active.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.TimerActive Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer Active.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.TriggerReady Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Trigger Ready.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.UserOutput Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output.

Applies to: CameraLink and GigE

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.UserOutput0 Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 0.

Applies to: GigE and ace USB

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.UserOutput1 Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 1.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.UserOutput2 Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 2.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.UserOutput3 Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 3.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, GigE, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart 2 USB, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.LineSourceEnum.UserOutput4 Property#

The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 4.

Applies to: CameraLink, GigE, dart 2 USB and dart USB