Name | |
enum | EPylonCompressionMode { CompressionMode_Off, CompressionMode_BaslerLossless, CompressionMode_BaslerFixRatio} Mode used for transferring images. |
enum | EPylonCompressionStatus { CompressionStatus_Ok, CompressionStatus_BufferOverflow, CompressionStatus_Error} Status of a compressed grab buffer/result in PylonCompressionInfo_t. |
enum | EPylonGigEActionCommandStatus { PylonGigEActionCommandStatus_Ok = 0, PylonGigEActionCommandStatus_NoRefTime = -519995373, PylonGigEActionCommandStatus_Overflow = -519995371, PylonGigEActionCommandStatus_ActionLate = -519995370} Lists possible status codes returned by PylonGigEIssueActionCommand() or PylonGigEIssueScheduledActionCommand(). |
enum | EPylonGrabStatus { UndefinedGrabStatus = -1, Idle, Queued, Grabbed, Canceled, Failed} The grab status. |
enum | EPylonImageFileFormat { ImageFileFormat_Bmp = 0, ImageFileFormat_Tiff = 1, ImageFileFormat_Jpeg = 2, ImageFileFormat_Png = 3, ImageFileFormat_Raw = 4} Lists the available file formats. |
enum | EPylonImageOrientation { ImageOrientation_TopDown, ImageOrientation_BottomUp} Defines the vertical orientation of an image in memory. |
enum | EPylonKeyFrameSelection { KeyFrameSelection_NoKeyFrame, KeyFrameSelection_KeyFrame, KeyFrameSelection_Auto} Lists the possibilities for selecting a key frame when using compression. |
enum | EPylonPayloadType { PayloadType_Undefined = -1, PayloadType_Image, PayloadType_RawData, PayloadType_File, PayloadType_ChunkData, PayloadType_GenDC, PayloadType_DeviceSpecific = 0x8000} PayloadType for PylonGrabResult_t. |
enum | EPylonPixelType { PixelType_Undefined = -1, PixelType_Mono8 = PIXEL_MONO |
enum | EPylonShowWindow { EPylonShowWindow_SW_HIDE = 0, EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1, EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = 2, EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 3, EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE = 4, EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOW = 5, EPylonShowWindow_SW_MINIMIZE = 6, EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE = 7, EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWNA = 8, EPylonShowWindow_SW_RESTORE = 9, EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWDEFAULT = 10, EPylonShowWindow_SW_FORCEMINIMIZE = 11} Lists the possibilities for selecting a show window command. |
enum | EPylonWaitExResult { waitex_timeout = 0, waitex_signaled = 1, waitex_abandoned = 2, waitex_alerted = -1} The reason why a wait operation terminated. |
Detailed Description#
pylon enumeration types.
Definitions of enumerated types used by pylon C functions.
Types Documentation#
enum EPylonCompressionMode#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CompressionMode_Off | Images are transferred uncompressed. | |
CompressionMode_BaslerLossless | Images are transferred with Basler lossless compression. | |
CompressionMode_BaslerFixRatio | Images are transferred with Basler fixed ratio compression (which may lead to lossily compressed images). |
Mode used for transferring images.
The compression mode can have three states. Either compression is disabled in the camera (CompressionMode_Off) or the camera compresses the images in one of two ways (CompressionMode_BaslerLossless or CompressionMode_BaslerFixRatio).
enum EPylonCompressionStatus#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
CompressionStatus_Ok | Buffer was compressed properly. | |
CompressionStatus_BufferOverflow | Size of compressed image exceeded desired compression ratio. | |
CompressionStatus_Error | Generic error. |
Status of a compressed grab buffer/result in PylonCompressionInfo_t.
enum EPylonGigEActionCommandStatus#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PylonGigEActionCommandStatus_Ok | 0 | The device acknowledged the command. |
PylonGigEActionCommandStatus_NoRefTime | -519995373 | The device is not synchronized to a master clock to be used as time reference. Typically used when scheduled action commands cannot be scheduled for a future time since the reference time coming from IEEE 1588 is not locked. The action command has been ignored by the device. |
PylonGigEActionCommandStatus_Overflow | -519995371 | Returned when the scheduled action commands queue is full and the device cannot accept the additional request. The action command has been discarded by the device. |
PylonGigEActionCommandStatus_ActionLate | -519995370 | The requested scheduled action command was requested at a point in time that is in the past. If the time tag of the scheduled action command is in the past (relative to the device timestamp), and if it is a valid action command, then the device will execute this action command immediately and return PylonGigEActionCommandStatus_ActionLate . This status code is used as an indicator to the application requesting the action command that a mis-synchronization might have occurred. |
Lists possible status codes returned by PylonGigEIssueActionCommand() or PylonGigEIssueScheduledActionCommand().
enum EPylonGrabStatus#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
UndefinedGrabStatus | -1 | status not defined |
Idle | currently not used | |
Queued | in the input queue | |
Grabbed | filled with data | |
Canceled | request was canceled | |
Failed | request failed |
The grab status.
enum EPylonImageFileFormat#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ImageFileFormat_Bmp | 0 | Windows Bitmap, no compression. |
ImageFileFormat_Tiff | 1 | Tagged Image File Format, no compression, supports mono images with more than 8 bit bit depth. |
ImageFileFormat_Jpeg | 2 | Joint Photographic Experts Group, lossy data compression. |
ImageFileFormat_Png | 3 | Portable Network Graphics, lossless data compression. |
ImageFileFormat_Raw | 4 | Saves the raw image buffer data. Packed image formats are unpacked. In the format used for saving, the data cannot be loaded using PylonImagePersistenceLoad. The data cannot be loaded in this format. |
Lists the available file formats.
enum EPylonImageOrientation#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
ImageOrientation_TopDown | The first row of the image is located at the start of the image buffer. This is the default for images taken by a camera. | |
ImageOrientation_BottomUp | The last row of the image is located at the start of the image buffer. |
Defines the vertical orientation of an image in memory.
enum EPylonKeyFrameSelection#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
KeyFrameSelection_NoKeyFrame | Indicates that an image is not a key frame. | |
KeyFrameSelection_KeyFrame | Indicates that an image is a key frame. | |
KeyFrameSelection_Auto | Every nth frame is a key frame. The value of n is specified by passing its value in the SAviCompressionOptions in the autoKeyFrameInsertionRate member when opening the AVI Writer. |
Lists the possibilities for selecting a key frame when using compression.
enum EPylonPayloadType#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PayloadType_Undefined | -1 | The buffer content is undefined. |
PayloadType_Image | The buffer contains image data. | |
PayloadType_RawData | The buffer contains raw data. | |
PayloadType_File | The buffer contains file data. | |
PayloadType_ChunkData | The buffer contains chunk data. | |
PayloadType_GenDC | The buffer contains GenDC container. | |
PayloadType_DeviceSpecific | 0x8000 | The buffer contains device specific data. |
PayloadType for PylonGrabResult_t.
enum EPylonPixelType#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
PixelType_Undefined | -1 | Indicates that the pixel format is undefined or not valid. |
PixelType_Mono8 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 8 ) |
PixelType_Mono8signed | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 8 ) |
PixelType_Mono10 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_Mono10packed | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_Mono10p | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 10 ) |
PixelType_Mono12 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_Mono12packed | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_Mono12p | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_Mono16 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerGR8 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 8 ) |
PixelType_BayerRG8 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 8 ) |
PixelType_BayerGB8 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 8 ) |
PixelType_BayerBG8 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 8 ) |
PixelType_BayerGR10 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerRG10 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerGB10 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerBG10 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerGR12 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerRG12 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerGB12 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerBG12 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_RGB8packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 24 ) |
PixelType_BGR8packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 24 ) |
PixelType_RGBA8packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 32 ) |
PixelType_BGRA8packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 32 ) |
PixelType_RGB10packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 48 ) |
PixelType_BGR10packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 48 ) |
PixelType_RGB12packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 48 ) |
PixelType_BGR12packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 48 ) |
PixelType_RGB16packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 48 ) |
PixelType_BGR10V1packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 32 ) |
PixelType_BGR10V2packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 32 ) |
PixelType_YUV411packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_YUV422packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_YUV444packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 24 ) |
PixelType_RGB8planar | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 24 ) |
PixelType_RGB10planar | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 48 ) |
PixelType_RGB12planar | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 48 ) |
PixelType_RGB16planar | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 48 ) |
PixelType_YUV422_YUYV_Packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_YUV422planar | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_YUV420planar | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_YCbCr422_8_YY_CbCr_Semiplanar | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_YCbCr420_8_YY_CbCr_Semiplanar | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_BayerGR12Packed | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_BayerRG12Packed | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_BayerGB12Packed | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_BayerBG12Packed | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_BayerGR10p | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 10 ) |
PixelType_BayerRG10p | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 10 ) |
PixelType_BayerGB10p | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 10 ) |
PixelType_BayerBG10p | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 10 ) |
PixelType_BayerGR12p | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_BayerRG12p | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_BayerGB12p | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_BayerBG12p | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 12 ) |
PixelType_BayerGR16 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerRG16 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerGB16 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_BayerBG16 | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 16 ) |
PixelType_RGB12V1packed | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 36 ) |
PixelType_BiColorRGBG8 | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 2 * 8 ) |
PixelType_BiColorBGRG8 | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 2 * 8 ) |
PixelType_BiColorRGBG10 | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 2 * 16 ) |
PixelType_BiColorRGBG10p | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 2 * 10 ) |
PixelType_BiColorBGRG10 | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 2 * 16 ) |
PixelType_BiColorBGRG10p | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 2 * 10 ) |
PixelType_BiColorRGBG12 | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 2 * 16 ) |
PixelType_BiColorRGBG12p | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 2 * 12 ) |
PixelType_BiColorBGRG12 | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 2 * 16 ) |
PixelType_BiColorBGRG12p | PIXEL_COLOR | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 2 * 12 ) |
PixelType_Data32f | PIXEL_MONO | PIXEL_BIT_COUNT( 32 ) |
List all possible pixel formats. See the camera User's Manual for a detailed description of the available pixel formats.
enum EPylonShowWindow#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_HIDE | 0 | Same as SW_HIDE in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWNORMAL | 1 | Same as SW_SHOWNORMAL and SW_NORMAL in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWMINIMIZED | 2 | Same as SW_SHOWMINIMIZED in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED | 3 | Same as SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED and SW_MAXIMIZE in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE | 4 | Same as SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOW | 5 | Same as SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_MINIMIZE | 6 | Same as SW_MINIMIZE in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE | 7 | Same as SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWNA | 8 | Same as SW_SHOWNA in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_RESTORE | 9 | Same as SW_RESTORE in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_SHOWDEFAULT | 10 | Same as SW_SHOWDEFAULT in WinUser.h. |
EPylonShowWindow_SW_FORCEMINIMIZE | 11 | Same as SW_FORCEMINIMIZE in WinUser.h. |
Lists the possibilities for selecting a show window command.
enum EPylonWaitExResult#
Enumerator | Value | Description |
waitex_timeout | 0 | The time-out interval elapsed. |
waitex_signaled | 1 | The wait operation completed successfully. |
waitex_abandoned | 2 | Windows only (see MSDN for more information) |
waitex_alerted | -1 | The wait was interrupted (Windows: queued APC or I/O completion routine; UNIX: signal) |
The reason why a wait operation terminated.