Looks up a parameter of type array and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type boolean and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type command and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type enum and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type float and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type integer and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of any type and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type string and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Advanced: Poll all parameters that have polling time. If the elapsed time is larger than the polling time of the parameter, fire parameter changed events.
Every parameter collection has a main parameter path. When looking up parameters of the main path, the path can be omitted. The definition of a main parameter path depends on the source of the related parameter collection. For simplicity, a combination of path, name, and type is referred to as parameter name, analogous to file names.
Parameter name without path: "Width"
Parameter name with path: "@CameraDevice/Width"
Parameter name with name cast for defining the parameter type: (IntegerName) "@CameraDevice/Width"
For ease of use, several predefined lists of parameter names are available, e.g. PLCamera.
If a requested parameter does not exist, an empty parameter object will be returned to simplify handling. An empty parameter is never readable or writable.
A parameter collection is enumerable. The enumerator lists all user parameters.
Advanced: Poll all parameters that have polling time. If the elapsed time is larger than the polling time of the parameter, fire parameter changed events.
Looks up a parameter of type array and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type boolean and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type command and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type enum and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type float and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type integer and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of any type and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type string and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type array and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type boolean and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type command and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type enum and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type float and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type integer and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of type string and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Looks up a parameter of any type and returns it. If no parameter with the given name has been found, an empty parameter is returned to simplify handling.
Type: IParameter The parameter found or an empty parameter object. An empty parameter is never readable or writable. The returned parameter can be casted to its specialized type afterwards.