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hParentWindow Optional handle to the parent window for the Compression Options dialog box. See the Video for Windows API AviSaveOptions() MSDN documentation.
showDialog Optionally show Compression Options dialog box. See the Video for Windows API AviSaveOptions() MSDN documentation.
userDialogReturnOk Is set to true in the call to the CAviWriter::Open() method if the user pressed OK in the dialog. The compression is not set up if cancel has been pressed.
autoKeyFrameInsertionRate Indicates to insert a key frame every nth image when KeyFrameSelection_Auto is used.
optionalShowDialog Optionally show the Compression Options dialog box. The dialog allows to set the compression parameters. See the Video for Windows API AviSaveOptions() MSDN documentation.
optionalHParentWindow Optional handle to the parent window for the Compression Options dialog box. See the Video for Windows API AviSaveOptions() MSDN documentation.
To use compression set up the AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS structure. You can use the dialog provided by the Video for Windows API to do this by setting optionalShowDialog to true. Alternatively, fill the AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS structure with the four character code identifying the codec and the parameter settings of the codec. For more information, see the MSDN documentation of the Video for Windows API and the documentation of the codec you are using.
fourCharacterCode The four character code identifying the codec to use for compression.
optionalShowDialog Optionally show the Compression Options dialog box. The dialog allows to set the compression parameters. See the Video for Windows API AviSaveOptions() MSDN documentation.
optionalHParentWindow Optional handle to the parent window for the Compression Options dialog box. See the Video for Windows API AviSaveOptions() MSDN documentation.
Preset some compression options.
To use compression set up the AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS structure. You can use the dialog provided by the Video for Windows API to do this by setting optionalShowDialog to true. Alternatively, fill the AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS structure with the four character code identifying the codec and the parameter settings of the codec. For more information, see the MSDN documentation of the Video for Windows API and the documentation of the codec you are using.
Is set to true in the call to the CAviWriter::Open() method if the user pressed OK in the dialog. The compression is not set up if cancel has been pressed.
The AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS structure needs to be set up with the four character code identifying the codec and the parameter settings of the codec. For more information, see the MSDN documentation of the Video for Windows API and the documentation of the codec you are using.