AcquisitionStartStopExecutionEnable If set, this will automatically execute AcquisitionStart when calling StartGrabbing and AcquisitionStop when calling StopGrabbing This option is enabled by default - Applies to: InstantCamera.
ChunkNodeMapsEnable Enables/disables the use of a chunk node map for each grab result Grab result chunk node maps can be disabled to save resources - Applies to: InstantCamera.
ClearBufferModeEnable If set, all buffers will be cleared (set to 0) before grabbing an image Note that this requires additional processing time per frame - Applies to: InstantCamera.
GrabCameraEvents Enables/disables the grabbing of camera events while images are grabbed Is writable when the camera object is closed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
MaxNumGrabResults The maximum number of grab results available at any time during a grab session This value can be limited to save resources Furthermore, it can be used to check that the grab results are returned correctly - Applies to: InstantCamera.
MigrationModeActive The migration mode is set up according to this setting at defined points e g , when the camera is opened - Applies to: InstantCamera.
MonitorModeActive The camera object is set to monitor mode when enabled, e g when using the GigE multicast feature Is writable when the camera object is closed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
StaticChunkNodeMapPoolSize If larger than 0, a static chunk node map pool is used instead of dynamic chunk node map creation - Applies to: InstantCamera.
GrabLoopThreadPriorityOverride If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the grab loop thread Otherwise, the priority of the newly created thread is not changed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
GrabLoopThreadTimeout A custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.
GrabLoopThreadUseTimeout If enabled, the user can set a custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.
InternalGrabEngineThreadPriorityOverride If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the internal grab engine thread operating the stream grabber Otherwise the priority defaults to 25 - Applies to: InstantCamera.
cleanupProcedure If cleanupProcedure equals Cleanup_Delete, the Pylon device is destroyed when the Instant Camera object is destroyed.
If the passed pointer to the Pylon device is NULL, the Instant Camera object is in the "no device attached" state.
If the passed pointer to the Pylon device is not NULL, the passed Pylon device is attached.
If the set cleanup procedure equals Cleanup_Delete, the Pylon device is destroyed when the Instant Camera object is destroyed or a new device is attached.
If the passed Pylon device is open and the registration of callbacks fails, the Instant Camera object is in the "no device attached" state.
The opened-by-user flag is set, preventing closing of the Pylon device on StopGrabbing() when the attached Pylon device is already open.
Error Safety:
May throw an exception if the passed Pylon device is open. Does not throw C++ exceptions if the passed Pylon device is closed or NULL.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
If a Pylon device is currently attached, it is destroyed (DestroyDevice()) or removed (DetachDevice()) depending on the previously set cleanup procedure value.
If the pDevice parameter is NULL, nothing more is done.
The OnAttach configuration event is fired. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
The new Pylon device is attached.
The instant camera migration mode setting is applied to the Pylon device transport layer node map.
If the passed Pylon device is open, callbacks for camera events are registered at the camera node map. (This may fail)
If the passed Pylon device is open, a device removal call back is registered. (This may fail)
If the passed Pylon device is open, access modifiers (see IPylonDevice::Open()) are carried over as camera parameters.
The OnAttached configuration event is fired. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
Returns the connection state of the camera device.
Return: True if the camera device removal from the PC has been detected.
Attention: Due to technical reasons, the IsCameraDeviceRemoved() property may not be updated immediately after the first error caused by a device removal occurs.
Error Safety:
Does not throw C++ exceptions.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The device removal is only detected while the Instant Camera and therefore the attached Pylon device are open.
The attached Pylon device is not operable anymore if the camera device has been removed from the PC. After it is made sure that no access to the Pylon device or any of its node maps is made anymore the Pylon device should be destroyed using CInstantCamera::DeviceDestroy(). The access to the Pylon device can be protected using the lock provided by GetLock(), e.g. when accessing parameters.
Returns the ownership of the attached Pylon device.
Return: True if a Pylon device is attached and the Instant Camera object has been given the ownership by passing the cleanup procedure Cleanup_Delete when calling Attach().
Error Safety:
Does not throw C++ exceptions.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The Pylon device is open and a connection to the camera device has been established.
Opened by user flag is set, preventing closing of the Pylon device on StopGrabbing().
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error. The Pylon device open may throw. Configuration event calls may throw. Callback registrations may throw. The Pylon device is closed with Close() if the OnOpened event call triggers an exception.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Opened by user flag is set, preventing closing of the device on StopGrabbing().
If the Pylon device is already open, nothing more is done.
The OnOpen configuration event is fired. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
The Pylon device is opened and a connection to the camera device is established.
The instant camera migration mode setting is applied to the Pylon device transport layer node map.
A device removal call back is registered at the Pylon device.
Callbacks for camera events are registered at the camera node map.
The OnOpened configuration event is fired if the Pylon device has been opened successfully. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
Returns the open state of the attached Pylon device object.
Return: Returns true if a Pylon device is attached and it is open.
Note This method still returns true if the camera device has been physically removed from the PC while the attached Pylon device object is open. The Pylon device object will not automatically close itself on device removal. It must be closed by calling CInstantCamera::Close(). The IsCameraDeviceRemoved() method can be used to check if the connection to the camera device has been lost while the attached Pylon device object is open.
Error Safety: Does not throw C++ exceptions.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
If the Pylon device is already closed, nothing is done.
If a grab is in progress, it is stopped by calling StopGrabbing().
The configuration event OnClose is fired. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
The connection to the camera device is closed and the Pylon device is closed.
The configuration event OnClosed is fired if the Pylon device has been closed successfully. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
grabLoopType If grabLoopType equals GrabLoop_ProvidedByInstantCamera, an additional grab loop thread is used to run the grab loop.
A Pylon device is attached.
The stream grabber of the Pylon device is closed.
The grabbing is stopped.
The attached Pylon device supports grabbing.
Must not be called while holding the lock provided by GetLock() when using the grab loop thread.
The grabbing is started.
Grab-specific parameters of the camera object are locked, e.g. MaxNumBuffers.
If grabLoopType equals GrabLoop_ProvidedByInstantCamera, an additional grab loop thread is running that calls RetrieveResult( GrabLoopThreadTimeout, grabResult) in a loop. Images are processed by registered image event handlers.
Operating the stream grabber from outside the camera object will result in undefined behavior.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error. Open() may throw. Configuration event calls may throw. The grab implementation may throw. The grabbing is stopped with StopGrabbing() if the OnGrabStarted event call triggers an exception. Throws a C++ exception, if Upcoming Image grab strategy is used together with USB camera devices.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
If a grab loop thread has been used in the last grab session, the grab loop thread context is joined with the caller's context.
If the Pylon device is not already open, it is opened by calling Open().
The configuration event OnGrabStart is fired. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
Grab-specific parameters of the camera object are locked, e.g. MaxNumBuffers.
If the camera device parameter ChunkModeActive is enabled, the Instant Camera chunk parsing support is initialized.
If the Instant Camera parameter GrabCameraEvents is enabled, the Instant Camera event grabbing support is initialized.
The grabbing is started.
The AcquisitionStart command of the camera device is executed.
The configuration event OnGrabStarted is fired if the grab has been started successfully. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
If grabLoopType equals GrabLoop_ProvidedByInstantCamera, an additional grab loop thread is started calling RetrieveResult( GrabLoopThreadTimeout, grabResult) in a loop.
Starts the grabbing for a maximum number of images.
maxImages The count of images to grab. This value must be larger than zero.
strategy The grab strategy. See Pylon::InstantCamera::EStrategy for more information.
grabLoopType If grabLoopType equals GrabLoop_ProvidedByInstantCamera, an additional grab loop thread is used to run the grab loop.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Extends the StartGrabbing(EStrategy, EGrabLoop) by a number of images to grab. If the passed count of images has been reached, StopGrabbing is called automatically. The images are counted according to the grab strategy. Skipped images are not taken into account.
The amount of allocated buffers is reduced to maxImages when grabbing fewer images than according to the value of the MaxNumBuffer parameter and the grab strategy is GrabStrategy_OneByOne.
Retrieves a grab result according to the strategy, waits if it is not yet available.
timeoutMs A timeout value in ms for waiting for a grab result, or the INFINITE value.
grabResult Receives the grab result.
timeoutHandling If timeoutHandling equals TimeoutHandling_ThrowException, a timeout exception is thrown on timeout.
Return: True if the call successfully retrieved a grab result, false otherwise.
There is no other thread waiting for a result. This will be the case when the Instant Camera grab loop thread is used.
If a grab result has been retrieved, one image is removed from the output queue and is returned in the grabResult parameter.
If no grab result has been retrieved, an empty grab result is returned in the grabResult parameter.
If the maximum number of images has been grabbed, the grabbing is stopped.
If camera event handling is enabled and camera events were received, at least one or more camera event messages have been processed.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error. The grabbing is stopped if an exception is thrown.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock() while not waiting.
The content of the passed grab result is released.
If no Pylon device is attached or the grabbing is not started, the method returns immediately "false".
Wait for a grab result if it is not yet available. The access to the camera is not locked during waiting. Camera events are handled.
Only if camera events are used: Incoming camera events are handled.
One grab result is retrieved per call according to the strategy applied.
Only if chunk mode is used: The chunk data parsing is performed. The grab result data is updated using chunk data.
The image event OnImagesSkipped is fired if grab results have been skipped according to the strategy. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
The image event OnImageGrabbed is fired if a grab result becomes available. The notification of event handlers stops when an event call triggers an exception.
Stops the grabbing by calling StopGrabbing() if the maximum number of images has been grabbed.
It needs to be checked whether the grab represented by the grab result has been successful, see CGrabResultData::GrabSucceeded().
If the Pylon device has been opened by StartGrabbing and no other camera object service requires it to be open, it is closed.
Grab specific parameters of the camera object are unlocked, e.g. MaxNumBuffers.
Error Safety:
Does not throw C++ exceptions. Possible C++ exceptions are caught and ignored.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Nothing is done if the Instant Camera is not currently grabbing.
The configuration event OnGrabStop is fired. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
The AcquisitionStop command of the camera device is executed.
The grabbing is stopped.
All buffer queues of the Instant Camera are cleared.
The OnGrabStopped configuration event is fired if the grab has been stopped successfully. Possible C++ exceptions from event calls are caught and ignored. All event handlers are notified.
If the Instant Camera has been opened by StartGrabbing, it is closed by calling Close().
Grab-specific parameters of the camera object are unlocked, e.g. MaxNumBuffers.
The following code shows a simplified version of what is done (happy path):
//grab one imageStartGrabbing(1,GrabStrategy_OneByOne,GrabLoop_ProvidedByUser);//grab is stopped automatically due to maxImages = 1returnRetrieveResult(timeoutMs,grabResult,timeoutHandling)&&grabResult->GrabSucceeded();
Adds an camera event handler to the list of registered camera event handler objects.
pCameraEventHandler The receiver of camera events.
nodeName The name of the event data node updated on camera event, e.g. "ExposureEndEventTimestamp" for exposure end event.
userProvidedId This ID is passed as a parameter in CCameraEventHandler::OnCameraEvent and can be used to distinguish between different events. It is recommended to create an own application specific enum and use it's values as IDs.
mode Indicates how to register the new cameraEventHandler.
cleanupProcedure If cleanupProcedure equals Cleanup_Delete, the passed event handler is deleted when no longer needed.
availability If availability equals CameraEventAvailability_Mandatory, the camera must support the data node specified by node name. If not, an exception is thrown when the Instant Camera is open, the Instant Camera is opened, or an open Pylon device is attached.
Postcondition: The cameraEventHandler is registered and called on camera events.
Error Safety:
Throws an exception if the availability is set to CameraEventAvailability_Mandatory and the node with the name nodeName is not available in the camera node map (see GetNodeMap()). Throws an exception fail if the node callback registration fails. The event handler is not registered when an C++ exception is thrown.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the camera event handler lock. If the camera is open, the lock provided by GetLock() and the camera node map lock are also used for synchronization.
If mode equals RegistrationMode_ReplaceAll, the list of registered camera event handlers is cleared.
If the pointer pCameraEventHandler is not NULL, it is appended to the list of camera event handlers.
Internally, a GenApi node call back is registered for the node identified by nodeName. This callback triggers a call to the CCameraEventHandler::OnCameraEvent() method. That's why a Camera Event Handler can be registered for any node of the camera node map to get informed about changes.
Actively waits until the the camera is ready to accept a frame trigger.
timeoutMs The timeout in ms for active waiting.
timeoutHandling If timeoutHandling equals TimeoutHandling_ThrowException, a timeout exception is thrown on timeout.
Return: True if the camera can execute a frame trigger.
Precondition: The 'AcquisitionStatusSelector' node is writable and the 'AcquisitionStatus' node is readable or the 'SoftwareTrigger' node is readable. This depends on the used camera model.
Error Safety:
Accessing the camera registers may fail.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The implementation selects 'FrameTriggerWait' for the 'AcquisitionStatusSelector' and waits until the 'AcquisitionStatus' is true. If the above mentioned nodes are not available and the 'SoftwareTrigger' node is readable, the implementation waits for SoftwareTrigger.IsDone().
Checks to see whether the camera device can be queried whether it is ready to accept the next frame trigger.
Return: Returns true if the camera is open and the camera device can be queried whether it is ready to accept the next frame trigger.
Note If a camera device can't be queried whether it is ready to accept the next frame trigger, the camera device is ready to accept the next trigger after the last image triggered has been grabbed, e.g. after you have retrieved the last image triggered using RetrieveResult(). Camera devices that can be queried whether they are ready to accept the next frame trigger, may not be ready for the next frame trigger after the last image triggered has been grabbed.
Postcondition: The 'AcquisitionStatusSelector' is set to 'FrameTriggerWait' if writable.
Error Safety:
Accessing the camera registers may fail.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
If 'FrameTriggerWait' can be selected for 'AcquisitionStatusSelector' and 'AcquisitionStatus' is readable, the camera device can be queried whether it is ready to accept the next frame trigger.
If the nodes mentioned above are not available and the 'SoftwareTrigger' node is readable, the camera device can be queried whether it is ready to accept the next frame trigger.
Note The application has to make sure that the correct trigger is selected before calling ExecuteSoftwareTrigger(). This can be done via the camera's TriggerSelector node. The Pylon::CSoftwareTriggerConfiguration selects the correct trigger when the Instant Camera is opened.
The grabbing is started.
The camera device supports software trigger.
The software trigger is available. This depends on the configuration of the camera device.
Error Safety:
Accessing the camera registers may fail. Throws an exception on timeout if timeoutHandling is TimeoutHandling_ThrowException.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The camera needs to be configured for software trigger mode. Additionally, the camera needs to be ready to accept triggers. When triggering a frame this can be checked using the WaitForFrameTriggerReady() method;
Provides access to the node map of the camera device.
Return: Reference to the node map of the camera device.
Precondition: A Pylon device is attached.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The Pylon device must be opened before reading ore writing any parameters of the camera device. This can be done using the Open() method of the Instant Camera class.
Provides access to the transport layer node map of the attached Pylon device.
Return: Reference to the transport layer node map of the attached Pylon device or the reference to the empty node map if a transport layer node map is not supported. The GenApi::INodeMap::GetNumNodes() method can be used to check whether the node map is empty.
Precondition: A Pylon device is attached.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Provides access to the stream grabber node map of the attached Pylon device.
Return: Reference to the stream grabber node map of the attached Pylon device or the reference to the empty node map if grabbing is not supported. The GenApi::INodeMap::GetNumNodes() method can be used to check whether the node map is empty.
A Pylon device is attached.
The Pylon device is open.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Provides access to the event grabber node map of the attached Pylon device.
Return: Reference to the event grabber node map of the attached Pylon device or a reference to the empty node map if event grabbing is not supported. The GenApi::INodeMap::GetNumNodes() method can be used to check whether the node map is empty.
A Pylon device is attached.
The Pylon device is open.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
Sets an alternative buffer factory that is used for buffer allocation.
pFactory A pointer to a buffer factory.
cleanupProcedure If ownership is cleanupProcedure Cleanup_Delete, the passed factory is destroyed when no longer needed.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
This use of this method is optional and intended for advanced use cases only.
If NULL is passed as buffer factory then the default buffer factory is used. Buffers are allocated when StartGrabbing is called. A buffer factory must not be deleted while it is attached to the camera object and it must not be deleted until the last buffer is freed. To free all buffers the grab needs to be stopped and all grab results must be released or destroyed.
Returns the SFNC version read from the camera node map.
Return: The SFNC version used by the camera device. The returned SFNC version is 0.0.0 (Pylon::Sfnc_VersionUndefined) if no SFNC version information is provided by the camera device.
Precondition: A Pylon device is attached.
Error Safety:
The Instant Camera object is still valid after error.
Thread Safety:
This method is synchronized using the lock provided by GetLock().
The SFNC version is read from the camera node map using the integer nodes DeviceSFNCVersionMajor, DeviceSFNCVersionMinor, and DeviceSFNCVersionSubMinor.
Provides access to the lock used for synchronizing the access to the camera.
Error Safety:
Does not throw C++ exceptions.
This lock can be used when extending the Instant Camera class.
classCMyInstantCamera:publicCInstantCamera{// Method extending the Instant Camera classvoidFoo(){// Scoped Lock.AutoLocklock(CInstantCamera::GetLock());//...}};
If set, this will automatically execute AcquisitionStart when calling StartGrabbing and AcquisitionStop when calling StopGrabbing This option is enabled by default - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Enables/disables the use of a chunk node map for each grab result Grab result chunk node maps can be disabled to save resources - Applies to: InstantCamera.
If set, all buffers will be cleared (set to 0) before grabbing an image Note that this requires additional processing time per frame - Applies to: InstantCamera.
The maximum number of grab results available at any time during a grab session This value can be limited to save resources Furthermore, it can be used to check that the grab results are returned correctly - Applies to: InstantCamera.
The camera object is set to monitor mode when enabled, e g when using the GigE multicast feature Is writable when the camera object is closed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
The number of buffers queued at Low Level API stream grabber - Applies to: InstantCamera.
This is the number of buffers that are queued for grabbing in the stream grabber. The number is influenced by the number of available free buffers and the maximum number of buffers that can be queued. See also the MaxNumBuffer and MaxNumQueuedBuffer parameters.
This parameter can be used to check whether the number of buffers ready for grabbing is stable, which means that the image processing is fast enough to keep up with the rate of incoming images when using the GrabStrategy_OneByOne grab strategy.
Use Extended ID if available in the camera and supported by the driver - Applies to: InstantCamera.
Enabling this setting will use Extended ID if it is supported by the camera and driver. If it is not supported, it will not be used and this setting has no negative side effects.
If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the grab loop thread Otherwise, the priority of the newly created thread is not changed - Applies to: InstantCamera.
A custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.
If enabled, the user can set a custom timeout for the grab loop thread's call to RetrieveResult RetrieveResult is configured to throw an exception on timeout, which will stop the grab session - Applies to: InstantCamera.
If enabled, the user can set a custom priority for the internal grab engine thread operating the stream grabber Otherwise the priority defaults to 25 - Applies to: InstantCamera.