Basler Vision Connector Messaging: Getting the Application Status
With this message you can retrieve the list of the connected cameras including the status, streaming topic, application version, and implemented specification version.
JSON Payload
Field | Optional | Type | Description |
TransactionID | Yes | String | Transaction identification |
Action | No | String | Method called. Fixed value: GetStatus |
"TransactionID": "46543214635244",
"Action": "GetStatus"
Response Object
Field | Optional | Type | Description |
TransactionID | Yes | String | Transaction identification |
ReturnCode | No | Integer (32-bit unsigned) | Message code following Message Codes |
Message | Yes | String | Response message |
ApplicationVersion | No | String | Connector application version |
SpecificationVersion | No | String | Specification version of the Basler Vision Connector |
DeviceList | No | Array of Camera Object | Array of the camera objects |
Camera Object
Field | Optional | Type | Description |
DeviceID | No | String | Current camera identification |
StreamingTopic | No | String | Topic where the camera streams images |
Status | No | String | Camera status. Possible values: Connected , Streaming , Error |
"TransactionID": "46543214635244",
"ReturnCode": 0,
"Message": "Success.",
"ApplicationVersion": "1.0.1",
"SpecificationVersion": "1.0.0",
"DeviceID": "548451887",
"StreamingTopic": "548451887/stream",
"Status": "Streaming"