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Basler Vision Connector Messaging: Retrieving Available User Sets#

The GenICam protocol allows you to store parameter sets on the camera. With the Basler Vision Connector you can save, load, and define the default user set to be used on camera restart.

With the following message, you can retrieve the available user sets on the camera.

JSON Payload#

Field Optional Type Description
TransactionID Yes String Transaction identification
Action No String Method called. Fixed value: GetUserSets
DeviceID No String Device identification
    "TransactionID": "1232116",
    "Action": "GetUserSets",
    "DeviceID": "12323454754"

Response Object#

Field Optional Type Description
TransactionID Yes String Transaction identification
ReturnCode No Integer (32-bit unsigned) Message code following Message Codes
Message Yes String Response message
UserSetList No User Set Object Array Object containing the available parameter settings

User Set Object#

Field Optional Type Description
DisplayName Yes String Represents the name of the user set.
Value No String Parameter value that needs to be used to set the user set value.
IntValue No Integer (64-bit signed) Integer value of the user set
Description Yes String User set description
    "TransactionID": "12323454754",
    "ReturnCode": 0,
    "Message": "Userset retrieved.",
    "UserSetList": [
        "DisplayName": "Default User Set",
        "Value": "Default",
        "IntValue": 0,
        "Description": "The default factory set can be loaded."
        "DisplayName": "User Set 1",
        "Value": "UserSet1",
        "IntValue": 1,
        "Description": "User set 1 can be saved, loaded, or configured."
        "DisplayName": "User Set 2",
        "Value": "UserSet2",
        "IntValue": 2,
        "Description": "User set 2 can be saved, loaded, or configured."
        "DisplayName": "User Set 3",
        "Value": "UserSet3",
        "IntValue": 3,
        "Description": "User set 3 can be saved, loaded, or configured."