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Basler Vision Connector Messaging: Closing the Camera Connection#

Use the following messages to close the camera connection. This releases the exclusive access and stops any running image stream, and releases the camera.

JSON Payload#

Field Optional Type Description
TransactionID Yes String Transaction identification
Action No String Method called. Fixed value: CloseDevice
DeviceID No String Device identification
    "TransactionID": "1232116",
    "Action": "CloseDevice",
    "DeviceID": "548451887"


Frame Field Description Type
1 payload Response object Binary string (UTF-8)

Response Object#

Field Optional Type Description
TransactionID Yes String Transaction identification
ReturnCode No Integer (32-bit unsigned) Message code following Message Codes
Message Yes String Response message
    "TransactionID": "1232116",
    "ReturnCode": 0,
    "Message": "Camera closed."