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Module: pylon Interface

Result data struct for PylonStreamGrabberRetrieveResult(). This data describes grab results (typically image data) retrieved from the device. Some items are optional (marked as "optional") and are only filled in if they are supported by the device.

#include <pylonc/PylonC.h>

Public Attributes#

Public Attributes Documentation#

variable BlockID#

uint64_t BlockID;

Attention: A block ID of value UINT64_MAX indicates that the Block ID is invalid and must not be used.

GigE Camera Devices

If the Extended ID mode is disabled (default), the sequence number starts with 1 and wraps at 65535. If the Extended ID mode is enabled, the sequence number starts with 1 and uses the full 64-bit unsigned integer value range.

USB Camera Devices

The sequence number starts with 0 and uses the full 64 Bit range.

The block ID of the grabbed frame (camera device specific).

A value of 0 indicates that this feature is not supported by the camera. You can configure the Extended ID mode by setting the GevGVSPExtendedIDMode or the BslGevGVSPExtendedIDMode parameter, if available. The Instant Camera class and the pylon GigE stream grabber provide additional parameters for controlling the Extended ID mode.

variable Context#

const void * Context;

Application specific context specified when calling PylonStreamGrabberRegisterBuffer()

variable ErrorCode#

unsigned int ErrorCode;

Additional error code in case Status is gst_Failed (optional)

variable hBuffer#


Data buffer handle returned when calling PylonStreamGrabberRegisterBuffer()

variable OffsetX#

int OffsetX;

Starting column, in pixels (only if payload is image data)

variable OffsetY#

int OffsetY;

Starting row, in pixels (only if payload is image data)

variable PaddingX#

int PaddingX;

Number of extra data bytes at end of row (only if payload is image data)

variable PaddingY#

int PaddingY;

Number of extra data bytes at end of image (only if payload is image data)

variable PayloadSize#

uint64_t PayloadSize;

Total payload size, in bytes, pointed to by pBuffer

variable PayloadType#

EPylonPayloadType PayloadType;

Type of data contained in buffer

variable pBuffer#

const void * pBuffer;

Pointer to the raw data

variable PixelType#

EPylonPixelType PixelType;

Pixel type (if the result contains pixel data)

variable SizeX#

int SizeX;

Number of columns, in pixels (only if payload is image data)

variable SizeY#

int SizeY;

Number of rows, in pixels (only if payload is image data)

variable Status#

EPylonGrabStatus Status;

Result status. check this to check whether the result contains valid data.

variable TimeStamp#

uint64_t TimeStamp;

Time stamp generated by the device when filling the result (optional)