Type: Boolean Returns true if the image will added to the video stream without prior conversion when Write() is called. Returns false if the image will be automatically converted when Write() is called. Returns false if the image cannot be added at all. See the preconditions of Write() for more information.
Type: Boolean Returns true if the image will added to the video stream without prior conversion when Write() is called. Returns false if the image will be automatically converted when Write() is called. Returns false if the image cannot be added at all. See the preconditions of Write() for more information.
Type: System.String File name of the video file to be created. If the file doesn't have the .avi extension, it will be appended automatically. Existing files will be overwritten.
Type: System.Double Playback speed in frames per second.
This overload reads the PixelType, Width, and Height parameters from the camera passed. Default compression options appropriate for the format will be used.
The file is writable.
The camera must be open.
The pixel type can be either PixelType.Mono8, PixelType.BGR8packed, or PixelType.BGRA8packed.
Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the file cannot be created successfully or the preconditions are not met.
Type: System.String File name of the video file to be created. If the file doesn't have the .avi extension, it will be appended automatically. Existing files will be overwritten.
Type: System.Double Playback speed in frames per second.
Type: Basler.Pylon.PixelType The pixel type of the images that will be added to the video writer. This input is used to derive the video format. Mono images result in target PixelType.Mono8. Color images with alpha channnel result in target PixelType.BGRA8packed. Other color images result in target PixelType.BGR8packed.
Type: System.String Filen ame of the video file to be created. If the file doesn't have the .avi extension, it will be appended automatically. Existing files will be overwritten.
Type: System.Double Playback speed in frames per second.
Type: Basler.Pylon.PixelType The pixel type of the images that will be added to the video writer. This input is used to derive the video format. Mono images result in target PixelType.Mono8. Color images with alpha channnel result in target PixelType.BGRA8packed. Other color images result in target PixelType.BGR8packed.
Type: System.String The four-character code of the codec used for compression. This must be 4 characters or less. If you pass an empty string, the images will not be compressed.
Type: System.Int32 Quality setting of the video. You can pass a value between 0 (worst quality) and 10000 (best quality).
Type: System.Int32 Specifies the compressed bit rate. The value must be greater than 0. If you enter 0, auto keyframe insertion will be enabled.
Type: System.Int32 Specifies that a key frame is inserted every nth image. For this to work, the bytesPerSecond parameter must be set to 0.
Type: System.Byte[] Compression parameters to be used. On input, you can pass a null reference to use default compression parameters. If you pass an array, these values will be used. You can retrieve the array from a previous call to Create(). On successful return, the array will contain the parameters used to save the video.
Type: System.Boolean If set to true, a codec configuration dialog will be displayed. The user can choose from available codecs and configure the selected codec.
Type: System.IntPtr If you set showDialog to true, you can pass a window handle to be used as the parent window for the configuration dialog. If you set showDialog to false, this value will be ignored.
If a file with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten.
You can pass an empty array for the compressionOptions parameter. The function will then use the default options. If you pass a non-empty array, all codec-specific options are used from the compressionOptions parameter passed. The fccHandler, quality, bytesPerSecond, and autoKeyFrameInsertionRate parameters will be ignored On successful return, the array will contain the compression options used to write the file. You can use the returned array in subsequent calls to Create to use the same options.
You can set the showDialog parameter to true. The function will then show a configuration dialog and allow the user to select and configure the codec used. If the user clicks OK, the settings will be stored in compressionOptions and the function will try to create the file and return true. If the user clicks Cancel, the function will return false.
The file can be written to.
The Pixel type can be either PixelType.Mono8, PixelType.BGR8packed, or PixelType.BGRA8packed.
width and height must be greater than 0.
Thread Safety: This method is thread-safe.
Error Safety: Can throw exceptions if the file cannot be created successfully or the preconditions are not met.