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PLCamera Class#

List of all parameter names available for Basler camera devices

Inheritance Hierarchy#



Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionAbort

Aborts the acquisition of images. If the camera is currently exposing a frame, the camera stops exposing immediately. The readout process, if already started, is aborted. The current frame will be incomplete. Afterwards, image acquisition is switched off.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AcquisitionMode

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionBurstFrameCount

Number of frames to acquire for each Frame Burst Start trigger.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionFrameCount

Number of frames to acquire for each Acquisition Start trigger.

Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionFrameRate

Acquisition frame rate of the camera in frames per second.

Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionFrameRateAbs

Acquisition frame rate of the camera in frames per second.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionFrameRateEnable

Enables setting the camera's acquisition frame rate to a specified value.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionFrameRateEnum

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionIdle

A check determines whether the camera is currently idle, i.e., not acquiring images.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionLineRate

Acquisition line rate of the camera in kHz.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionLineRateAbs

Acquisition line rate of the camera in lines per second.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionLineRateEnable

Enables setting the camera's acquisition line rate to a specified value.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionMode

Sets the image acquisition mode.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: AcquisitionAbort, AcquisitionStart, AcquisitionStop

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStart

Starts the acquisition of images. If the camera is configured for single frame acquisition, it will start the acquisition of one frame. If the camera is configured for continuous frame acquisition, it will start the continuous acquisition of frames.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AcquisitionMode

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStartEventStreamChannelIndex

Stream channel index of the Acquisition Start event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStartEventTimestamp

Timestamp of the Acquisition Start event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStartOvertriggerEventStreamChannelIndex

Stream channel index of the Acquisition Start Overtrigger event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStartOvertriggerEventTimestamp

Timestamp of the Acquisition Start Overtrigger event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStartWaitEventStreamChannelIndex

Stream channel index of the Acquisition Start Wait event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStartWaitEventTimestamp

Timestamp of the Acquisition Start Wait event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStatus

Indicates whether the camera is waiting for trigger signals. You should only use this feature if the camera is configured for software triggering. If the camera is configured for hardware triggering, monitor the camera's Trigger Wait signals instead.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: AcquisitionStatusSelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStatusSelector

Sets the signal whose status you want to check. Its status can be checked by reading the Acquisition Status parameter value.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: AcquisitionStatus

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStop

Stops the acquisition of images if a continuous image acquisition is in progress.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AcquisitionMode

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionStopMode

Sets how Acquisition Stop commands end image acquisition.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionWaitEventStreamChannelIndex

Stream channel index of the Acquisition Wait event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAcquisitionWaitEventTimestamp

Timestamp of an Acquisition Wait event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberActionCommandCount

Number of separate action signals supported by the camera. Determines how many action signals the camera can handle in parallel, i.e., how many different action commands can be configured on the camera.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberActionDeviceKey

Device key used to authorize the execution of an action command. If the action device key in the camera and the action device key in the protocol message are identical, the camera will execute the corresponding action.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberActionGroupKey

Group key used to define a group of cameras on which action commands can be executed.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ActionSelector

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Public propertyStatic memberActionGroupMask

Group mask used to filter out a sub-group of cameras belonging to a group of cameras. The cameras belonging to a sub-group execute an action at the same time. The filtering is done using a logical bitwise AND operation on the group mask number of the action command and the group mask number of a camera. If both binary numbers have at least one common bit set to 1 (i.e., the result of the AND operation is non-zero), the corresponding camera belongs to the sub-group.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ActionSelector

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Public propertyStatic memberActionLateEventStreamChannelIndex

Stream channel index of the Action Late event. An Action Late event is raised when a scheduled action command with a timestamp in the past is received.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberActionLateEventTimestamp

Timestamp of the Action Late event. An Action Late event is raised when a scheduled action command with a timestamp in the past is received.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberActionQueueSize

Number of action commands that can be queued by the camera. The camera will execute them in ascending order of action time. If the queue is full, additional commands will be ignored.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberActionSelector

Action command to be configured.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: ActionGroupKey, ActionGroupMask

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoBacklightCompensation

Backlight compensation factor that allows the camera to compensate for underexposure. This is done by excluding a certain percentage of the brightest pixels in the image from the target average gray value calculations.

Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoExposureTimeAbsLowerLimit

Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoExposureTimeAbsUpperLimit

Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoExposureTimeLowerLimit

Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoExposureTimeLowerLimitRaw

Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active (raw value).

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoExposureTimeUpperLimit

Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoExposureTimeUpperLimitRaw

Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active (raw value).

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOIHeight

Height of the auto function AOI (in pixels).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionAOISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOIOffsetX

Horizontal offset of the auto function AOI from the left side of the sensor (in pixels).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionAOISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOIOffsetY

Vertical offset of the auto function AOI from the top of the sensor (in pixels).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionAOISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOISelector

Sets which auto function AOI can be configured.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: AutoFunctionAOIHeight, AutoFunctionAOIOffsetX, AutoFunctionAOIOffsetY, AutoFunctionAOIUsageIntensity, AutoFunctionAOIUsageRedLightCorrection, AutoFunctionAOIUsageWhiteBalance, AutoFunctionAOIWidth

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOIUsageIntensity

Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function AOI. For this parameter, Gain Auto and Exposure Auto are considered as a single auto function named 'Intensity'.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionAOISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOIUsageRedLightCorrection

Assigns the Red Light Correction auto function to the currently selected auto function AOI.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionAOISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOIUsageTonalRange

Assigns the Tonal Range Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function AOI.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOIUsageWhiteBalance

Assigns the Balance White Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function AOI.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionAOISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOIUseBrightness

Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function AOI. For this parameter, Gain Auto and Exposure Auto are considered as a single auto function named 'Brightness'.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Invisible

Selected by: AutoFunctionAOISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOIUseWhiteBalance

Assigns the Balance White auto function to the currently selected auto function AOI.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Invisible

Selected by: AutoFunctionAOISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionAOIWidth

Width of the auto function AOI (in pixels).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionAOISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionProfile

Sets how gain and exposure time will be balanced when the camera is making automatic adjustments.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionROIHeight

Height of the auto function ROI (in pixels).

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionROISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionROIHighlight

Highlights the current auto function ROI in the image window. Areas that do not belong to the current ROI appear darker.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionROISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionROIOffsetX

Horizontal offset of the auto function ROI from the left side of the sensor (in pixels).

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionROISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionROIOffsetY

Vertical offset of the auto function ROI from the top of the sensor (in pixels).

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionROISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionROISelector

Sets which auto function ROI can be configured.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: AutoFunctionROIHeight, AutoFunctionROIHighlight, AutoFunctionROIOffsetX, AutoFunctionROIOffsetY, AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness, AutoFunctionROIUseTonalRange, AutoFunctionROIUseWhiteBalance, AutoFunctionROIWidth

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionROIUseBrightness

Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function ROI. For this parameter, Gain Auto and Exposure Auto are considered as a single auto function named 'Brightness'.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionROISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionROIUseTonalRange

Assigns the Tonal Range Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function ROI.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionROISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionROIUseWhiteBalance

Assigns the Balance White Auto auto function to the currently selected auto function ROI.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionROISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoFunctionROIWidth

Width of the auto function ROI (in pixels).

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: AutoFunctionROISelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoGainLowerLimit

Lower limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: GainSelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoGainRawLowerLimit

Lower limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active (raw value).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoGainRawUpperLimit

Upper limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active (raw value).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoGainUpperLimit

Upper limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: GainSelector

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTargetBrightness

Target brightness for the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTargetBrightnessDamping

Brightness adjustment damping factor to be applied. This controls the speed with which pixel gray values are changed when Exposure Auto, Gain Auto, or both are enabled. The lower the damping factor, the faster the target brightness value is reached.

Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTargetValue

Target brightness for the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTonalRangeAdjustmentSelector

Sets which parts of the tonal range can be adjusted.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTonalRangeModeSelector

Sets the kind of tonal range auto adjustment.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTonalRangeTargetBright

Bright target value to be used during automatic tonal range adjustments. When you enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function, the camera sets the Tonal Range Target Bright parameter to this value. Not available if the Auto Tonal Range Mode parameter is set to Color.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTonalRangeTargetDark

Dark target value to be used during automatic tonal range adjustments. When you enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function, the camera sets the Tonal Range Target Dark parameter to this value. Not available if the Auto Tonal Range Mode parameter is set to Color.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTonalRangeThresholdBright

Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments. The parameter is expressed as a percentage of all pixels in the assigned auto function ROI. Example: Assume you set the Auto Tonal Range Threshold Bright parameter to 0.1 and enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function. Now assume that 0.1 % of the pixels in the assigned auto function ROI have a pixel value greater than or equal to 240. The camera automatically detects this, sets the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter to 240, and starts tonal range adjustments.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTonalRangeThresholdBrightRaw

Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments. The parameter is expressed as a percentage of all pixels in the assigned auto function ROI. Example: Assume you set the Auto Tonal Range Threshold Bright parameter to 0.1 and enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function. Now assume that 0.1 % of the pixels in the assigned auto function ROI have a pixel value greater than or equal to 240. The camera automatically detects this, sets the Tonal Range Source Bright parameter to 240, and starts tonal range adjustments.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTonalRangeThresholdDark

Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments. The parameter is expressed as a percentage of all pixels in the assigned auto function ROI. Example: Assume you set the Auto Tonal Range Threshold Dark parameter to 0.2 and enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function. Now assume that 0.2 % of the pixels in the assigned auto function ROI have a pixel value lower than or equal to 30. The camera automatically detects this, sets the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter to 30, and starts tonal range adjustments.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberAutoTonalRangeThresholdDarkRaw

Threshold value from which the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter value is calculated during automatic tonal range adjustments. The parameter is expressed as a percentage of all pixels in the assigned auto function ROI. Example: Assume you set the Auto Tonal Range Threshold Dark parameter to 0.2 and enable the Tonal Range Auto auto function. Now assume that 0.2 % of the pixels in the assigned auto function ROI have a pixel value lower than or equal to 30. The camera automatically detects this, sets the Tonal Range Source Dark parameter to 30, and starts tonal range adjustments.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBalanceRatio

Balance Ratio value to be applied to the currently selected channel.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BalanceRatioSelector

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Public propertyStatic memberBalanceRatioAbs

Balance Ratio value to be applied to the currently selected channel.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BalanceRatioSelector

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Public propertyStatic memberBalanceRatioRaw

Balance Ratio value to be applied to the currently selected channel (raw value).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BalanceRatioSelector

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Public propertyStatic memberBalanceRatioSelector

Sets which color channel can be adjusted when performing manual white balance. All changes to the Balance Ratio parameter will be applied to the selected color channel.

Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: BalanceRatio, BalanceRatioAbs, BalanceRatioRaw

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Public propertyStatic memberBalanceWhiteAdjustmentDampingAbs

Balance White adjustment damping factor to be applied. This controls the speed with which the camera adjusts colors when the Balance White Auto auto function is enabled. This can be useful, for example, when objects move into the camera's field of view and the light conditions are changing gradually due to the moving objects.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBalanceWhiteAdjustmentDampingRaw

Balance White adjustment damping factor to be applied (raw value). This controls the speed with which the camera adjusts colors when the Balance White Auto auto function is enabled. This can be useful, for example, when objects move into the camera's field of view and the light conditions are changing gradually due to the moving objects.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBalanceWhiteAuto

Sets the operation mode of the Balance White Auto auto function.

Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBalanceWhiteReset

Resets all white balance adjustments.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBandwidthReserveMode

Sets a predefined bandwidth reserve or enables manual configuration of the bandwidth reserve.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBinningHorizontal

Number of adjacent horizontal pixels to be summed. Their charges will be summed and reported out of the camera as a single pixel.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BinningSelector

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Public propertyStatic memberBinningHorizontalMode

Sets the binning mode for horizontal binning.

Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BinningSelector

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Public propertyStatic memberBinningModeHorizontal

Sets the binning mode for horizontal binning.

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBinningModeVertical

Sets the binning mode for vertical binning.

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBinningSelector

Sets whether sensor or FPGA binning can be configured. To configure binning, use the Binning Horizontal, Binning Vertical, Binning Horizontal Mode, and Binning Vertical Mode parameters.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BinningHorizontal, BinningHorizontalMode, BinningVertical, BinningVerticalMode

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBinningVertical

Number of adjacent vertical pixels to be summed. Their charges will be summed and reported out of the camera as a single pixel.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BinningSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBinningVerticalMode

Sets the binning mode for vertical binning.

Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BinningSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBlackLevel

Black level value to be applied to the currently selected sensor tap.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BlackLevelSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBlackLevelAbs

This value sets the selected black level control as a float value.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BlackLevelSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBlackLevelRaw

Black level value to be applied to the currently selected sensor tap (raw value).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BlackLevelSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBlackLevelSelector

Sets the type of black level adjustment to be configured.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: BlackLevel, BlackLevelAbs, BlackLevelRaw

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialFramingError

A serial framing error occurred on reception.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialParityError

A serial parity error occurred on reception.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialPortBaudRate

Reports the baud rate of the serial communication module.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialPortClearErrors

Clears the error flags of the serial communication module.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialPortParity

Reports the parity bit configuration of the serial communication module.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialPortReceiveCmd

Reads and removes the front byte value from the serial communication receive queue.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialPortReceiveValue

Last byte value read from the serial communication receive queue.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialPortSource

Sets the signal source for the serial communication module.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialPortStopBits

Reports the number of stop bits used by the serial communication module.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialPortTransmitCmd

Writes the current byte value to the transmit queue.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialPortTransmitValue

Byte value to be written to the transmit queue.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialReceiveQueueStatus

Reports the status of the serial communication receive queue.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBLCSerialTransmitQueueStatus

Reports the status of the serial communication transmit queue.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslAcquisitionAlternateFilter

Skip sending of some images depending on GPIO output value. This filter is considered if LineSource of Out1 or Out2 is ExposureAlternateActive.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslAcquisitionBurstMode

Sets the burst mode.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslAcquisitionMultiPartMode

Control which components are sent in a MultiPart buffer.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: ComponentEnable, ComponentIDValue, ComponentSelector, DecimationHorizontal, DecimationVertical, Height, HeightMax, PixelFormat, Scan3dFocalLength, Scan3dPrincipalPointU, Scan3dPrincipalPointV, Width, WidthMax

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslAcquisitionStopMode

Sets how Acquisition Stop commands end image acquisition.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslBlackLevelCompensationMode

Configures black level compensation.

Applies to: boost CoaXPress and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslBloomingReductionEnable

Enables the Blooming Reduction feature. This reduces image artifacts caused by blooming. When enabled, the camera may set the Gain parameter to a higher value to avoid unwanted image effects.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslBrightness

Adjusting the brightness lightens or darkens the entire image.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslBrightnessRaw

Adjusting the brightness lightens or darkens the entire image.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslCenterX

Centers the image horizontally.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslCenterY

Centers the image vertically.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslChunkAutoBrightnessStatus

Indicates the status of the target brightness adjustments performed by the Exposure Auto and Gain Auto auto functions.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslChunkTimestampSelector

Sets which information should be included in the Chunk Timestamp Value chunk.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslChunkTimestampValue

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslChunkTimestampValue

Value of the timestamp when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslChunkTimestampSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslColorAdjustmentEnable

Enables color adjustment.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslColorAdjustmentHue

Hue adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslColorAdjustmentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslColorAdjustmentSaturation

Saturation adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslColorAdjustmentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslColorAdjustmentSelector

Sets which color in your images will be adjusted.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslColorAdjustmentHue, BslColorAdjustmentSaturation

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslColorSpace

Sets the color space for image acquisitions. Note that the gamma correction value also influences the perception of brightness in the resulting images.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslColorSpaceMode

Sets the color space for image acquisitions. Note that the gamma correction value also influences the perception of brightness in the resulting images.

Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslContrast

Adjusting the contrast increases the difference between light and dark areas in the image.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslContrastMode

Sets the contrast mode.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslContrastRaw

Adjusting the contrast increases the difference between light and dark areas in the image.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslConversionGainMode

Sets the conversion gain mode.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDefectPixelCorrectionMode

Pixels that have a significantly higher or lower intensity value than the neighboring pixels are called outlier pixels. This feature identifies them and adjusts their intensity value.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDemosaicingMethod

Sets the demosaicing method.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDemosaicingMode

Sets the demosaicing mode.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthDoubleShot

Enables combination of disaprity images from two stereo pairs.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthExposureAdaptTimeout

Maximum time to wait after triggering until auto exposure has finished adjustments.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthFill

Higher numbers fill gaps with measurements with potentially higher errors.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthMaxDepth

Maximum depth in meter. All disparities with higher depth will be set to invalid.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthMaxDepthErr

Maximum depth error in meter. All disparities with a higher depth error will be set to invalid.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthMinConf

Minimal confidence. All disparities with lower confidence will be set to invalid.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthMinDepth

Minimum depth in meter. All disparities with lower depth will be set to invalid.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthQuality

Depth image quality (resolution).

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthSeg

Maximum size of isolated disparity regions that will be invalidated, related to full resolution.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthSmooth

Enables smoothing of the disparity image.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDepthStaticScene

Enables accumulation of multiple images for noise reduction in static scenes. Only applied to High and Full quality.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDeviceLinkCurrentThroughput

Actual bandwidth (in bytes per second) that the camera will use to transmit image data and chunk data with the current camera settings.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslDualROIImageValid

Indicates whether the outgoing image is valid. If the value of this parameter is false, change your Dual ROI settings. For example, the regions must not overlap, and the total height of all regions must not exceed the height of the image sensor.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDualROIRowOffset

Vertical offset of the currently selected row.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslDualROIRowSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslDualROIRowSelector

Sets which row can be configured.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslDualROIRowOffset, BslDualROIRowSize

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslDualROIRowsEnable

Enables the Dual ROI feature. This feature allows you to define two regions on the sensor array that will be transmitted as a single image. The height and the vertical offset can be defined individually for both regions. You do so by configuring rows on the sensor array. The width and horizontal offset are always identical for both regions. They are defined by the global Offset X and Width parameters.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslDualROIRowSize

Height of the currently selected row.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslDualROIRowSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslEffectiveExposureTime

Current exposure time of the camera in microseconds.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberBslEnableFan

Enables the external fan if one is connected.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslErrorPresent

Indicates whether an internal error occurred on the device. If an error occurred, you can use the Error Report Next command to determine the error code.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslErrorReportNext

Retrieves the next error code from the device. To check the error code, get the value of the Error Report Value parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberBslErrorReportValue

Error code indicating the cause of the internal error. If there are multiple errors, execute the Error Report Next command to retrieve the next error code. A parameter value of 0 means that there are no more error codes to retrieve.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberBslExposureStartDelay

Exposure start delay with current settings.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslExposureTimeMode

Sets the exposure time mode.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFlashWindowDelay

Indicates the delay between the start of exposure and the start of the flash window in microseconds.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFlashWindowDuration

Indicates the width of the flash window in microseconds.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFlatFieldCorrectionCoeffDSNU

Dark Signal Non-Uniformity (DSNU) coefficient of the column specified by the Flat-Field Correction Coeff X parameter.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFlatFieldCorrectionCoeffPRNU

Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) coefficient of the column specified by the Flat-Field Correction Coeff X parameter.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFlatFieldCorrectionCoeffX

Column used for flat-field correction.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFlatFieldCorrectionDMean

The mean gray value of all pixels in the dark field image. This is the sum of the gray values of all pixels of all acquired images divided by the total number of pixels.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFlatFieldCorrectionMode

Sets the flat-field correction mode.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFlatFieldCorrectionSaveToFlash

Saves current flat-field correction values to flash memory.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFlatFieldCorrectionUserGD

User-defined global dark offset used for flat-field correction.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFocalLengthFactor

Focal length related to an image width of 1.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFrequencyConverterActivation

Sets the type of signal transition that will drive the frequency converter.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFrequencyConverterMultiplier

Multiplier value to increase the signal frequency.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFrequencyConverterPostDivider

Post-divider value to decrease the signal frequency.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFrequencyConverterPreDivider

Pre-divider value to decrease the signal frequency. The value determines the frequency with which input signals are passed to the multiplier submodule.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslFrequencyConverterSignalSource

Sets the source signal for the frequency converter.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslHue

Adjusting the hue shifts the colors of the image. This can be useful, e.g., to correct minor color shifts or to create false-color images.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslHueRaw

Adjusting the hue shifts the colors of the image. This can be useful, e.g., to correct minor color shifts or to create false-color images.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslHueValue

Adjusting the hue shifts the colors of the image. This can be useful, e.g., to correct minor color shifts or to create false-color images.

Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslImageCompressionLastRatio

Ratio between the compressed payload size and the uncompressed payload size of the last acquired image.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslImageCompressionLastSize

Compressed payload size of the last acquired image in bytes.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslImageCompressionRatio

Maximum ratio between the payload size of compressed and uncompressed images. For example, if you set this parameter to 70, the camera will try to compress the payload of images to 70 % or less of the original size. Note that if the camera can't achieve compression with the specified Image Compression Ratio and Image Compression Rate Option settings, frames will be skipped.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslImageStamp

Enables image stamping. If enabled, the first pixels of the image will contain metadata (e.g., an image counter) instead of visual information.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberBslImmediateTriggerMode

Enables the Immediate Trigger mode. If this mode is enabled, exposure starts immediately after triggering, but changes to image parameters become effective with a short delay, i.e., after one or more images have been acquired.

Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslInputFilterTime

Time period in which the camera evaluates all changes and durations of logical states of the input signal. During evaluation, the camera calculates the mean value over time and applies a threshold function to the result to reconstruct the digital signal. This removes noise, interference, etc. as well as signal pulses shorter than the filter time.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: LineSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslInputHoldOffTime

Time period in which the camera doesn't accept any further trigger signals or signal changes after receiving an input trigger signal. This is useful if you want to avoid false triggering caused by multiple trigger signals arriving in quick succession (contact bounce).

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: LineSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightControlEnumerateDevices

Searches for light devices connected to your camera.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslLightControlErrorStatus

Indicates whether any of the light devices are currently experiencing problems.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslLightControlErrorSummary

Indicates whether any of the light devices are currently experiencing problems.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslLightControlMode

Enables or disables the light control features.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslLightControlOvertriggerCount

Number of trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it. Counts up to a maximum value of 65535.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslLightControlOvertriggerCountReset

Resets the counter for trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslLightControlSource

Sets which line is used to control the light features.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslLightControlStatus

Indicates the current state of the light control mode.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslLightControlTriggerActivation

Sets the type of signal transition that will trigger connected light devices.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslLightControlTriggerSource

Sets which signal is used to trigger connected light devices.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceBrightness

Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available. Setting this parameter to 100 % means that the light device draws the maximum current as specified by the Light Device Max Current parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceBrightnessRaw

Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available (raw value). Setting this parameter to 100 % means that the light device draws the maximum current as specified by the the Light Device Max Current parameter.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceChangeID

Changes the ID of the currently selected light device. The new ID will be assigned immediately.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceClearLastError

Clears the last light device error.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceControlMode

Sets how the light device is controlled.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceCurrent

Nominal current that the light device uses in continuous operation. If not automatically set, you must set this value to the nominal current of your device to avoid overload. To change the setting, the Light Device Operation Mode parameter must be set to Off.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceDutyCycle

Duty cycle of the device calculated using the strobe duration and the frame period. If the strobe duration is longer than the frame period, the duty cycle exceeds 100 %.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceErrorCode

Error code indicating the cause of an error in a light device. The error code provides additional information about the kind of error. Execute the Light Device Error Status Read And Clear command to read the error code from the light device. Then, contact support with the error code.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceErrorStatus

Error status indicating whether the current light device is experiencing problems.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceErrorStatusReadAndClear

Reads the error code from the current light device and resets the error status to No Error. After executing this command, the error code is available in the Light Device Error Code parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceFirmwareVersion

Version of the light device's firmware.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceLastError

Indicates the last light device error.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceMaxCurrent

Maximum current that the light device is going to use. The value should not exceed the power rating of the device. To change the setting, the Light Device Operation Mode parameter must be set to Off.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceMaxCurrentRaw

Maximum current that the light device is going to use (raw value). The value should not exceed the power rating of the device. To change the setting, the Light Device Operation Mode parameter must be set to Off.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceModelName

Name of the light device model.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceNewID

Sets which ID should be assigned to the current light device.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceNewIDSave

Changes the ID of the current light device to the value of the Light Device New ID parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceOperationMode

Sets the operation mode of the light device.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceOverdriveLimit

Maximum current to be used when operating the light device in overdrive. This parameter value is relative to the value of the Light Device Max Current parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceSelector

Sets which light device can be configured. To populate the list, use the Light Control Enumerate Devices command first. All subsequent parameter changes in this category will be applied to the device selected here.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslLightDeviceBrightness, BslLightDeviceBrightnessRaw, BslLightDeviceChangeID, BslLightDeviceClearLastError, BslLightDeviceControlMode, BslLightDeviceCurrent, BslLightDeviceDutyCycle, BslLightDeviceErrorCode, BslLightDeviceErrorStatus, BslLightDeviceErrorStatusReadAndClear, BslLightDeviceFirmwareVersion, BslLightDeviceLastError, BslLightDeviceMaxCurrent, BslLightDeviceMaxCurrentRaw, BslLightDeviceModelName, BslLightDeviceNewIDSave, BslLightDeviceOperationMode, BslLightDeviceOverdriveLimit, BslLightDeviceStrobeDuration, BslLightDeviceStrobeDurationRaw, BslLightDeviceStrobeMode

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceStrobeDuration

Duration of the individual strobe pulses. The maximum value is 655 350 microseconds.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceStrobeDurationRaw

Duration of the individual strobe pulses (raw value). The maximum value is 655 350 microseconds.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightDeviceStrobeMode

Sets the strobe mode of the light device.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightDeviceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightSourcePreset

Sets the light source preset. The colors in the image will be corrected so that they are appropriate for the selected light source.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightSourcePresetFeatureEnable

Enables adjustment of the feature specified by the Light Source Preset Feature Selector parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLightSourcePresetFeatureSelector

Sets which features the camera adjusts when you select a light source preset. By default, the camera adjust all features.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslLightSourcePresetFeatureEnable

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLineConnection

Sets the connection signal for the currently selected line.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: LineSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLineOverloadStatus

Indicates whether a GPIO line is overloaded, i.e., not powered correctly. A value of true (1) means that the GPIO line is overloaded.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: LineSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLineRatio

Exposure time ratio for turning on the corresponding output line.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: LineSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLineTermination

Enables the termination resistor of the selected input or output line.

Applies to: boost CoaXPress and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: LineSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLineTimeout

Line timeout in microseconds. If no line trigger is received before this time expires, and the current frame is completed. This may result in partial frames being transmitted. The timeout starts after a line trigger has been issued.

Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslLineTimeoutEnable

Enables the Line Timeout parameter. This allows you to specify a time limit after which the current frame is completed if no further line trigger is received. This may result in partial frames being transmitted.

Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslMultipleROIColumnOffset

Horizontal offset of the currently selected column.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslMultipleROIColumnSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslMultipleROIColumnSelector

Sets which column can be configured.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslMultipleROIColumnOffset, BslMultipleROIColumnSize

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslMultipleROIColumnsEnable

Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in horizontal direction. When disabled, the width and horizontal offset of all regions is defined by the Width and Offset X parameters, and the Multiple ROI Column Offset and Multiple ROI Column Size parameter values are ignored.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslMultipleROIColumnSize

Width of the currently selected column.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslMultipleROIColumnSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslMultipleROIRowOffset

Vertical offset of the currently selected row.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslMultipleROIRowSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslMultipleROIRowSelector

Sets which row can be configured.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslMultipleROIRowOffset, BslMultipleROIRowSize

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslMultipleROIRowsEnable

Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in vertical direction. When disabled, the height and vertical offset of all regions is defined by the Height and Offset Y parameters, and the Multiple ROI Row Offset and Multiple ROI Row Size parameter values are ignored.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslMultipleROIRowSize

Height of the currently selected row.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslMultipleROIRowSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslNoiseReduction

Amount of noise reduction to be applied. The higher the value, the less chroma noise will be visible in your images. However, very high values may result in image information loss.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPeriodicSignalDelay

Delay to be applied to the periodic signal in microseconds.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslPeriodicSignalSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPeriodicSignalPeriod

Length of the periodic signal in microseconds.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslPeriodicSignalSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPeriodicSignalSelector

Sets the periodic signal channel to be configured.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslPeriodicSignalDelay, BslPeriodicSignalPeriod, BslPeriodicSignalSource

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPeriodicSignalSource

Sets the source for synchronizing the periodic signal.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslPeriodicSignalSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPixelCorrectionBeyond

Amount of defect pixel correction to be applied. The higher the value, the less defect pixels will be visible in your images. However, too high values may result in image information loss.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPixelCorrectionBeyondEnable

Enables the Pixel Correction Beyond feature. This is a dynamic pixel correction. It corrects pixels with a significantly greater or lesser intensity value than its neighboring pixels.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace 2 USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPtpDelayMechanism

Indicates the PTP delay mechanism.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPtpManagementEnable

Enables PTP management.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPtpNetworkMode

Sets the mode for PTP network communication.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPtpPriority1

Value indicating the priority of the device when determining the master clock. The network device with the lowest Priority 1 setting is the master clock.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPtpProfile

Sets the default PTP profile.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslPtpServoLockedThreshold

Threshold value below which the device will set the Ptp Servo Status parameter to Locked, indicating that the device is sufficiently synchronized. For example, if you set this parameter to 10000, the servo status is set to Locked whenever the offset from master is below 10000 nanoseconds.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPtpTwoStep

Configures a two-step clock if enabled or a one-step clock if disabled.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPtpUcPortAddr

Unicast port address.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslPtpUcPortAddrIndex

Unicast port address index.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate

Maximum number of frames that can be acquired per second with current camera settings. In High Speed burst mode, this value is usually higher than the Resulting Transfer Frame Rate parameter value.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslResultingAcquisitionLineRate

Maximum number of lines in kHz that can be acquired with current camera settings.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslResultingFrameBurstRate

Maximum number of bursts per second with current camera settings.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and dart USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslResultingTransferFrameRate

Maximum number of frames that can be transferred per second with current camera settings. This value indicates the peak frame rate to be expected at the camera's output. In High Speed burst mode, this value is usually lower than the Resulting Acquisition Frame Rate parameter value.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslResultingTransferLineRate

Maximum number of lines that can be transferred per second with current camera settings. This value indicates the peak line rate to be expected at the camera's output.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSaturation

Adjusting the saturation changes the colorfulness (intensity) of the colors. A higher saturation, for example, makes colors easier to distinguish.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSaturationRaw

Adjusting the saturation changes the colorfulness (intensity) of the colors. A higher saturation, for example, makes colors easier to distinguish.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslSaturationValue

Adjusting the saturation changes the colorfulness (intensity) of the colors. A higher saturation, for example, makes colors easier to distinguish.

Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslScalingFactor

Scaling factor to be applied to all images. Scaling is performed using the Pixel Beyond feature.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslSensorAcquisitionMode

Sets the sensor acquisition mode.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSensorBitDepth

Sets the bit depth of the image sensor's data output. You can set the sensor bit depth independently of the pixel format used if the Sensor Bit Depth Mode parameter is set to Manual. If that parameter is set to Auto, the sensor bit depth is adjusted automatically depending on the pixel format used.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSensorBitDepthMode

Sets the sensor bit depth mode.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSensorOff

Switches the sensor power off.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSensorOn

Switches the sensor power on.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSensorStandby

Puts the sensor in standby mode. In standby mode, power consumption is reduced significantly, which results in a lower camera temperature. Certain parameters can only be configured when the sensor is in standby mode.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSensorState

Returns the current power state of the sensor.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialBaudRate

Sets the baud rate used in serial communication.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialNumberOfDataBits

Sets the number of data bits used in serial communication.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialNumberOfStopBits

Sets the number of stop bits used in serial communication.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialParity

Sets which kind of parity check is performed.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialReceive

Initiates a receiving transaction from the serial input buffer. When the transaction has been completed, the Serial Transfer Length parameter indicates the number of valid data units received.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialRxBreak

Indicates the incoming break signal status.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialRxBreakReset

Resets the incoming break status.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialRxFifoOverflow

Indicates the overflow status of the receiving FIFO.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialRxParityError

Indicates the parity error status of the receiving FIFO.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialRxSource

Sets the source of the Rx serial input.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialRxStopBitError

Indicates the stop bit error status of the receiving FIFO.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialTransferBuffer

Buffer that holds Rx or Tx transfer data in the controller domain. Data is displayed in hexadecimal notation. Transfer starts with the leftmost data.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialTransferLength

Effective number of serial frames in a Rx or Tx data transfer. The maximum number of data frames is 16.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialTransmit

Initiates a transmitting transaction to the serial output buffer. Set the correct transfer length before you issue a transmit command.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialTxBreak

Signals a break to a receiver connected to the camera, or terminates the break. If this parameter is set to true, a serial break is signaled by setting the serial output to low level (space). If this parameter is set to false, the serial output is reset to high (mark).

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialTxFifoEmpty

Indicates whether the transmitting FIFO is empty.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSerialTxFifoOverflow

Indicates whether the transmitting FIFO has overflown.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE and racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslShadingCorrectionAbsoluteTargetValue

Absolute target value of the sensor brightness. This is the actual brightness value that has been calculated based on the sensor bit depth of your camera.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslShadingCorrectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslShadingCorrectionMaximumMeasuredValue

Maximum brightness value detected by the camera during the creation of a PRNU shading correction set.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslShadingCorrectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslShadingCorrectionMode

Sets the shading correction mode.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslShadingCorrectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslShadingCorrectionSelector

Sets the shading correction type to be performed.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: BslShadingCorrectionAbsoluteTargetValue, BslShadingCorrectionMaximumMeasuredValue, BslShadingCorrectionMode, BslShadingCorrectionSetCreate, BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResult, BslShadingCorrectionSetIndex, BslShadingCorrectionSetStatus, BslShadingCorrectionTargetValue

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslShadingCorrectionSetCreate

Creates a shading correction set.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslShadingCorrectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResult

Indicates the result of the shading correction set creation.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslShadingCorrectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslShadingCorrectionSetCreateStatus

Indicates the status of the shading correction set created.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslShadingCorrectionSetIndex

Index number of the shading correction set to be created.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslShadingCorrectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslShadingCorrectionSetStatus

Returns the status of the shading correction set.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslShadingCorrectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslShadingCorrectionTargetValue

Relative target value of the sensor brightness you want to achieve. This parameter is only available when creating PRNU shading correction sets. Only pixels with a Shading Correction Absolute Target Value parameter lower than the Shading Correction Maximum Measured Value are corrected.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslShadingCorrectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSharpnessEnhancement

Sharpening value to be applied. The higher the sharpness, the more distinct the image subject's contours will be. However, very high values may result in image information loss.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSpatialCorrectionDirectionReversal

Sets the signal source to be used to trigger a reversal of the defined spatial correction direction. A high signal level triggers a reversal of the direction.

Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSpatialCorrectionStride

Number of acquisitions that have to be buffered in order to combine the correct line data for spatial correction. The sign indicates the direction of spatial correction.

Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionClearAll

Clears all custom defect pixel coordinates. All Static Defect Pixel Correction X Coordinate parameter values will be set to 0xFFFF.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionCount

Indicates how many defect pixels are being corrected.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus

Returns the file status of the defect pixel correction file.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMaxDefects

Maximum number of defect pixels that the factory or user correction file can contain.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode

Sets the static defect pixel correction mode.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionReload

Reloads the user defect pixel correction file. This command must be executed if the user defect pixel correction file has been uploaded for the first time or has been updated.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionSave

Saves changes to the defect pixel coordinates to flash memory.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionTestMode

Enables or disables the static defect pixel correction test mode. In test mode, all corrected pixels are set to completely white. This helps to find pixels that are being corrected in your images.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXCoordinate

X coordinate of the defect pixel to be corrected.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXSelector

Sets which x coordinate entry can be configured.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionXCoordinate

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionYCoordinate

Y coordinate of the defect pixel to be corrected.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslSystemReady

Returns if the system is ready (fully booted).

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTemperatureMax

Indicates the maximum temperature the camera reached during operation.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTemperatureStatus

Indicates the temperature state.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTemperatureStatusErrorCount

Indicates how often the temperature state changed to Error.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTransferBitDepth

Sets the bit depth used for internal image processing. Lowering the transfer bit depth increases the frame rate, but image quality may degrade.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTransferBitDepthMode

Sets the transfer bit depth mode.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTwiBitrate

Sets the bit rate for TWI communication.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTwiPullSclLow

Pulls SCL low, which is rarely needed. When SCL is pulled low, TWI communication isn't possible.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTwiPullSdaLow

Pulls SDA low, which is rarely needed. When SDA is pulled low, TWI communication isn't possible.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTwiRead

Triggers a read transfer.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTwiTargetAddress

Address of the target device.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTwiTransferBuffer

Buffer that holds data to be written or data that was read.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTwiTransferLength

Number of bytes to be transferred from or to the transfer buffer.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTwiTransferStatus

Indicates the status of an accepted read or write transfer.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTwiUpdateTransferStatus

Triggers an update of the transfer status.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslTwiWrite

Triggers a write transfer.

Applies to: dart USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslUSBPowerSource

Indicates how power is supplied to the device.

Applies to: ace 2 USB and dart USB

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslUSBSpeedMode

Indicates the speed mode of the USB port.

Applies to: ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslVignettingCorrectionLoad

Loads the vignetting correction data from the camera's file system and applies them to the camera.

Applies to: boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberBslVignettingCorrectionMode

Enables the vignetting correction. This feature allows you to remove vignetting artifacts from your images. To do this, you first have to create vignetting correction data. For more information, see the Basler Product Documentation.

Applies to: boost CoaXPress

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCameraOperationMode

Sets the camera operation mode.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCenterX

Centers the image horizontally.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCenterY

Centers the image vertically.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkBslLineRatio

Returns the exposure ratio of the selected output line.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkLineSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkBslMaxDepth

Maximum depth that was used.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkBslMinDepth

Minimum depth that was used. This can be higher than anticipated due to camera or memory requirements.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkBslNoise

Returns the noise of the image.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkBslReducedDepthRange

Signals if the depth range had to be reduced due to memory limits.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkComponentID

Returns the component of the payload image. This can be used to identify the image component of a generic part in a multi-part transfer.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkComponentIDValue

Returns a unique Identifier value that corresponds to the selected chunk component.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkComponents

Returns the bitmask of components contained in this block.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkComponentSelector

Selects the Component from which to retreive data from.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: ChunkComponentID, ChunkComponentIDValue, ChunkDecimationHorizontal, ChunkDecimationVertical, ChunkHeight, ChunkOffsetX, ChunkOffsetY, ChunkPartIndex, ChunkPixelFormat, ChunkScan3dFocalLength, ChunkScan3dPrincipalPointU, ChunkScan3dPrincipalPointV, ChunkWidth

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkCounterSelector

Sets which counter to retrieve chunk data from.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: ChunkCounterValue

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkCounterValue

Value of the selected chunk counter.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkCounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkDecimationHorizontal

Horizontal sub-sampling of the image.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkDecimationVertical

Vertical sub-sampling of the image.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkDynamicRangeMax

Maximum possible pixel value in the acquired image.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkDynamicRangeMin

Minimum possible pixel value in the acquired image.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkEnable

Includes the currently selected chunk in the payload data.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkExposureTime

Exposure time used to acquire the image.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkExposureTimeSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkExposureTimeSelector

Sets which exposure time to retrieve chunk data from.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: ChunkExposureTime

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkFramecounter

Value of the Frame counter when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkFrameID

Unique identifier of the current frame. The frame ID starts at 0 and keeps incrementing by 1 for each exposed image until the camera is powered off. The maximum value is 2^48.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkFramesPerTriggerCounter

Value of the Frames per Trigger counter when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkFrameTriggerCounter

Value of the Frame Trigger counter when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkFrameTriggerIgnoredCounter

Value of the Frame Trigger Ignored counter when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkGain

Gain used during image acquisition.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkGainSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkGainAll

Gain All value of the acquired image.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkGainSelector

Sets which gain channel to retrieve chunk data from.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: ChunkGain

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkHeight

AOI height of the acquired image.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerBitsPerLine

Number of bits per line used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerIndex

Index number used for the Input Status At Line Trigger parameter. The index number can be used to get the state of the camera's input lines when a specific line was acquired. For example, if you want to know the state of the camera's input lines when line 30 was acquired, set the index to 30, then retrieve the value of Status Index parameter.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkInputStatusAtLineTriggerValue

Value indicating the status of the camera's input lines when a specific line was acquired. The information is stored in a 4-bit value (bit 0 = input line 1 state, bit 1 = input line 2 state etc.). For more information, see the Status Index parameter documentation.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkLineSelector

Selects the output for which to read the LineSource.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: ChunkBslLineRatio, ChunkLineSource, ChunkLineStatus

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkLineSource

Line source for selected line.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkLineSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkLineStatus

Returns the current status of the selected input or output Line.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkLineSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkLineStatusAll

Bit field that indicates the status of all of the camera's input and output lines when the image was acquired.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkLineTriggerCounter

Value of the Line Trigger counter when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkLineTriggerEndToEndCounter

Value of the Line Trigger End to End counter when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkLineTriggerIgnoredCounter

Value of the Line Trigger Ignored counter when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkModeActive

Enables the chunk mode.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkOffsetX

X offset of the AOI of the acquired image.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkOffsetY

Y offset of the AOI of the acquired image.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkPartIndex

Returns index of the image part in this block depending on selected component.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkPayloadCRC16

CRC checksum of the acquired image. The checksum is calculated using all of the image data and all of the appended chunks except for the checksum itself.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkPixelDynamicRangeMax

Maximum possible pixel value in the acquired image.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkPixelDynamicRangeMin

Minimum possible pixel value in the acquired image.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkPixelFormat

Indicates the pixel format of the acquired image.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dBaseline

Baseline of the stereo cameras in m.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dCoordinateOffset

Returns the offset when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkScan3dCoordinateSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dCoordinateScale

Returns the scale factor when transforming a pixel from relative coordinates to world coordinates.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkScan3dCoordinateSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dCoordinateSelector

Selects which Coordinate to retrieve data from.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: ChunkScan3dCoordinateOffset, ChunkScan3dCoordinateScale, ChunkScan3dInvalidDataFlag, ChunkScan3dInvalidDataValue

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dDistanceUnit

Returns the Distance Unit of the payload image.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dFocalLength

Focal length of the camera in pixels.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dInvalidDataFlag

Returns if a specific non-valid data flag is used in the payload image.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkScan3dCoordinateSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dInvalidDataValue

Returns the value which identifies a non-valid pixel.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkScan3dCoordinateSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dOutputMode

Returns the Calibrated Mode of the payload image.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dPrincipalPointU

Horizontal position of the principal point.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkScan3dPrincipalPointV

Vertical position of the principal point.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkSelector

Sets which chunk can be enabled. The chunk can be enabled using the Chunk Enable parameter.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: ChunkEnable

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkSequencerSetActive

Index of the active sequencer set.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkSequenceSetIndex

Sequence set index number related to the acquired image.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkShaftEncoderCounter

Value of the Shaft Encoder counter when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkStride

Number of bytes of data between the beginning of one line in the acquired image and the beginning of the next line in the acquired image.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkTimestamp

Value of the timestamp when the image was acquired.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkTriggerinputcounter

Value of the Trigger Input counter when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkVirtLineStatusAll

Status of all of the camera's virtual input and output lines when the image was acquired.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberChunkWidth

Width of the AOI of the acquired image.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ChunkComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberClConfiguration

Sets the configuration type. The configuration type determines the amount of data that can be transmitted.

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberClearLastError

Clears the last error. If a previous error exists, the previous error can still be retrieved.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and blaze

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberClInterLineDelayAbs

Delay (in microseconds) between the end of transmission of one line and the start of transmission of the next line. This value will be adjusted automatically to the nearest multiple of the currently selected pixel clock. The line valid signal (LVAL) remains low while the delay is in force. The default value of the parameter is the minimum inter-line delay.

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberClInterLineDelayRaw

Delay between the end of transmission of one line and the start of transmission of the next line (raw value). This value will be adjusted automatically to the nearest multiple of the currently selected pixel clock. The line valid signal (LVAL) remains low while the delay is in force. The default value of the parameter is the minimum inter-line delay.

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberClPixelClock

Sets the pixel clock used in the communication with the frame grabber. The pixel clock speed determines the rate at which pixel data will be transmitted from the camera to the frame grabber.

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberClPixelClockAbs

Pixel clock used in the communication with the frame grabber in Hz.

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberClSerialPortBaudRate

Sets the serial port baud rate.

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberClTapGeometry

Sets the tap geometry. The tap geometry uniquely describes the geometrical properties characterizing the different taps of a multi-tap camera.

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberClTimeSlots

Sets the number of time slots.

Applies to: CameraLink

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorAdjustmentEnable

Enables color adjustment.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorAdjustmentHue

Hue adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ColorAdjustmentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorAdjustmentHueRaw

Hue adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel (raw value).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ColorAdjustmentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorAdjustmentReset

Allows you to restore the color adjustment settings that were in force before the settings were last changed.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorAdjustmentSaturation

Saturation adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ColorAdjustmentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw

Saturation adjustment value to be applied to the currently selected color channel (raw value).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ColorAdjustmentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorAdjustmentSelector

Sets which color in your images will be adjusted.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: ColorAdjustmentHue, ColorAdjustmentHueRaw, ColorAdjustmentSaturation, ColorAdjustmentSaturationRaw

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorOverexposureCompensationAOIEnable

Enables color overexposure compensation.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorOverexposureCompensationAOIFactor

Sets the color overexposure compensation factor controlling the extent of compensation for the selected C.O.C. AOI.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

Selected by: ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorOverexposureCompensationAOIFactorRaw

Sets the raw value for the color overexposure compensation factor.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

Selected by: ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorOverexposureCompensationAOIHeight

Sets the height for the selected Color Overexposure Compensation AOI.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

Selected by: ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorOverexposureCompensationAOIOffsetX

Sets the horizontal offset for the selected Color Overexposure Compensation AOI.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

Selected by: ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorOverexposureCompensationAOIOffsetY

Sets the vertical offset for the selected Color Overexposure Compensation AOI.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

Selected by: ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector

Selcts the area of interest where color overexposure compensation will be performed.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

Selecting Parameters: ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIEnable, ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIFactor, ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIFactorRaw, ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIHeight, ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIOffsetX, ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIOffsetY, ColorOverexposureCompensationAOIWidth

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorOverexposureCompensationAOIWidth

Sets the width for the selected Color Overexposure Compensation AOI.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

Selected by: ColorOverexposureCompensationAOISelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorSpace

Sets the color space for image acquisitions. Note that the gamma correction value also influences the perception of brightness in the resulting images.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorTransformationEnable

Enables color transformation.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ColorTransformationSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorTransformationMatrixFactor

Extent to which the color matrix influences the color values. If set to 0, the matrix is effectively disabled.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberColorTransformationMatrixFactorRaw

Extent to which the color matrix influences the color values (raw value). If set to 0, the matrix is effectively disabled.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorTransformationSelector

Sets which type of color transformation will be performed.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: ColorTransformationEnable, ColorTransformationValue, ColorTransformationValueSelector, LightSourceSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorTransformationValue

Transformation value for the selected element in the color transformation matrix.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ColorTransformationSelector, ColorTransformationValueSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorTransformationValueRaw

Transformation value for the selected element in the color transformation matrix (raw value).

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

Selected by: ColorTransformationValueSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberColorTransformationValueSelector

Sets which element will be entered in the color transformation matrix. Depending on the camera model, some elements in the color transformation matrix may be preset and can't be changed.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ColorTransformationSelector

Selecting Parameters: ColorTransformationValue, ColorTransformationValueRaw

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberComponentEnable

Controls if the selected component streaming is active.

Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode, ComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberComponentIDValue

Returns a unique Identifier value that correspond to the selected Component type.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode, ComponentSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberComponentSelector

Selects a component to activate/deactivate its data streaming.

Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode

Selecting Parameters: ComponentEnable, ComponentIDValue, PixelFormat

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberConfidenceThreshold

Pixels have to exceed the confidence value specified here in order to be taken into account for the distance measurement. The threshold value is based on the gray values of the confidence map.

Applies to: blaze

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberCounterDuration

Number of times a sequencer set is used before the Counter End event is generated.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCounterEventActivation

Sets the type of signal transition that the counter will count.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCounterEventSource

Sets which event increases the currently selected counter.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: CounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCounterReset

Immediately resets the selected counter. The counter starts counting again immediately after the reset.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: CounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCounterResetActivation

Sets which type of signal transition will reset the counter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: CounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCounterResetSource

Sets which source signal will reset the currently selected counter.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: CounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCounterSelector

Sets which counter can be configured. All changes to the counter settings will be applied to the selected counter.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: CounterDuration, CounterEventActivation, CounterEventSource, CounterReset, CounterResetActivation, CounterResetSource, CounterStatus, CounterTriggerActivation, CounterTriggerSource, CounterValue

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCounterStatus

Returns the current status of the counter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCounterTriggerActivation

Sets the type of signal transition that will start the counter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCounterTriggerSource

Sets the signal used to start the selected counter. If you start a counter, it will not necessarily start counting. If and when the counter counts, depends on the Counter Event Source parameter value.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCounterValue

Current value of the counter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCriticalTemperature

Indicates whether the critical temperature has been reached.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberCriticalTemperatureEventStreamChannelIndex

Stream channel index of the Critical Temperature event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberCriticalTemperatureEventTimestamp

Timestamp of the Critical Temperature event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberCxpConnectionSelector

Sets the CoaXPress physical connection to control.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: CxpConnectionTestErrorCount, CxpConnectionTestMode, CxpErrorCounterSelector, CxpSendReceiveSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCxpConnectionTestErrorCount

Number of test packet connection errors received by the device on the connection selected by the Connection Selector parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CxpConnectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCxpConnectionTestMode

Sets the test mode for an individual physical connection of the device.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CxpConnectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCxpConnectionTestPacketCount

Number of test packets received by the device on the connection selected by the Cxp Connection Selector parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CxpSendReceiveSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCxpErrorCounterReset

Resets the selected CoaXPress error counter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CxpErrorCounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCxpErrorCounterSelector

Sets which CoaXPress error counter to read or reset.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CxpConnectionSelector

Selecting Parameters: CxpErrorCounterReset, CxpErrorCounterStatus, CxpErrorCounterValue

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCxpErrorCounterStatus

Indicates the current status of the selected CoaXPress error counter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CxpErrorCounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCxpErrorCounterValue

Current value of the selected CoaXPress error counter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CxpErrorCounterSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCxpLinkConfiguration

Sets the link configuration.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberCxpLinkConfigurationPreferred

Sets the link configuration that allows the device to operate in its default mode.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberCxpLinkConfigurationStatus

Indicates the link configuration used by the device.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberCxpSendReceiveSelector

Sets whether the send or the receive features can be configured.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: CxpConnectionSelector

Selecting Parameters: CxpConnectionTestPacketCount

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDecimationHorizontal

Horizontal decimation factor. This specifies the extent of horizontal sub-sampling of the acquired frame, i.e., it defines how many pixel columns are left out of transmission. This has the net effect of reducing the horizontal resolution (width) of the image by the specified decimation factor. A value of 1 means that the camera performs no horizontal decimation.

Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDecimationVertical

Vertical decimation factor. This specifies the extent of vertical sub-sampling of the acquired frame, i.e., it defines how many rows are left out of transmission. This has the net effect of reducing the vertical resolution (height) of the image by the specified decimation factor. A value of 1 means that the camera performs no vertical decimation.

Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace GigE, ace USB and boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslAcquisitionMultiPartMode

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDefectPixelCorrectionMode

Identifies pixels that have a significantly greater or lesser intensity value than its neighboring pixels (outlier pixels) and adjusts their intensity value.

Applies to: dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberDemosaicingMode

Sets the demosaicing mode.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDepthMax

The Minimum Depth and the Maximum Depth parameters together define the desired three-dimensional ROI. In the point cloud display, points outside the ROI will be ignored. When using the Mono16 or RGB8 pixel formats, points in front of the ROI receive the minimum distance value, while points beyond the ROI receive the maximum distance value.

Applies to: blaze

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDepthMin

The Minimum Depth and the Maximum Depth parameters together define the desired three-dimensional ROI. In the point cloud display, points outside the ROI will be ignored. When using the Mono16 or RGB8 pixel formats, points in front of the ROI receive the minimum distance value, while points beyond the ROI receive the maximum distance value.

Applies to: blaze

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceCharacterSet

Indicates the character set used by the strings of the device's bootstrap registers.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceColorPipelineVersion

Version of the color modifications applied to images.

Applies to: ace GigE and ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceEventChannelCount

Indicates the number of event channels supported by the device.

Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceFamilyName

Identifier of the product family of the device.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceFeaturePersistenceEnd

Disables feature streaming on the device. Feature streaming allows you to save camera settings outside of the device.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceFeaturePersistenceStart

Enables feature streaming on the device. Feature streaming allows you to save camera settings outside of the device.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceFirmwareVersion

Version of the camera's firmware.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceGenCPVersionMajor

Major version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.

Applies to: ace 2 USB and dart USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceGenCPVersionMinor

Minor version of the GenCP protocol supported by the device.

Applies to: ace 2 USB and dart USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceID

ID of the camera.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceIndicatorMode

Sets the behavior of the camera's status LED.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceLinkConnectionCount

Returns the number of physical connection of the device used by a particular Link.

Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: DeviceLinkSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceLinkCurrentThroughput

Actual bandwidth (in bytes per second) that the camera will use to transmit image data and chunk data with the current camera settings.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: DeviceLinkSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceLinkSelector

Device link to be configured.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace USB, blaze, dart USB and pulse USB

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: DeviceLinkConnectionCount, DeviceLinkCurrentThroughput, DeviceLinkSpeed, DeviceLinkThroughputLimit, DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceLinkSpeed

Speed of transmission negotiated on the selected link.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: DeviceLinkSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceLinkThroughputLimit

Bandwidth limit for data transmission (in bytes per second).

Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: DeviceLinkSelector, DeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceLinkThroughputLimitMode

Enables/disables the device link throughput limit. If disabled, the bandwidth used is determined by the settings of various other parameters, e.g., exposure time or frame rate.

Applies to: CamEmu, Stereo ace, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: DeviceLinkSelector

Selecting Parameters: DeviceLinkThroughputLimit

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceManifestPrimaryURL

First URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceManifestSchemaMajorVersion

Major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceManifestSchemaMinorVersion

Minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceManifestSchemaSubMinorVersion

Subminor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry.

Applies to: boost V CoaXPress

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceManifestXMLMajorVersion

Major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceManifestXMLMinorVersion

Minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceManifestXMLSubMinorVersion

Subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceManufacturerInfo

Additional information from the vendor about the camera.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceModelName

Name of the camera model.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceRegistersEndianness

Endianness of the registers of the device.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceRegistersStreamingEnd

Announces the end of feature streaming.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceRegistersStreamingStart

Prepares the camera for feature streaming.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Guru

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceReset

Immediately resets and restarts the camera.

Applies to: CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceScanType

Indicates the scan type of the camera's sensor (area or line scan).

Applies to: CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceSerialNumber

Serial number of the camera.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceSFNCVersionMajor

Major version number of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) specification that the camera is compatible with.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceSFNCVersionMinor

Minor version number of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) specification that the camera is compatible with.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceSFNCVersionSubMinor

Subminor version number of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) specification that the camera is compatible with.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceStreamChannelCount

Indicates the number of streaming channels supported by the device.

Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceTapGeometry

Sets the tap geometry. The tap geometry uniquely describes the geometrical properties characterizing the different taps of a multi-tap camera.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, racer 2 CXP and racer 2S CXP

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceTemperature

Temperature at the selected location in the camera (in degrees centigrade). The temperature is measured at the location specified by the Device Temperature Selector parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: DeviceTemperatureSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceTemperatureSelector

Sets the location in the camera where the temperature will be measured. The temperature can be retrieved using the Device Temperature parameter.

Applies to: CamEmu, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: DeviceTemperature

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceTLType

Indicates the type of the device's transport layer.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceTLVersionMajor

Major version number of the device's transport layer.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceTLVersionMinor

Minor version number of the device's transport layer.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceTLVersionSubMinor

Subminor version number of the device's transport layer.

Applies to: Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceType

Returns the device type.

Applies to: Stereo ace and blaze

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberDeviceUserID

User-settable ID of the camera.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceVendorName

Name of the camera vendor.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberDeviceVersion

Version of the camera.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, Stereo ace, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, blaze, boost CoaXPress, boost V CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, pulse USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberDigitalShift

Digital shift allows you to multiply the pixel values in an image. This increases the brightness of the image. If the parameter is set to zero, digital shift is disabled.

Applies to: CamEmu, CameraLink, ace 2 CXP, ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, boost CoaXPress, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberEnableBurstAcquisition

Enables Burst Acquisition. If enabled, the maximum frame rate only depends on the sensor timing and the timing of the trigger sequence. The image transfer rate out of the camera has no influence on the frame rate.

Applies to: CameraLink and ace GigE

Visibility: Guru

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Public propertyStatic memberEncoderDivider

Number of encoder increments or decrements needed to generate an encoder output trigger signal.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: EncoderSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEncoderMode

Sets the encoder mode.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: EncoderSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEncoderOutputMode

Sets the conditions for the encoder control to generate a valid output trigger signal.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: EncoderSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEncoderReset

Resets the encoder control and restarts it. The counter starts counting events immediately after the reset.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: EncoderSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEncoderSelector

Sets which encoder can be configured.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selecting Parameters: EncoderDivider, EncoderMode, EncoderOutputMode, EncoderReset, EncoderSourceA, EncoderSourceB, EncoderValue

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEncoderSourceA

Sets the source signal for the A input of the encoder control.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: EncoderSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEncoderSourceB

Sets the source signal for the B input of the encoder control.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: EncoderSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEncoderValue

Current value of the encoder control's position counter.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP, racer 2S 5GigE, racer 2S CXP and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: EncoderSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventActionLate

Unique identifier of the Action Late event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventActionLateTimestamp

Timestamp of the Action Late event. An Action Late event is raised when a scheduled action command with a timestamp in the past is received.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, dart GigE, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventCriticalTemperature

Unique identifier of the Critical Temperature event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberEventCriticalTemperatureTimestamp

Timestamp of the Critical Temperature event.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberEventExposureEnd

Unique identifier of the Exposure End event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventExposureEndFrameID

Frame ID of the Exposure End event.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventExposureEndTimestamp

Timestamp of the Exposure End event.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE and dart USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameBufferOverrun

Unique identifier of the Frame Buffer Overrun event.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameBufferOverrunTimestamp

Timestamp of the Frame Buffer Overrun event.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB and dart GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameBurstStart

Unique identifier of the Frame Burst Start event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameBurstStartFrameID

Frame ID of the Frame Burst Start event.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameBurstStartOvertrigger

Unique identifier of the Frame Burst Start Overtrigger event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameBurstStartOvertriggerFrameID

Frame ID of the Frame Burst Start Overtrigger event.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameBurstStartOvertriggerTimestamp

Timestamp of the Frame Burst Start Overtrigger event.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameBurstStartTimestamp

Timestamp of the Frame Burst Start event.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameBurstStartWait

Unique identifier of the Frame Burst Start Wait event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameBurstStartWaitTimestamp

Timestamp of the Frame Burst Start Wait event.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameStart

Unique identifier of the Frame Start event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameStartFrameID

Frame ID of the Frame Start event.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameStartOvertrigger

Unique identifier of the Frame Start Overtrigger event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameStartOvertriggerFrameID

Frame ID of the Frame Start Overtrigger event.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameStartOvertriggerTimestamp

Timestamp of the Frame Start Overtrigger event.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameStartTimestamp

Timestamp of the Frame Start event.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameStartWait

Unique identifier of the Frame Start Wait event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameStartWaitTimestamp

Timestamp of the Frame Start Wait event.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameTriggerMissed

Unique identifier of the Frame Trigger Missed event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventFrameTriggerMissedTimestamp

Timestamp of the Frame Trigger Missed event.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventLineTimeout

Unique identifier of the Line Timeout event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventLineTimeoutTimestamp

Timestamp of the Line Timeout event.

Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventLineTriggerMissed

Unique identifier of the Line Trigger Missed event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventLineTriggerMissedTimestamp

Timestamp of the Line Trigger Missed event.

Applies to: racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventNotification

Enables event notifications for the currently selected event. The event can selected using the Event Selector parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: EventSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventOverrun

Unique identifier of the Event Overrun event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

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Public propertyStatic memberEventOverrunEventFrameID

Frame ID of the Event Overrun event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberEventOverrunEventStreamChannelIndex

Stream channel index of the Event Overrun event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberEventOverrunEventTimestamp

Timestamp of the Event Overrun event.

Applies to: ace GigE

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberEventOverrunTimestamp

Timestamp of the Event Overrun event.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Public propertyStatic memberEventOverTemperature

Unique identifier of the Over Temperature event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberEventOverTemperatureTimestamp

Timestamp of the Over Temperature event.

Applies to: ace USB

Visibility: Beginner

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Public propertyStatic memberEventSelector

Sets the event notification to be enabled. The notification can be enabled using the Event Notification parameter.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, ace GigE, ace USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Beginner

Selecting Parameters: EventNotification

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Public propertyStatic memberEventTemperatureStatusChanged

Unique identifier of the Temperature Status Changed event. Use this parameter to get notified when the event occurs.

Applies to: ace 2 GigE, ace 2 USB, dart GigE, dart USB, racer 2S 5GigE and racer 2S GigE

Visibility: Expert