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PLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum Class#

Indicates the result of the shading correction set creation.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP

Visibility: Beginner

Selected by: BslShadingCorrectionSelector

The feature documentation may provide more information.

Inheritance Hierarchy#



Public methodPLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum class


Public propertyError

An error occurred while creating the shading correction set. No further information is available.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP

Public propertyErrorAbort

Image acquisition was aborted while creating the shading correction set. Eliminate the cause for this and try again.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP

Public propertyErrorRange

The shading correction values are outside the allowed range. Try changing the conditions under which the camera is operating.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP

Public propertyName The full name of BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResult (Overrides ParameterListEnum.Name.)
Public propertyNoError

The shading correction set was created successfully.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP



Public methodToString The full name of BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResult (Overrides Object.ToString()()()().)

PLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum.ToString Method#

The full name of BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResult

Return Value#

Type: String
Returns the full name of BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResult

PLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum Constructor#

Initializes a new instance of the PLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum class

PLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum.Error Property#

An error occurred while creating the shading correction set. No further information is available.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum.ErrorAbort Property#

Image acquisition was aborted while creating the shading correction set. Eliminate the cause for this and try again.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum.ErrorRange Property#

The shading correction values are outside the allowed range. Try changing the conditions under which the camera is operating.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP

PLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum.Name Property#

The full name of BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResult

PLCamera.BslShadingCorrectionSetCreateResultEnum.NoError Property#

The shading correction set was created successfully.

Applies to: racer 2 CXP