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PLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum Class#

Line source for selected line.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Visibility: Expert

Selected by: ChunkLineSelector

Inheritance Hierarchy#



Public methodPLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum Initializes a new instance of the PLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum class


Public propertyExposureActive

Output is high during the exposure of a Frame.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyExposureAlternateActive

Output is high during the exposure of every second Frame.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyHigh

The output is always High.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyLow

The output is always Low.

Applies to: Stereo ace

Public propertyName The full name of ChunkLineSource (Overrides ParameterListEnum.Name.)


Public methodToString The full name of ChunkLineSource (Overrides Object.ToString()()()().)

PLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum.ToString Method#

The full name of ChunkLineSource

Return Value#

Type: String
Returns the full name of ChunkLineSource

PLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum Constructor#

Initializes a new instance of the PLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum class

PLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum.ExposureActive Property#

Output is high during the exposure of a Frame.

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum.ExposureAlternateActive Property#

Output is high during the exposure of every second Frame.

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum.High Property#

The output is always High.

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum.Low Property#

The output is always Low.

Applies to: Stereo ace

PLChunkData.ChunkLineSourceEnum.Name Property#

The full name of ChunkLineSource