Camera API Generator#
You can select one or multiple connected cameras and generate a static API (C++, C#, or VB.NET) containing only the parameters supported by those cameras.
This allows you to focus on exactly what you need when developing your application.
Generating a Static API#
To generate a static API for your camera:
Open the Camera API Generator by right-clicking a camera in the Devices pane or clicking Tools > Camera API Generator.
In the left pane, select all cameras with which you want to use the static API.
You can select any connected camera or camera emulation device. If you have selected a camera in the Devices pane, this camera is preselected.
By default, duplicate cameras are hidden. This is because you only need one static API for all cameras of a specific type. To display all cameras, select Show all cameras. -
In the right pane, adjust the settings for the static API:
Language: Choose the desired language of the API, either C++, C#, or VB.NET.
If you need multiple languages, you must generate a separate static API for each language. -
Namespace: Enter the desired namespace for the API or click Auto Fill to use the default namespace for the currently selected language.
Use semicolons to create a nested namespace. For example, to define aNamespace::Subnamespace
namespace (C++ notation), enterNamespace;Subnamespace
. -
Name: Enter the desired name for the API or click Auto Fill to use the default name.
The name will be used as a prefix for generated files, modules, and classes. -
Generate sample files: Select this option if you want to generate sample files, including a project solution .sln file, alongside the static API files.
Include source code in header files, omit .cpp files: Only available if the language is set to C++.
If selected, the C++ source code typically contained in .cpp files is included in the header files (.h files), and only header files are generated. -
Destination Folder: Choose the folder in which you want to save the static API. If the folder doesn't exist, it will be created.
Click Generate.
The generated files are placed in the destination folder specified.